Super Study God

Chapter 1907: Side effects of power!

God is so powerful? See through my heart? Rulai was a little nervous. The look of Su Hang just now was too connotative. He had to carefully understand the chill.

Is that warning yourself? Rulai thought so in his heart, if that was the case, he would have to be cautious and cautious about the annexation of the Supreme Good Sect.

If you let Su Hang know what Rulai is thinking now, she might be crying and laughing.

His eyes did not have so much connotation, just because he was standing in front of Rulai at the moment, always smelling a strange smell coming from behind, and I don’t know who had eaten garlic at noon, and the taste was a bit rushing, so I looked back. It’s like he’s coming, I’m afraid he ate it.


Soon after, the Supreme Master Guru finally finished explaining to his disciples, and he followed Su Hang out of the hall among the disciples' crying cry.

Ao Suer followed Su Hang and looked back at Supreme Master from time to time. Until now, she still could not understand what was going on.


Not far from the Daoist Sect, Rulai waited for others to stop and burned the lamp to the front road, "Thank you God Lord for the relief of poor monks and others today. The poor monks and others are grateful..."

When saying this, there is no shyness from the Supreme Master, because this Supreme Master is now a prisoner of the next stage.

At this time, in the hearts of the three people, all of them were full of awe for Su Hang. This is the power, the real power.

So the Great Sect, which gave them a headache, was so vulnerable in front of Su Hang that they did not even make a shot. With only a few words, the Supreme Master had to compromise. It is conceivable that the Great Sect will also follow suit As a result, the war collapsed and the war was won there. Such a force is undoubtedly terrifying.

"This is my personal grievance with her, and it has nothing to do with Er." Su Hang shook her head, but reminded them not to express their misunderstandings. Their eyes swept over the Buddha's Three Saints. Su Hang felt that there was something It is bound to remind them.

"I know that Buddhism needs faith spreading and expansion, but I don't want chaos in this universe. Can Buddha understand what I mean?"

After finishing talking, Suhang looked like coming.

Rulai quickly folded his hands together and bowed to Su Hang, saying, "God teaches, disciples to remember."

Su Hang’s words are nothing more than to knock on the Buddha’s door. You can pass on your Dharma and develop your believers. I can ignore these, but if you fight with other forces for the purpose of expanding the Buddha’s door, you will feel uneasy. , Then I can't turn a blind eye.

If he is a wise man, he can certainly understand the chill in Su Hang’s words. Today, the three sages of Buddhism shouldn’t appear in the Daoist Sect. The two parties develop their own believers. They could have nothing to do with each other. Isn't the big place enough?

However, they have just made an argument, and they have especially caught the handle of the Daoist Sect, which is a taboo in itself.

Regarding Buddhism, Su Hang’s impression is not good or bad. After all, he is also a monk, one for nature and one for faith.

It's just some practices that don't make people bored. They only want to live a smart life, but don't give others a way to live. Such people can't win the favor of Su Hang.

Although it is said that Su Hang is not a **** emperor after 100,000 years, but it is not polite to say that Su Hang is now in the hearts of these old monks, I am afraid that the status is higher than Hong Jun, if Su Hang is disgusted , That martial art, I'm afraid not to think about it for a long time.

Su Hang nodded slightly, glanced at the three sages of Buddhism meaningfully, and his eyes fell on Mita.

Mituo once claimed to be the predecessor of Su Hang, but in just a few years, this identity has been slowly reversed, and now standing in front of Su Hang, he has great awe in his heart.

Being stared at by Su Hang so much, Mita didn't dare to look at her. She quickly arched her hand and said, "God has some important things to deal with. I'll go back to Lingshan first, and then I will meet in the sky every day."

Su Hang shook his head and said to Mido, "Master, between you and me, you are deeply gracious, and you have suffered together. What is the difficulty, although you can come to me, I will definitely help you if I can help, don't Find someone irrelevant to turn around, you know my character, I like to be refreshing."

Mi Tuo heard that he was a bit ashamed. He had previously sent Tang Xuanzhuang to heaven. He wanted Su Hang to go out of the mountain to help the Buddha Gate platform. Although Su Hang was not there, he heard Su Jin’s remarks and felt that the Buddha Gate was really faceless. It's better to go directly to the door and tell me that I have a problem. I need your help.

Su Hang and Mido are just a few of them in trouble, and they don't want to be born because of their identity change. This kind of feeling is very bad.

"What God teaches is that the poor monk keeps in mind." Mituo quickly said.

Su Hang was a bit helpless. Looking at it, the two seemed to be unable to do the same as before. This may be the side effect of power.

"Cultivation is important, but some things can not be abandoned. The master still has more time to accompany Master Li Guo." Su Hangdao.

This is not teasing, Su Hang is worried that Mita will become like this, all the four lights are empty, and only for the Buddha, what meaning does that life have?

That would no longer be the Mita who he knew, it would be better to throw him back to the world in the sun, let him be the lady concubine of the sovereign Li Ruokong with peace of mind.

Mituo heard that an old face was a little reddish. Obviously, this matter was very embarrassing to him.

After a pause, Mi Tuo hesitated, folded his hands together, and said, "Sovereign God, just ask, little toad..."

Little Toad, the previous life of Mituo. At the beginning, Mituo turned him over to Suhang for But the result was lost by Suhang. This is a big deal for Mituo. Air asked, but now that Su Air is already in this status, he dare not ask.

Looking up at Su Hang, Mi Tuo stopped talking, and later, Su Hang should be able to understand what he wanted to ask.

Su Hang paused and said, "He has gone where he should have been..."

"Where should I go? Where?" Mituo froze for a moment, and some could not understand the meaning of Su Hang's words.

Su Hang took a deep breath and did not hide it. He said, "He is your past life. It's just that he was born in the wrong age and went back to the world where he should have been."

It was a long time before Mido settled in place. The meaning of Su Hang's words was to say... But, is this too incredible?

Mi Tuo had to wonder whether Su Hang was perfunctory and fooling him because he lost the little toad.

Su Hangdao, "Instead of worrying about your past life, it is better to care about the future, why not keep the past?"

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