Super Study God

Chapter 1899: Vast faith!

Su Hang naturally understands, but, "What's the trick? Isn't it? You don't have to say anything at that time, just kill it!"

"Easy to say, difficult to do!" Jie Moxin smiled bitterly, and said, "This kind of man who can control faith is the most terrifying. I hate dealing with this kind of person the most!"

Su Hang was silent, and what kind of Supreme Master was one of his original sins. The girl's heart had already explained to him that it was the Divine Mother's heart.

Being able to control beliefs, Su Hang is not surprised. What surprised Su Hang is that this guy's ability to control beliefs is not low, which will cause him a lot of resistance and trouble.

"In other words, if the two children just now, if I am not wrong, then the girl should be the reincarnation of Nu Wa?" Jie Moxin asked.

Su Hang listened, and just smiled, "She has all been reincarnated, can you see it all? Are you too amazing?"

Jiemo Xindao said, "I just felt a little breath, and her eyes are so special, and how can the domain beast carp leopard be guarded? How come the origin is ordinary? Listening to you, it must be !"

Su Hang did not deny, "Why? I envy you, right? Now that you have a body, you can't compare some people..."

Some people naturally talked about the realm of the realm of the world, but the realm of the realm of the world listened to it, but they were not annoyed, just said, "Since it is, that's fine, you just said it yourself. , The apprentice's cause and effect, should you, the master, naturally come next? I will talk about helping me restore my body in the future, and you have nothing to say!"

Khan, after talking about it for a long time, when it came to this issue again, Su Hang really had nothing to say.

"Cause and effect, cause and effect? ​​Ha ha, I didn't say anything!" Su Hang smiled bitterly.

Jie Moxin said, "It's nothing to say, but you have to get some snacks anyway. Help me recover as soon as possible, or get rid of my entanglement as soon as possible!"

Su Hang was so touched that the real spirit of the world still knew that he was harassing and harassing?

"Can't hurry, can't hurry, how difficult it is, you know it yourself, the materials can't be matched, even if I want to help you, I can't help!" Su Hang said perfunctoryly.

"Hey, Su Hang, this is Cangzhou. In front is Shifang City. The headquarters of Zhishen Daozong is located. Look there, there is Cangyunling. It is said that Supreme Master Zhishan was repairing in Cangyunling!" When Su Hang was communicating with Jiemo Xinmin, Ao Suer shouted and attracted Su Hang's attention.

Su Hang followed the direction of Ao Suer's fingers and looked down under the clouds. Underneath was a large city. It could be seen that the city was very prosperous, and the crowds of people outside the city could be seen across the distance, and the air was thick Of incense.

With open eyes, a strand of white thread floated out of the city, condensed into a strand, and a white airflow that converged in all directions, converged into a sea of ​​oceans, and went directly to a mountain that was faintly visible beyond the city. And go.

"The power of faith is almost comparable to that of Lingshan Mountain in the Buddhist kingdom." Su Hang said with emotion.

The white silk threads are beliefs. As long as there is a wise life, there will be beliefs, and this kind of belief is the power of faith. In many energy systems, the power of faith is actually not conspicuous, but If the power of massive faith gathers, it would be terrifying.

In the history of the universe, there are also many people who believe in sanctification. There are many people, perhaps just ordinary people, but if you can get a huge faith, it is not impossible to stand on the ground. This kind of example is the most among the Buddhist doors.

There are many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Buddhism, and they haven't practiced any exercises or magical powers in their entire lives.

Faith and merit are a system, and people with great faith generally have great merit.

In scenes like the one before him, beliefs converge into the sea, and they also converge in one place. In such scenes, he has only seen him in the Lingshan Mountain of the Buddha.

Hong Jun has long said that the practitioners in the world are divided into three paths. In addition to Suhang’s strength to prove Taoism, there are the more common Taoist Enlightenment and Gong Karma.

Among the three practice paths, the practice path is ranked last, and cultivation belief, strictly speaking, belongs to this practice path. However, there are few pure practice paths. The merits are supplemented by Taoism, and the Buddha is different from the Tao. The Buddha cannot help understanding, but also needs to cultivate merit and belief.

In comparison, Daomen is much purer, and it does not value merit, karma, or faith very much.

There are many schools of faith in the world, but among them, the Buddha is the most superior, and the believers are also the most. Now, the supreme good Taoist sect appeared out of thin air, but it gave the Buddha a rival.

Originally a big family, now a family suddenly emerges to fight for faith. Isn't this a tiger's mouth? It's no wonder that Buddhism can jump.

"It is indeed capable of condensing the power of faith to this level within a The realm of the world speaks, "However, this is comparable to the infinite karma created by the era of the road Up, but it is really a little witch. "

Su Hang shook his head, how could this be compared?

"I saw the man in a while. If I really can't stop, I have to ask you for help." Su Hang said to the realm of the world.

Su Hang could feel that what he was about to encounter was a very difficult opponent, and it was difficult to guarantee that he would not be able to quit. At that time, he was only afraid to ask Jie Moxin to take action.

Jie Moxin listened and didn't say much, and said directly, "If I can drop him, I will try my best."

Su Hang nodded slightly, although this realm of demon was a bit annoying about himself, but at a critical time, he could still help himself.

At this time, Ao Suer turned back to look at Su Hang, "Su Hang, are we going into Shifang City, or are we going directly to the mountain?"

"What do you say?" Su Hang looked at her funny.

Ao Suer's neck was crooked. "Of course it was going up the mountain directly. This time I have to see the Supreme Master."

Seeing her smugness, Su Hang really didn't want to hit her, even when she went to Cangyunling.


It is only ten miles away from Shifang City. There is a road to the east of the city that leads directly down the mountain. The mountain is very high, towering above the clouds, and the clouds cover the mist. It looks very mysterious.

"You see how popular Supreme Master is? These are the ones that came to see Supreme Master." Ao Suer pointed down.

I saw the long human dragon underneath, which had been lined up from the mountain down, stretched several times, and almost all went to the ten square cities.

Many believers are three steps and nine knocks, and they bow down from time to time, kowtowing, and coming to Cangyunling, trying to earnestly exchange for the Supreme Master.

This is faith.

Su Hang shook his head and reached the limit of faith, that is, he was enchanted.

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