Super Study God

Chapter 1903: The best sound!

It can be said that it is so obvious, why do you want to set up a school called the best? No matter whether you trade a big evil for a big evil or a big good for a little evil, it is impossible to be perfect.

As long as you grasp this point, today you will be able to tell you that the best kind of Taoist Sect is broken.

It can be said that the current problem is not how to deal with this little Daotong. Whether he kills or stays, this Daotong will affect the teachings of the Supreme Sect of Taoism, unless the Supreme Master Guru can clean up the three monks and let They retreat when they are in trouble, just to be good.

But is this possible? If Su Hang is not here, the Three Saints of Buddhism may still have some scruples. I am afraid that the Supreme Master will use any means. After all, all three can feel that the strength of this Supreme Master is far higher than theirs. If they are strong, they are afraid that there is no chance of winning.

The current situation is that, to be reasonable, we are the side of reasoning, we must use strong, but in the face of God, do the other party dare to use strong?

At this time, the Supreme Master said again, "He is only ten years old, his mind is still immature, and he still has a good tomorrow. Now that a big mistake has been cast and cannot be changed, even if the three Buddhas really killed him, What's the point? I'm pursuing the best, but I dare not seek perfection. Today, he may be contaminated with human life, and he can't be forgiven, but if he can reform himself and be a new person, he may be able to save thousands in the future. For thousands of lives, he is just a child. The Buddha has a cloud, put down the butcher's knife, and stand up to become a Buddha. Why can't the three Buddhas be more forgiving of a child? More love?"

After a few words, the three sages of the Buddha Gate opened their mouths again, stunned.

In this remark, the Supreme Master Guru used a regular tone. The impact on everyone present was very huge. Many of the disciples were moved to tears, and Ao Suer was already lying on the shoulder of Su Hang and cried out. Come.

"These monks are really abominable. He is just a child. Why should he be so embarrassed?" Ao Su'er said.

Su Hang listened, and his forehead was instantly covered with black lines. It is undoubtedly selfish for the Buddha to force the palace, but the child did commit heinous sins because he was a child, can he offset his sins? What is the logic?

By this time, Su Hang seemed to have understood a little bit. The reason why Zhishan Dao can develop so fast and rise so fast may be related to the talent ability of this Supreme Master.

This ability to use other people’s sympathy at will and to magnify other people’s sympathy indefinitely is indeed truly powerful.

The three sages of Buddhism bear the brunt and are enveloped by the sounds of the Supreme Master's Supreme Sound. It can be said that all the words are deafening and direct against the soul.

Although the three saints are advanced, they are only the realm of heaven, after all, under the rule pronunciation of a strong person of heaven and earth, how long can they persevere even if they persist?

Cultivated as the weakest Mita, a gap has appeared in the soul, the sympathy is enlarged, and even touched by the words of the Supreme Master Guru, there is an urge to secretly wipe tears.

The burning Buddha's face was struggling with sadness. As for the coming of the year, there was a bit of intolerance on the smiling face that had never changed.

The Dao Yin Dao Yin is really too strong. After the Supreme Master Shan finished this remark, the Three Saints of the Buddha Gate did not even know how to continue.

"Everything is the fault of the deity. The deity should not create this great good Taoism. If the deity does not create this Supreme Good Taoism, there will be nothing today, nor will it embarrass the three Buddhas, and all sins will come from me. It is a sinful deity of the deity. If the three Buddhas are to blame, the deity is here.

Another words said, the powerful soul shock, even made Mi Tuo's guilty face directly cry, and the burning lamp could not hold it, the tears appeared in the corners of his eyes, for a time, the heart lost, old tears.

If he is the first to bear the brunt, it can be said that the impact is the strongest. He cultivates the path of desperation and desperation. His heart is tough as a rock, and he has always adhered to the mind and resisted death. The sounds of the environment are against each other, and the Qiqiao directly bleeds, which is terrifying.


The disciples cried out in mourning, and were touched by the fearless spirit of the Supreme Master, and wanted to dedicate their lives.


Rulai couldn't bear it anymore, a spur of blood spurted out, and his original ruddy face was instantly pale as paper.

Horror is really horrible. Even when I met such a person, I thought that I was fully prepared and ambitious. I never thought that the skill of the Supreme Master was so terrible that it was only a few words that had caused them to lose their minds.

In addition to coming like this, Mito and the Lantern have been a mess of defeat, huge sympathy, and a strong sense of guilt, almost making them cry on the are really not human, the hallowed Buddha He actually embarrassed a child. Although this child committed a heinous crime, he is still only a child after all. How can we embarrass a child for the sake of Buddhism?

At this time, both Mituo and Landeng were haunted by such thoughts, sorrow came from them, and tears could not stop flowing down.

If he came here, he would keep his heart again, his face regained a little blood, and he looked up at the Supreme Master who was sitting in front of him. "The Master is so powerful, I am ashamed of myself. Today, the so-called argument, but I am the youngest. After seeing you, it was my Buddha who lost. However, I was unwilling to lose. Today, God is here. I would like to ask God to make the decision."

At this time, Rulai has been very clearly aware that it is useless to reason with the Supreme Master in front of you, because no matter what reason you occupy, as long as the other person speaks, you will lose.

In the face of opponents, the soul is filled with compassion and guilt, do you still want to win? Can you still win?

Although he conceded defeat, he was not willing to come, because he knew that the Supreme Master Guru used extraordinary methods.

Confessing defeat does not mean that Buddhism really lost, because there is also a deity here, who will certainly do justice to Buddhism.

He has never lost a person in his life, but at this moment he has to bow his head, and he has to turn to Su Hang for help. It is enough to see that he really has nowhere to go.

The ball has already kicked at the foot of Su Hang, what can Su Hang do, even if you just want to watch, you have to stand up at this moment.

"Su Hang, don't you really want to help these big bald heads?" Ao Suer saw Su Hang's movements and asked in a hurry, with tears on her small face and a pitiful look.

Obviously, he was infected by the words of the Supreme Master, and he was not saved.

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