Super Study God

Chapter 1905: Follow with death!

"The so-called human beings are not perfect. If you really wiped us out and wiped out your sins, what do you think was the difference between you and those merciless Dao monks who cut off seven emotions and six desires?"

Su Hang's brow furrowed when he heard this. He had to say that this supreme master, his mouth is slippery. Whether it is true or not, it sounds very reasonable.

Man, if there is no original sin, it is a saint. Can a saint still be a man? It seems that there is no difference between the seven emotions and six desires.

"You surprised me quite differently from the others." Su Hang shook his head. "These of them saw me and either fought up or asked for forgiveness. You are also reasonable. But the truth and They are different, so I am a bit embarrassed to kill you."

The Supreme Master Grin smiled slightly and slowly closed his eyes. He said nothing more. The meaning was very obvious. Come and kill me, I will not resist.



Everyone in the temple didn't understand what was happening in front of him. This deity came here and clearly came to take the life of the Supreme Master!

A group of people knelt down to Su Hang and Supreme Master, just like crying, crying together.

"If God Vener is going to kill the guru, please kill us first!"

"The guru is innocent, and we are willing to live and die with the guru."


Everyone knelt together, shouting and crying.

Seeing such a situation, Su Hang's face instantly darkened, except him, in the entire hall, only as if indifferent.

The impact of Mituo and the burning lamp has already created a gap in the soul. Seeing this situation, it is also a heart sorrow.

Mi Tuo said, "The Great Sect of Taoism and my Buddhism are nothing more than a conflict of doctrinal beliefs, no sins, and the disciples make mistakes. Although she has the crime of imprecise discipline, she will not die to death, and she is nothing but a girl, a god, you……"

I am afraid that this Mito would think that Su Hang was the killer of the Supreme Master because of his Buddhist doors.

"The guru is innocent, and I am willing to live and die with the guru."

Immediately after that, everyone in the temple cried again.

Su Hang’s face was as black as dripping ink, and now he finally realized why the girl’s original sin would say that this is the hardest thing to do.

The original sin of the Virgin Mary, in terms of strength, should be no higher than that of the girl heart, Mr. Kong, and others. It stands to reason that she has already sat and waited for death. She wants to kill her herself. The chain reaction caused by her.

It's just a slap to kill her, but her virgin ability can make everyone present willing to die with her, this...

He had to deal with it, but this supreme guru in front of him did not want to involve innocent people because of this, and there were still so many innocent people.

At this time, the Supreme Master opened his eyes, his face was full of compassion, and his eyes swept across the crowd. "Why are you so painful? God is going to pursue, but I am the only one. This is between me and God. Grace and resentment, I don’t have to be involved. After I die, I will go alone, and there will be no more good Daoism in the world."

"The disciples are willing to die together with the guru."

The disciples shouted loudly, and the sound shook like thunder. Presumably that voice could have spread across a radius of dozens of miles.

Miao Shan Dao, "If the Master is dead, I will die too, and the most good Dao Sect has 150 million people to teach, and he will die with him!"

"Go with death!"

Everyone is drinking high, grabbing the ground with their heads.

Beside, if you look in your eyes, you can't help but be shocked. What kind of personality charm is it necessary to achieve such a degree?

Rulai couldn't help but wonder, if one day he sat on his own, how many monks and nuns would like to die with himself in the entire Buddhist kingdom?

The answer seems to be no!

At this moment, Rulai seems to once again feel the feeling of frustration.

"Are you threatening me?" Su Hang's face was as black as dripping ink, and he stared at Miaoshan with majesty.

Miaoshan quickly gave Su Hang a head, "Miaoshan dare not, but if the master is dead, I don't want to live alone, I am willing to live with death."

Everyone present knew the identity of Su Hang, the deity of the Dragon Palace, and the existence of the same order as Dao Zu Hongjun. Although they were confident in the Supreme Master, but in front of this existence, it seemed that...

"Ha ha……"

Su Hang smiled, with a little irony, what is this not a threat?

In other words, Su Hang is not killing the Supreme Master, but the 150 million believers of the Supreme Taoism in Miaoshan's mouth.

Killing one person is easy, but it involves 150 million innocent people, or even 150 million families. Can Su Hang do it?

"Don't you?" At this time, Jie Moxin suddenly spoke, teasing a bit.

Su Hang's black face is more than difficult.

"Your virgin sin is indeed not small, have you noticed that your virgin heart has been hooked by her?" Jie Moxin asked.

"Huh?" Su Hang frowned, a little bit stunned.

The realm said, "If I were you, I killed it is the life and death of the believers, love death or not, but now you, the Madonna is at heart for the lives of more than 100 million believers , Has begun to shake."

"Am I there?" Su Hang did not want to admit.

Jie Moxin smiled and said, "You don't have to doubt the ability of this Supreme Master. If she dies, the more than 100 million followers will surely follow without hesitation."

"Cult." Su Hang snorted in his heart.

Jiemo Xin said, "This is a belief, a terrifying belief. In other words, are you killing or not killing this person?"

Su Hang heard, hesitated, and no matter whether it was the Madonna or not, he changed any one. In the face of the current situation, I am afraid that he will hesitate?

After all, it was not one or two people, nor a person who was guilty of evil, but a believer with more than 100 million people of good morality. Suhang could not afford so many business debts.

"Do you want me to help you?" At this time, the realm of the world began.

As early as when he came here, Su Hang had already told him that if he could not lay his hands, he would ask Jie Moxin to take action.

However, Su Hang did not expect such a situation.

"and many more!"

At the moment, dare not let Jie Moxin take action. Although Jie Moxin takes action, it can certainly wipe out the Supreme Master, but it is necessary to let Su Hang carry countless lives of debt, which is not worth the loss.

"Hehe." Jie Moxin smiled, and it seemed to have expected that Suhang would be like this, and said, "Then don't blame me for not helping you. You can figure it out for yourself."

On the other side, the three sages of Buddhism were all looking at Su Hang. They didn’t expect that things would happen to such an extent. The most good Daoist Sect was completely destroyed. They should be happy, but they were really not happy at the moment. After all, Buddhism’s teachings are compassionate , Pudu sentient beings, how can you watch all sentient beings plagued and see death without saving, how is it different from the devil?

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