Super Study God

Chapter 1891: Complacent too early!

Speaking of which, the girl rose up from the air, and the fairy wand flew up and down, and there was a posture to represent the moon and honey Suhang. The fairy wand turned into countless girl red hearts and poured into the Suhang.

This Nima is beginning to zoom in. Su Hang saw that his posture had changed his face. He didn't want to get caught in this girl's mental skills. If he didn't do anything male or female, that would be bad.

At the moment, the true energy of the body is directly released, forming a light mask around the body to isolate the countless red hearts.

The girl's face hung a little arc, "Don't waste your time, my girl's mind technique can magnify the opponent's girl's heart indefinitely, and eventually turn the opponent into a captive, and it is not ordinary defense. "

After that, the fairy stick in the girl's hand was another finger. Suddenly, the sky of heart rain slowly penetrated into the true air cover of Su Hang's body.

Not to mention, this woman really has some skills, it is indeed a difficult opponent.

However, it is just too difficult. It is still the same sentence. The twelve original sins combined force may pose a certain threat to the Soviet Airways. But now, how can it threaten him alone?

"Pride is too early."

Su Hang snorted coldly and took a straight forward shot.

In an instant, the body's air cover shattered, and the sky of heart rain also shattered. Su Hang broke a path with his palm, and his body broke out like a steel knife. The speed was faster than imagination. .

The girl hadn't responded yet. Su Hang had arrived in front of her, with consternation and panic on her face. The subconscious was like turning around and running away. However, Su Hang's palm was already on her chest.


The girl was hit hard and flew upside down like a broken kite. With a puff, she fell heavily on the ground.


After spitting out a blood, the fairy stick fell to her side, and the girl unconsciously wanted to turn over to pick it up. However, where Su Hang would give him a chance, he had already stepped in front of her and kicked the fairy stick.

Turning over, lying on the ground, with one hand holding half of the body, looking up at Su Hang, "How, how is it possible? How could you break my girl's mind?"

With a terrified and unbelievable face on her face, she was originally the original sin of Su Hang. It can be said that she knows Su Hang very well. What she has is, she is very clear. Created specifically to restrain the Soviet Airways.

Unlimited enlargement of the other party's girl's heart, so that the other party is not hostile to themselves, knock down the opponent from a psychological level, let the other party sink into the world of the girl's heart, and eventually become her captive.

However, she has great self-confidence. Even if she can't beat Su Hang, she will retreat all by herself. There is absolutely no problem, but the result of the fact is completely different from what she thought.

What went wrong?

"Oh, young girl's heart surgery? But you?"

Su Hang chuckled, "I have to say, your ability is indeed terrible, but as your deity, I am not as simple as you think. How long you can live depends on how long I want you to live."


The girl spit out blood and looked up at Su Hang, "You are too arrogant."

"No." Su Hang shook his head. "The arrogance has been killed by me. I am not calling arrogance, but absolute strength."

"Oh." The girl laughed, as if mocking.

Su Hangdao, "From the arrogance and arrogance at the beginning, to the frivolous, the death, to the greed and lust, now it's you again, ha ha, you one by one, I don't know how to vomit."

The girl's face changed and she said, "If you don't kill me, I can tell you where the Madonna is."

"Our Lady?" Su Hang frowned slightly.

The girl smiled miserably, "I had been with him before, but I had just pretended to be him. I felt fun and teased you. If you keep my life, I will tell you where she is now."

Su Hang heard that, his face twitched slightly, and he laughed a bit ironically, "You guys, really traitors, want to live by betraying your teammates, let me say how are you doing?"

It was really funny enough. I had to kill to death before, and I betrayed lust, and **** again betrayed money. Now that I meet a girl's heart, I want to betray the Virgin's heart.

However, if you think about it carefully, they also seem to have only this one worth exchanging with themselves.

"However, I think it is still necessary to kill you. After all, leaving your words will only be a shame for me." Su Hangdao.

The girl's face changed, "You can stay with even the erotic, why can't you keep me? I have never done a bad thing since I was born. Is it because I am your original sin, should I die?" "

"Why do you all say the same thing?" Su Hang shook his head somewhat helplessly.

"Because the heart of the Virgin is not dead, you will always have humiliation." The girl said, between words, she was instigating Su Hang and pulling the hatred to the original sin of the Virgin.

The virgin heart is not dead? Su Hang frowned slightly, maybe this is the reason.

"You said you didn't do bad things?" Su Hang paused and said, "There is an old man named Luo under the mountain. That day you led him up the mountain and gave him a pot of longevity wine. He almost killed him. Do you know? "

"Huh?" The girl heard it, froze for a moment, and suddenly said, "You said that old man, I killed him? How is it possible? What kind of longevity wine, but a pot of urine, can drink the dead?"

"What?" Su Hang's face twitched slightly, really a pot of urine?

The girl said, "People aren't bored, they deliberately teased him, but they never thought it would kill him."

Su Hang waved her hand and stopped her It's really a girl's heart, but what kind of girl does this play?

Really sympathize with the old man Luo, right, it should be sympathetic to that principal Liu peanut.

"Hutty, you said, where is the Virgin?" Su Hang asked.

I have asked Mr. Kong and lasciviousness before, but it is a pity that they only know the existence of the Virgin, but they do not know the whereabouts of the Virgin.

"You let me go?" The girl's eyes lit up.

There was a glimmer of cold light in Su Hang's eyes, "It depends on how much you know."

The girl said, "I can tell you where he is, but I have to remind you that you can't kill him, he is much harder than me."

"You can't kill him if you don't see the previous one. I can't kill any of your colors," Su Hang said directly.

The girl smiled, "If you really talk about strength, he may not be much stronger than me, but his natural ability, for people like you, no doubt..."

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