Super Study God

Chapter 1904: What a virgin heart!

Ignoring Ao Suer, Su Hang got up directly and walked to the Supreme Master. Everyone around was already moved by the Supreme Master’s Supreme Master’s Doctrine. There were a lot of people crying and the scene was a drama. .

"Shut up for me."

Su Hang drank directly, and the sound rolled out, and the whole hall suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at Suhang in amazement.

Finally, it was quiet, and Su Hang turned to look at Supreme Master, "Is Supreme Master right? Having said so much, don't you have anything to tell me?"

The three sages of Buddhism didn't speak anymore. Mituo and the Lantern came to awake. They also realized that they had just lost their gait.

Buddhism had already lost the battle, and now they can only rely on Su Hang to get them ahead.

Su Hang wouldn't give them a head start, but he and this supreme master were originally opposed.

Hearing Su Hang's questioning, Supreme Master slowly raised his head and stared at Su Hang for a while.

The air is almost still, the space is almost frozen, the two eyes collide, as if sparks collide.

The three sages of Buddhism stood beside them, their faces covered with dense sweat because of the horrible depression.

For a long time, the Supreme Master finally slowly opened his mouth, "If you can succumb to my body, you can be accomplished, I would like to succumb to it, although it is.


Everyone around listened, and they were all in a state of consternation. Some of them did not quite understand the meaning of the words of Supreme Master.

Su Hang heard the words and took a deep breath, saying, "You are a person who understands, if all the original sins can have the consciousness like you, I can't spend so much effort."

It turned out that this Supreme Master Guru was none other than one of Su Hang’s original sins, the original sin of the Virgin Mary in the mouth of the girl’s original sin.

Previously, Mr. Maiden Xin and Mr. Kong once said that the original sin of the Virgin was difficult to deal with, and it was more difficult than all the original sins he had seen before. It was only then that Su Hang had the ability to teach him.

The most good Dao Yin, every word can evoke the heart of the Virgin Mary, and infinitely magnify the inner sympathy and guilt of the person. Even if the other party’s sin is very evil, it has a **** hatred with you. Dissolve into invisible, even more effective than forgive hat.

This power is undoubtedly horrible. Just look at the speed of the development of the treacherous Taoist monk's horror today, which can be felt like a virus, which can make believers crazy.

If this kind of power is used well, it is better to say, but if it is used incorrectly, what kind of Taoism is good, I am afraid that it will become a cult sooner or later.

This newly rising sect, even if there are some shortcomings, just like the child's thing, it is also because the discipline is not strict, and it is inevitable for any sect. The Soviet airlines have no reason to suppress them, but this Guru, no matter what, Su Hang is going to solve him.

After all, he is one of his original sins.

The Supreme Master listened to Su Hang's words and said, "It is an honour to be convenient for others. My death can be exchanged for your life. Why not be happy? Isn't it because of you?"

When Master Zhishan said this, Mi Tuo and others were amazed. This is a bit ambiguous. Could it be that there is something between God Sovereign and this woman?

Su Hang heard the words, smiled bitterly, shook his head gently, and said, "Don't think you say this, I will open up to you, and today I even found you, you should know the result."

The Supreme Master Guru didn’t change his face. “I knew you were coming, but I didn’t hide. I just accepted the result.”

Everyone looked at these two people in amazement, and had no idea what the two people were doing.

Rulai seemed to suddenly understand something, and listening to Su Hang's tone seemed to have taken the life of this Supreme Master.

Thinking of this, Rulai couldn't help but feel a ray of hope in his heart. Although he didn't know the reason, if Su Hang could destroy the Supreme Master, it would be an absolute good thing for Buddhism. After the Supreme Master, what else can the Supreme Master Dao have to compete with the Buddha?

Su Hang listened to Master Zhishan's answer, and looked at him a little funny, and said lightly, "Are you not going to struggle again? Just like several other of your kind, like telling me, the next original sin body Where is it, what is my identity, maybe, I can open the net to you?"

In addition to the original sin of the Virgin Mary, Su Hang still had a few original sins that did not show up. Su Hang did not want to clue so. If he can get the whereabouts of other original sins from the mouth of the original sin of the Virgin, it is a good thing.

The Supreme Master listened to Su Hang’s question, but shook his head and smiled, saying, “I’m already a dying person, why bother with others? We all exist, it’s a mistake, we can’t help ourselves, we can’t wait Choose, you killed let them go..."

The black line on Suhang's forehead is really worthy of the original sin of the Virgin Mary. It is really compassionate and compassionate. Even such words can be said. It is really a virgin heart to deny oneself.

"Almost you will be touched by you." Su Hang shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, your move is useless to me, I'm just a little curious, girl, Mr. Kong, they all betray you for life, but you For them, willing to give up their own things, is it worth it?"

The Supreme Master, when he heard the words, smiled miserably and said, "There is nothing worthwhile or not worth. They are born from the same root. Why are they too anxious? They are just for life, what is the guilt? If my life can be exchanged Their few lives are simply worth it."

Su Hang listened to these words, and it was really speechless. The Madonna was really annoying.

"Your consciousness is really high, and I admire it very much." Su Hang shook his head. "Unfortunately, some things cannot be changed because of your words. You want to exchange your life for their lives, whether it comes from your heart or not, I I can also tell you clearly that it is impossible."

"Why?" The Supreme Master, when he heard the words, closed his eyes and sighed, "We were born because of the rules, without you, why come to us? We are your sin, in fact, you are the biggest Sin, you can see that we have done something harmful to the sky? The rules let you kill us, but aren’t you practicing the law of breaking the way? Why are you still subject to the rules, in fact, you can’t kill us, all It makes no sense, there is no sin in heaven and earth, you ask yourself, even if we are killed, are there really no sins in you?"

Speaking of which, the Supreme Master Suddenly paused and shook his head, "That is simply impossible. Your sin is still there!"

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