Super Study God

Chapter 1889: Be a man!

"What's your attitude?" The woman's complexion suddenly changed and she snorted. Her right hand slapped heavily on the chair of the seat, almost smashing the chair back into scum.

Su Hangdao, "There is still something going on. Let's take a step first, without any offense."

The woman got up, walked down from the throne, came to Su Hang's side, blinked her eyes, looked up at Su Hang, "Do you think I'm not beautiful?"

Su Hang heard this and couldn't laugh or cry. There was a sense of sight that Tang Seng had entered Pansi Cave. "Excuse me, the girl is indeed not beautiful!"

This is a real truth. Although this woman has temperament, it is really not beautiful.

"Nonsense!" The woman directly interrupted Su Hang, her face full of anger. "Do you know what beauty is? Everyone says that I am beautiful, just say you are not beautiful, I think you are deliberate!"

Su Hang was so sweaty, he didn't know how long he had lived in such a realm. At first, she saw her noble and majestic temperament, but she was so naive when she opened her mouth. Why did she get involved in this topic?

This dignity is indeed not beautiful. It seems that the girl was deceived too much, or she deceived herself, even she believed her beauty.

"Maybe we have a different definition of beauty!" Su Hang shook his head, and should have called out a beautiful woman, but when he saw this woman, he couldn't scream, "If the girl has nothing, let's leave now."

The woman listened to Su Hang's words and instantly pulled her face down, "Surnamed Su, do you really treat yourself as a person?"


Su Hang heard that, frowning, and a touch of light, "Do you know me? Who are you?"

Since entering this day's female cave, Su Hang never mentioned his name, only said that he was Pangu, and this woman was able to tell her surname Su, which really surprised Su Hang.

If you can know your surname Su, you should know yourself, but you have never seen her. Su Hang couldn't help but be curious about the woman in front of her.

The woman also noticed that she said she was bald and pursed her face, and there was a trace of unnaturalness on her face, but she soon returned to normal, her face full of pride, "Yes, I know you, and, more familiar than you think... …"

As she said, the woman circled around Su Hang and looked at Su Hang up and down. "You're not okay if you say I'm ugly!"

Su Hang's face twitched slightly, "Who the **** are you?"

The woman chuckled, walked slowly to the throne, turned and sat down, "Want to know who I am, simple, help me do one thing."

Su Hang frowned, pulled out the Xueshen system again, and scanned the woman in front of him, but the information displayed to him by the system was all unknown.

This woman should not be able to reach Dadao Realm. If there is Dadao Realm, the system will not respond. It is now responding, but the information shows that it is unknown. In this case, Su Air rarely encounters it.

After hearing the woman's words, Su Hang couldn't help but smile, "Girl, you are too naive, to be honest, I don't care who you are..."

Doing business is about equality, what do you deserve for me to do for you?

"Why don't you listen to it first?" The woman interrupted Su Hang.

Su Hang felt that talking to this woman seemed to be talking to a little girl. The majesty of her body seemed to pretend.

Hearing the woman’s words, Su Hang couldn’t help but be amused, “Well, let’s talk about it.”

When the woman heard this, she looked at the sky forty-five degrees, her face revealing some hopes and desires that only her little daughter had. "I want a husband."


When Su Hang heard this, he almost didn't get choked by his own saliva, and the whole person was dumbfounded, almost thinking that he had heard it wrong, "What did you say?"

"Are you deaf?" The woman turned to look at Su Hang and rolled her eyes. "I said, I want a man."


Su Hang almost vomited blood and thought she had any requirements, but she didn't want to want a man. Is it too steep?

"It seems that the girl has been in this mountain for a long time, lonely." Su Hang shook his head and said, "But as a girl, it is not easy to find a man?"

"What do you know? In my capacity, can ordinary men get into my eyes?"

The woman heard the words, stood up again, and then looked at the roof at 45 degrees, looking drunk and looking forward, "The man I want must be tall, handsome, good character, gentle, warm heart, Upright..."

Su Hang looked at her, suddenly sweating, and a black line appeared on his forehead. Hearing what he said, how could he be talking about himself?

Su Hang has a not-so-good hunch. Wouldn't this woman be tempted by herself?

The woman seemed to feel the suspicious look of Su Hang, and she quickly recovered from that kind of flower-like expression, facing Su Hangdao, "Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about you, saying something bad, these advantages, with You don’t touch any of them."


Su Hang's face twitched slightly, and he said nothing.

These words were really shocking and shocking. However, Su Hang couldn't be angry, but he was relieved, and was moved by the gratitude for not killing.

"But the girl has a sweetheart and wants Su Mou to help you match?" Su Hang asked immediately, "Although Su Mou is not good at mediating things like this, if he can achieve a marriage, he would be happy to do it. "

"It's really empathetic." The woman looked at Su Hang with a bright smile on her face, "But it's a pity that my favorite person hasn't appeared yet, and I don't know who he is and where, so I want you Help me find it."


The smile on Su Hang's face suddenly froze. You didn't even have anyone in your mind. Let me help you protect the media and keep a hammer.

"The girl is afraid that she is laughing, I am afraid I can't help." Su Hang shook his head. We can be a matchmaker temporarily, but never pull tiao.

"My man must be a dragon and a phoenix among people, love me, spoil me, and treat me only..."

"We will fall in love with each There are so many children together..."


The woman talked about herself there, completely ignoring Su Hang.

Is this woman sick?

Su Hang was terribly cold, covered in goose bumps, and immediately wanted to leave.

At this time, the demon heart that had been silent said, "Su Hang, kill her."

Su Hang was stunned and smiled bitterly, "You can't stand that?"

"I let you kill her." Jie Moxin said again, his voice was very severe, not like a joke.

Su Hang heard that, frowning, but wondering why the realm of the world was so excited, "Kill her? Why?"

"You idiot, haven't you seen this woman's familiar eyes?" Jiemo said in heart.

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