Super Study God

Chapter 1900: 3 Holy gathering!

On the mountain, there are several palaces built on the mountain, and there is a huge square below. Above that square, many believers are prostrate and worship, and the scene looks very sacred.

The arrival of Su Hang and Ao Su'er apparently disturbed the people of the most good Taoist sect. After all, such a magnificent imperial palace came, and it was difficult to get attention without attention.

The gatekeeper who kept order in the square immediately notified, and soon, a middle-aged, 40-year-old Taoist who walked out of the main hall, walked down the long high-level and went straight to the two of Suhang. Coming.

"Ah? It's Master Miaoshan!"

The appearance of this Taoist made the square suddenly boil. Those fanatical believers, just like seeing the Goddess of Mercy of Guanyin, shouted their heads one after another.

Taoist Dao had come to Su Hang, first sailed to Su for a ceremony, and said, "The poor is good, but I don't know how to call your friends?"

Being able to rely on emptiness and imperial emptiness must be a person of spiritual practice.

Su Hang heard that, before speaking, he heard Ao Suer say, "This is Master Miaoshan, but his disciple."

This girl knows a lot, and she is very expressive. It seems that she didn't come before.

Su Hang’s gaze looked at the aunt in front of him, and before he even spoke, Ao Suer rushed to the aunt and said, “This is Suhang, the deity of the Dragon Palace. Seek goodness with me today. Master, should the Guru have no reason to refuse the door?"

Miaoshan heard the words and was shocked at once. He glanced at Su Hang, and he quickly bowed his respects again. "It turned out that it was Su Shenzun, who was impolite, and please forgive sins."

Although the name of Su Hang is not well known in the world, in the practice world, it is a bit of a seniority. The name Su Hang is absolutely ridiculous, and it can exist on an equal footing with Hongjun Daozu. Can look up.

Su Hang waved his hand. "I heard that there is a Taoist Sect of Mercy on the mainland. Today I will take a look at what kind of person this Supreme Master is."

Miao Shan heard the words, smiled, and bowed, "God is not strange, I am afraid it is not a coincidence today, and the teacher is afraid that I will not be able to meet each other."

As soon as the words came out, Su Hang frowned, and Ao Suer's face next to him also stiffened. Seeing Su Hang's face was different, he quickly hurried to Su Hangdao. Seniors are different, they really have personality."

Have a hammer character? Su Hang was speechless after hearing this. The tone of Ao Suer's words was a bit like the legendary brain powder. For the brain powder, the idol-drawn Xiang is fragrant.

Su Hang glanced at Ao Suer silently, "Little girl, others don't want to see us, want to make us go, can you bear it?"

Ao Suer heard a stagnation, laughed strongly, and said to Miaoshan, "Please also give a briefing on behalf of the god, said that God is visiting, only to see the guru, to see the respect, it is enough."

This was the first time I saw this little girl in a soft whisper. It was so easy to talk that Su Hang was a bit crying and laughing.

Miao Shan embarrassed, "I'm really sorry, Master has a guest today, or will God return again?"

As soon as these words came out, Su Hang's face suddenly couldn't be hung up. Are you kidding me? Actually let me come back another day? Who do you think you are? Is there such a big face?

Immediately, Su Hang said lightly, "You're afraid you made a mistake. The deity came here today, not to seek the best. The deity wants to see him, not that he can't see if he doesn't want to..."

After that, regardless of Miaoshan, he directly raised his legs and walked up to the higher order.

Miaoshan saw the situation, was shocked, and quickly chased up, "Sovereign Lord, please stay in step, Master is really inconvenient to see guests today, and also ask God to not embarrass the poor."

Su Hang ignored him at all and didn't stay at all.

Miaoshan was helpless, her figure flashed directly in front of Su Hang, "Sacred Venerate stayed, otherwise Miaoshan would be rude."


Su Hang spit out the word in his mouth, a gentle stroke with his right hand, a strong wind blew towards Miaoshan, Miaoshan was not in the realm of Tianzun, where can resist the magical power of Suhang, the whole person has not reacted yet, he has been stunned The wind blew aside.

Looking at the gradual disappearance of the figure, Miaoshan was completely stunned. He was also the existence of Heavenly Realm. Anyway, the Supreme Master's apprentice was so vulnerable? Was it thrown away by someone?

Fortunately, she was a woman, and Su Hang was merciful. If she was a man, I was afraid that she would no longer know where she was flying.

Ao Suer catches up with Su Hang in small steps, whispering, "Su Hang, it's not good to break like this? Supreme Master is a master..."

"Oh, you are a master?" Su Hang chuckled, "What do you don't know? What a master?"

Ao Suer was stagnant, and to be honest, she did not know much about the legendary supreme guru, and she did not even know why she would treat this unseen supreme good. Teachers and students like you think it is not good to break, then wait for me outside. Su Hang said directly, and stepped into the hall with his legs raised.

Ao Suer froze in place for two seconds, and immediately followed, but she wanted to see the Supreme Master for a long time. Of course, she couldn't let go of such an opportunity.


In the hall.

The atmosphere is a bit weird, tense and solidified, which makes people suffocate.

In front of the main hall, a woman in white clothes and a crown of crown sits on the futon. She looks like she is twenty or thirty years old. She has a beautiful eyebrow and beautiful eyes. She has a solemn appearance.

Many disciples stood on both sides of the hall, and the whole was like entering the grand hall of Leiyin Temple in Lingshan.

And in front of this woman, sitting opposite this woman, there are three big bald heads.

The woman seemed to be talking about something with the three bald heads. Su Hang's intrusion interrupted their conversation, and the solidified atmosphere was also broken. Everyone's eyes came to Su Hang.

When Su Hang looked at the three bald heads, he was suddenly speechless. "It turns out that the so-called VIPs are the three of you."

But it is said that the three bald heads are not others, but the three sages of the Buddha, the three who burn the lamp, Rulai, and Mita.

When the three of them saw Su Hang, they were all stunned. Obviously, they were a little surprised. When they recovered, they quickly got up and saw the ceremony, and they had to visit.

Su Hang waved his hand and stopped the three of them, saying, "If you continue, I will come to see the excitement."

After talking, he didn't take himself as an outsider. With his right hand, a chair appeared next to him, and then if there was no one beside him, he sat straight and swaggered up.

When everyone saw this scene, they were all stunned. Did this person regard this place as their own dining room? So casual, so natural?

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