Super Study God

Chapter 1888: Weird girl!

"Oh, Tiannv Cave?" Jie Moxin chuckled, "It seems that this cave is a seclusion!

Su Hang nodded slightly, was about to go to push the door, but heard the rumbling sound, then, the stone door opened to both sides, the door opened, ten young and beautiful women in goose yellow dresses came out from the hole, holding a long hand The sword surrounded Su Hang in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, a woman in white walked out of the door, holding a long sword and looking up at Su Hang coldly, "Who are you, dare to break into the Holy Realm of the Western Queen?"

"Yo, little pepper!" There was a laugh of the world's magic heart in his mind, "Be careful, these women are a little weird!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, and he could naturally see that the women around him were all formed by the grass and trees in the mountains, but the white woman in this subject was the solidification of heaven and earth.

It is not a demon, nor a fairy. It can only be said to be an elf, but the realm of these elves is not low. The women in white have the realm of the venerable, and the women around them are all in the realm of union.

It’s not strange to have such a state. The strange thing is that these women’s morphing time is not long, at most between a few months and a few years. In such a short time, there is such a state. of.

Seeing the woman inquiring, Su Hang said directly, "Notify your lord, the deity Pangu, come and see you quickly!"

In front of some juniors, there is no need to put down the body at all. If a junior like this is cold and arrogant, if you talk to her kindly, she is just afraid to think of you as a wild repairer.


Sure enough, as soon as the woman heard Su Hang's tone, she knew she had a long history, claimed to be a deity, and could break through the bounds of Tiannv Cave. Obviously, she was not a waiter, and quickly put away her long sword, "And please wait! "

After talking, he turned and entered the hole, but the women next to him did not dare to be indifferent.

"The Holy Realm of Queen Mother of the West? Is it really Yaoyue?" Su Hang explored the Divine Consciousness, but there was no gain. He was puzzled in his heart, and he could have the same strength, but this honorable title, should Yaoyue be?

After a while, the woman came out again, first arched her hand at Su Hang, and then said, "You are please, come with me!"

Su Hang heard that, frowning slightly, is it really Yaoyue? If it was Yaoyue, would it be such an attitude towards yourself? It’s time to go out and meet each other.

However, after such a long time, I have experienced a battle against the Dao again. If there are disciples alive, what attitude will they have on themselves, who can make it clear!

At the moment, Su Hang suppressed the doubt in his heart, and then followed the woman into the hole.

The cave really has another cave. It is another world. A sky and earth in a wide range of tens and tens of miles. An aerial promenade passes through the sea of ​​clouds and leads to a palace suspended in the sky. Compared to the heaven of Haotian, it is not too much to be afraid. .

Walking on the promenade is like walking in the clouds, and you can see the green forest below, and the fairy birds flying around. This is a fairyland. The owner here must also be a person who likes romance.

Many beautiful women are separated on both sides, and there is really a sense of sight to come to the heavenly court. Su Hang followed the woman directly into the hall.

The nine giant pillars of Panlong are erected in the hall, supporting the towering dome. It is really magnificent and gives a very solemn feeling.

Su Hang only looked up and saw a woman sitting on the high throne ahead.

"Ma'am, the man has been brought!" The woman in white who led Su Hang in immediately bowed down on her knees.

The woman raised her hand and said lightly, "Retreat!"

The voice was clear, but with great majesty, the woman in white was ordered to quickly retreat, leaving Su Hang alone in the temple.

Su Hang looked at the woman in front of her, but her brows frowned slightly. The woman looked at most sixteen or seven years old. She was very young, wearing a golden crown and wearing a Chinese costume.

But is this face? It's not that she doesn't look good, but that this face is not the Yao Moon imagined by Su Hang.

It's not pretty, but the temperament is very outstanding. Su Hang looks a bit familiar, it should be the face of the public, but he can be sure that he has never seen this woman.

"Pangu's?" The woman changed her sitting posture and looked down at Suhang. "Did you not salute after seeing the deity?"

Not to mention, the momentum is quite sufficient, but for Su Hang, it is totally ineffective. Su Hang took two steps forward and looked up carefully at the woman in front of him, "They are the Queen Mother of the West, they?"

The woman heard the words, and her lips curved a little. “Yes, it’s the deity, you should have heard the deity’s title? It seems that the deity still has some prestige!”

Between Meiyu, there is a little more complacency, Su Hang is a little speechless, very disappointed in his heart, thought it would be Yaoyue, but the fact is not!

At this time, how much he hoped that the woman in front of him was Yaoyue's transfiguration, and he deliberately made a joke with himself, but...

"Excuse me!" Su Hang shook his head and turned to go.

"Stop!" The woman didn't expect Su Hang to leave, she screamed directly, her face calmly, and said, "When I am the female sanctuary, where do you want to come, do you want to leave?"

Su Hang stopped and looked back at the woman. Suddenly it seemed like she remembered something. "I almost forgot to ask you, why did you bear the name of Queen West?"

The woman heard the words and her face was black. "It's really arrogant. I didn't say anything when I crossed the mountain gate. I actually dared to be rude to the deity and spoke rebellious words. The deity's name still needs to be faked. Is it really a decoration?"

After he finished speaking, he lifted his right hand gently. Suddenly, the door of the main hall behind Su Hang suddenly That posture seemed to catch a turtle in an urn.

Su Hang paused, "I'm sorry to break into the mountain gate, I'm really sorry, just asked, because I have an apprentice, the honorary name is also the Queen Mother of the West, I thought you were her, I didn't expect the same name and different person, offended, please ask Haihan."

"Oh!" The woman chuckled lightly. "Someone still takes the deity's name? But, you are a fool, can the deity be your apprentice?"

The woman was offensive, and Su Hang didn’t mind. She didn’t care about the woman. “I don’t think you’re in a low state of mind. I want to be a well-known person, but I don’t know how to call Fang Ming?”

This woman may be very old and live long enough, but in front of Su Hang, she is still a junior, and she hasn't been there for a long time. Calling her a girl, she has already raised her seniority very much.

"Want to know my name?" The woman heard the words, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she leaned forward slightly. "Isn't it fascinated by the face of the deity? Want to fall under the deity's pomegranate skirt! "

"Excuse me!" Su Hang was in a chill. This woman was a little bit more beautiful. Wouldn't it be lonely for a long time? As soon as the door was closed, it was revealed!

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