Super Study God

Chapter 1902: He is still a child!

It’s really enough. This burning lamp has already blocked the utterance that the other party can think of. The crime scene has been recorded. The crime evidence is sufficient, and we have investigated it clearly. The person who committed the crime is you. Under the door, you have no way to quibble.

At the moment, there is Su Hang beside him. There is such a great **** sitting there. There are no worries at all about the three sacred Buddhas.

It can be said that the card currently played by Ran Deng is completely Wang Fang. Even the Su Hang next to them does not think that this Supreme Master can make it.

Seeing such a situation, all the people of the Great Dao Sect in the temple were stunned.

They all looked at the Supreme Master.

"The disciple convicted, the disciple convicted, and begged for forgiveness." The child was also terrified when he saw such a situation, and he quickly prodded his head to Supreme Master.

The people didn’t even see it. The corners of the three saints of Buddhism inadvertently bent a trace of arc. Now the child can’t help but confess his sins. What can this supreme master say, just this card, the Buddhism is Already won.

The disciples under the door do such things as annihilation of conscience. What qualifications do you have for the Dao Sect?

"You traitor."

Beside, Miao Shan was already shivering with anger, and he could never think of himself as an apprentice. He would discredit the master, so that he would not die, and let the Buddha grasp the handle. How does the master respect himself?

If it is not to believe in the most good way, everything is good, Miaoshan is just afraid that there will be an urge to hack this young apprentice to death.

At this time, if he came to say, "At this time, even the internal affairs of the Taoist Sect, I shouldn't have intervened. However, because the guru's door is so fateful, my Buddha is compassionate and I have to intervene. Today the **** is here, and I still invite the guru. Wait for me to say, to those innocent creatures..."

After some inquiries, the atmosphere in the hall instantly froze to the freezing point.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the Supreme Master Guru, and all the people in the anguish found that the expression on the Supreme Master Guru's face had not changed from beginning to end, as if he was not listening to the Buddha's Three Sacred Speeches, which was unusually calm.

"Guru?" Ran Deng's brow furrowed and looked at Guru Supreme, did he want to respond to them with silence?

At this time, I saw that the Supreme Master Guru slowly said, "The three Buddhas said that they are all reasonable. I have only one year since the establishment of the Supreme Sect, and I have never encountered such a thing. I don’t know how to deal with it. The three Buddhas should have a lot of experience in this kind of thing, can you advise me?"


As soon as this word came out, the face of the burning lamp and others suddenly became black. What's that called? I have a lot of experience in Buddhism. What do you mean by saying that I have been rebellious?

What is this called? Gu Guzhi speaking to him? Did you scold us around the corner?

I have to say that this Supreme Master is still somewhat skilled. Knowing that the other party is playing Wang Fang, but want to pretend to be crazy and fool?

However, how can the three Buddhist sages who are prepared come to fool them so easily?

Lantern Road, "My Buddhist disciples, if they commit the killing ordination, the disciplinary school will abolish their cultivation practices, expel the Buddhist disciples, those who are guilty of evil, and after knowing my Buddha, they will be fined in reincarnation, reincarnated as pigs, dogs, and animals, and never be born... …"

Speaking of this, Mituo looked up at the Supreme Master, "The Buddhist door has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, and it has not dared to call it the Supreme Good. The Master's door is called the Supreme Good, and the disciples under the door have committed the precepts. It will cost thousands of dollars, frustrate the bones and raise the dust, so that it can be worthy of this name of perfection."

This Mito is also a bad kind, with a lot of radicals in his words.

The child buried his head in horror, trembling all over his body, slashing, frustrated? How painful is that?

"He is just a child!"

Finally, Supreme Master Guru uttered such a sentence.


When the three saints heard the words, they were all dumbfounded, and Su Hang next to them listened and froze.

This is a familiar line.

Almost all of them opened their mouths slightly and looked at the Supreme Master in front of them.

"He is just a child, how do you have the heart to let him be tortured like this?" Supreme Master said.

The mouths of the three sages of Buddhism did not close for a long time, and they were completely stunned by the words of the Supreme Master.

For a long time, the burning lamp took a sip of water and looked at the Supreme Master incredulously, "So, is it our fault?"

This is too ridiculous, right?

"No, it's not your fault." The compassionate guru of the Supreme Master said, "It's the fault of the deity. The disciples under the gate made mistakes. In the final analysis, it is the deity of the deity. The deity is not strict, so that the disciples under the discipline wantonly act, alas , As the three Buddhas said, thousands of swords and punishment, and the punishment of frustration and ashes should be borne by the deity."

"Ah? Master?"

Everyone in the temple panicked and knelt in one piece. "Disciples, please, be punished for Master!"

Some disciples even cried. That scene was really a bit sudden. Su Hang was It was so touching. "

There was a sob next to him, Su Hang turned to look, but it was Ao Su'er. The girl was moved so much that she cried.

Su Hang glared at her, but Ao Suer pouted, "It was."

Su Hang was speechless and was too lazy to care about her. Her eyes were only on the Supreme Master. This person really had some skill.

The sentence just now contained some magical power of the rule, a sentence "He is still a child", directly impacting everyone's mind, instigating the softest place in the heart of everyone present, instantly letting everyone Sympathy for the sinful Daotong is rampant.

Moreover, there is absolutely no reason for this overflow of sympathy. The root cause is just the words of the Supreme Master, "He is still a child."

Yeah, he's still a child, why should you be so cruel to him?

Even Su Hang was shaken just now, and one can imagine how powerful this Supreme Master is.

This Nima!

The three sages of the Buddha were suddenly speechless. Among the three sages, regarding the spiritual cultivation, Mita was the worst and was the most impacted. I almost forgot the purpose of coming here. There was an urge to hug the Daotong in the past. However, fortunately still restrained.

The burning of the lamp and Rulai, the mental cultivation is much higher, especially in Rulai, the mental is firm as a rock. Although it was violently impacted, it was carried directly and was not affected by it.

As he settled his mind, he said, "The Master's words are different. Although his son is young, the evil he has done is already an unforgivable sin. If the Master still keeps his life, he only fulfills his goodness. , But it has created evil for all beings, and it is difficult to replace the great evil with the small good. Is this the morality of the most good?

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