Super Study God

Chapter 1906: Such thoughts!

Supreme Master Supreme looked up at Su Hang, "If my death can fulfill you, I am willing to die."

"Su Hang?" Ao Suer came over, stretched out his hand, and looked up at Su Hang. Although she didn't speak, she could see that she wanted to plead for Supreme Master.

Su Hang took a deep breath and said to the Supreme Master, "I have to say, your move is really slippery, holding so many people's lives, let me follow, you are really a headache for me. "

After finishing talking, Su Hang reached out and hammered his forehead and said, "However, don't think that I won't be able to cure you."

"Never dare to have such an idea." Supreme Master Shake his head, "I'm here, I want my life, even take it."


Su Hang sneered and said lightly, "Relax, I don't want your life."

Speaking of which, Su Hang turned to Miao Shan and the others next to him and looked at them. Those disciples of the Great Dao Sect all looked up to Su Hang, their eyes full of doubts.

What does Su Hang mean? Did it just let go of the Supreme Master?

At this time, he listened to Su Hangdao, "I invite you, Master, to go to the sky every day, you should have no opinion?"


Everyone heard it and was very stunned. Please ask the master to go to Tiandu?

When Supreme Master heard the words, his brows could not help but wrinkle slightly, and if he heard it from the side, he took a deep breath and understood the intention of Su Hang.

Although he didn't know why Su Hang wanted to kill the Supreme Master, but now more than 100 million believers of the Supreme Good Taoist are connected to this Supreme Master's life, Su Hang can't do anything.

At this time, Su Hang invited Master Zhishen to Tiandu. He made it clear that there was no return. As long as Master Zhishang was invited, he would be disassociated from Zhishen Daozong. With time, these believers would naturally be dispersed.

It can be said that the Soviet Union's move is considered clever, and it is not considered a solution.

If so, the Buddha can also take the opportunity to regain the dominance of the Tao of Faith. After all, after losing the Supreme Master, the Supreme Sect of Taoism cannot have the tendency of today.

"What do you think?" Su Hang added.

All the disciples heard that they were stagnant, and they all looked up to the Supreme Master.

However, Su Hang's mouth is a little arc. I said earlier that she would kill her, and you will die together. I now invite her to go to Tiandu to be a guest. Will you always die?

All the disciples didn't expect it, Su Hang would say so, all of them lost their minds at once.

At this time, the Supreme Master Guru said, "Go to heaven? You will not kill me?"

"Don't kill it." Su Hang calmed and shook his head. "What's the matter? The deity invites you sincerely, will you succeed? Do you want to refuse?"

Su Hang looked at the Supreme Master in front of him with a black face.

There was a bit of sorrow in the eyes of Supreme Master, and Su Hang did not find any reason to refuse this move. However, she was also very clear that as long as she followed Su Hang to the sky, everything was over. .

"If I don't go?" Supreme Master Supreme looked at Su Hang and seemed to want to make a final struggle.

"Don't go? That will only irritate me and irritate my consequences. I can only kill you. If you kill you, more than 100 million believers will die with you. That is, now, There are nearly 200 million lives in your hands, follow me, they can live, if they don't go, they will die." Su Hang smiled lightly, "Aren't you known as the best? Near 200 million lives are all in your mind, you should know how to choose?"

Su Hang's remarks have already killed the supreme good master. She is the original sin of the Virgin, and she will definitely be in Su Hang's suit.

After being silent for a long time, Supreme Master Supreme looked up at Su Hang, "Can you tell me something for the disciples first?"

Su Hang spread his hands, gave Master Zhishan a gesture of gratification, and then stood aside without saying more.


The disciples shouted on their knees one after another, and the cry was unusually sad.

Supreme Master Gian took a deep breath and did not mean to avoid Su Hang. He said directly, "There is no return period when I go to heaven, I will wait for me as a doorkeeper The Tao spreads to the world and must never do that evil thing..."

"There is only a personal grievance between me and God. If I don’t return, I can’t wait to seek me or go to heaven to cause trouble. Today I will pass on the position of Sovereign to Miaoshan, and Wanger and others can help and revitalize together. My sect, let the world know the truth of my goodness."


A word came out, and the people's hearts were soft, and Su Hang had to take a deep breath to keep his inner heart shaken and keep his heart in stone.

And those disciples are already crying.

If this scene is spread, I am afraid that the world will be regarded as unfair!

As soon as I saw it, I also felt emotion in my heart. I looked at Su Seeing Su Hang didn't have a half expression, he shook his head secretly, and God shook his head secretly. Law, how people think about it, can be a bit concerned.

On the contrary, it is his Buddhist kingdom, which cultivates faith. If today’s events are passed on, everyone knows that the Buddhist kingdom is the stalk from it. I am afraid that it will have a great impact on the reputation of the Buddhist gate.

However, things have become as they are now, what other way? After going back this time, it is necessary to let the disciples of the Buddhism publicize urgently.

At this time, when the Supreme Master Guru told his disciples, Rulai was already thinking about the future of the Buddhism. Although there are hundreds of millions of believers in the current Supreme Good Dao Sect, compared to the Dixian Continent and the Four Stars For countless creatures in the world, hundreds of millions of believers are nothing.

Compared to the followers of Buddhism, the current scale of the Great Sect is nothing more than a child. The reason why the Buddhist Sect feels threatened is only because of this Supreme Master.

Moreover, unlike the followers of Buddhism, the hundreds of millions of followers of the Most Good Daoist Sect are absolute diehards.

This is not as good as Buddhism. If you are already thinking in your heart, after the Supreme Master has left, the Supreme Dao Sect is not enough to worry about. Perhaps, the Buddhism can swallow it up and take its strengths. Imagine if the Buddha’s 10 trillion disciples It’s as pious as the Great Sect of Taoism, and I am afraid that the strength of the concentrated faith can send him directly to the realm of heaven.

Thinking of this, Gu Bo has never been surprised, but a little excited, full of longing for a better life in the future, but at this time he felt a glance at himself, looked up, but saw Su Hang looking back He gave him a look, and his eyes were quite meaningful, as if he could see through his mind, and if he came down quickly, the smile on his face was put away.

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