Super Study God

Chapter 1892: 1 Cut it all!

"Speak, where is he?" Su Hang asked directly.

"Dixian Continent..." The girl answered with little hesitation.

Earth Fairyland? Is the more dangerous place safer? Su Hang frowned slightly, and turned to the girl, "I hope you tell the truth, otherwise, you will die very ugly!"

The girl was happy, "Naturally is the truth!"

Listening to Su Hang's breath, she knew that she was temporarily safe!

"Another question!" Su Hang said again. "Why do you call the Queen Mother of the West? But know the news of Yue'er?"

The girl heard the words, but smiled, "I am a hee, he is a hee of laughter and curse, not a hee of things from north to south, as for your apprentice Yaoyue, I am afraid I will die long ago!"

What a goddess, he is so speechless!

Su Hang took a deep breath and looked at the woman, why did her inexplicable murderous intentions surge in her heart.

"The death penalty is temporarily exempted, and the living crime is inescapable!" Su Hang snorted coldly, and Rinkong drew a rule of prohibition, calling directly at the girl.

The girl had no way to hide. She was banned from entering the body, and she felt the power of her body was sealed.

With a big sleeve, Su Hang put it in the fighting space and was accompanied by several original sins.

The surrounding space was instantly transformed into the former main hall.

"Hey, it's funny!"

Seeing that Su Hang had conquered the girl, Jie Moxin smiled a little, making a bit of mockery.

"I'm already depressed, please shut up for me!" Su Hang looked at his right hand speechlessly.

"Be polite to me, if you didn't help me just now, can you manage her?" Jie Mo said uncomfortably.

Su Hang heard the word and didn't say much. It was indeed the real spirit of the world that just shot the girl's heart seriously, but this does not mean that Su Hang could not take the girl. Although the girl's ability is difficult, Su Hang is not without her restraint, but is preempted by the realm of the world.

The realm of the world said, "It is rare to have multiple original sins in one body. Like you, the original sin is born in the realm of heaven. If there are multiple original sins at once, I know that there are two!"

"I know, another one, a real person in the sky!" Su Hangdao, he had long heard of this.

This is a situation that only occurs when the force proves the way. Throughout the ages, only the real people and him can have too many original sins, and they were born in the heaven and earth. It can be said that sometimes I think that I am really It's an honor.

He can embark on this path to prove it, it is completely confused, he does not know how to get to this step, how far can he go in the future, he can not guarantee that he can reach the level of real people?

Su Hang had that confidence, but he dared not think about it. After all, there was too much pressure on it, and maybe one day he would be killed by an expert. joke.

"I know there is another one, but..." Speaking of which, the realm of the realm stopped.

"There is another one?" Su Hang was a little surprised. Besides himself and the sky, did anyone prove his way?

"It's okay to say nothing!" The real spirit of the realm didn't mean to continue, and turned around, saying, "Let's talk about you, how many original sins do you have?"

Su Hang didn't pay much attention to it, and after listening to the words of the realm of the world, he said, "Twelve, but, killing, catching, there are few left!"

"Twelve? So many?" The real world was stunned.

Su Hang frowned slightly, "Are there twelve more?"

Jie Moxin smiled bitterly, "Tell you this, you take the road of proving the Tao, the birth of the original sin in the heavenly realm is just the beginning, the number of original sins has nothing to do with your strength, you have many original sins, it only shows you There are too many inferiorities in the body, but one thing is, the more the number of original sins, the real original sins will be stronger in the future when the real world is born!"

"Do you know much?" Su Hangdao said.

Jie Moxin smiled, "I don’t look at what I am, I am kindly reminding you, don’t take it lightly, don’t solve them, and when you reach the avenue, when the real original sin is born, they The strength will rise with the water, hehe, when the time comes, I'm afraid you can't handle it!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, "Thank you for your kindness, rest assured, although I feel sorry, but still can't run them!"

Although these original sins are a bit strange, they have never made any big mistakes. There are not really many **** things. Almost every one of them will ask when they meet themselves. I did not invite you to provoke you. Why did you kill I?

Su Hang is not a bloodthirsty person, but Su Hang has to say sorry for these original sins. After all, their existence is a great threat to themselves, and their retention will also hinder their growth.

I don’t want to kill them for the time being, because they are useful, and Su Hang must rely on their mutual betrayal to get rid of these twelve original sins. In this way, as the realm of the world says, when he breaks through the road To be able to concentrate on dealing with the true original sin.

"You are also the original sin, I feel a little complicated now!" Su Hang sighed.

The realm said, "What's complicated? Still thinking about whether to help me?"

"Let's go, don't say that!" Su Hang shook his head without saying more. This question is a little sensitive. The realm of the realm of the realm is the original sin. He said Liao Zhai!

Don't help him? This guy has been entangled with himself, and there is nothing malicious, and it seems impossible to explain without help.

You can only go one step at a time, and Suhang's style of doing things is everything!



Out of the Jiulong Mountain blessed land, the female trainees in the Tiannv Cave, Su Hang did not disturb them, and the mountain elves turned to be is not a evil generation, Su Hang does not need to act deliberately.

As for the fairy stick, he gave it away. This is the original sin. The magic weapon of Kaitian Axe's evolution, like Mr. Kong's Ecstasy Stick, is basically the same level of existence as Su Hang's Kaitian Axe.

Of course, they exist because of the original sin. Once the original sin dies, they will also disappear. That is to say, when Su Hang leaves the girl's heart for a day, this fairy stick will exist for a day.

This thing is a bit disgusting for Suhang, but it is always a rare treasure. You can’t use it and leave it to the little apprentice as a toy.

The key point is that because of borrowing Yin and Yang, his heavenly axe has reached Kunlun, and now he does not have the magic weapon in his hand.



"Liu Peanut, you, what do you mean?"

At this time, at the foot of the mountain, a group of people rode a high-headed horse and surrounded the grandfather and grandson of Luo Family. Luo Sanji blocked the granddaughter behind him and looked at the group of people in fear and alertness.

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