Super Study God

Chapter 1910: Luck!

Dare to find it? Are you kidding me? Su Hang chuckled in his heart. When Mr. Kong and the girl betrayed the Virgin Mary, they said something similar, but haven't they caught the Supreme Master?

"Okay, you say it." Su Hang asked directly.

He wanted to see what exactly existed, so that the Supreme Master could say that.

The three of Mr. Kong also looked at the Supreme Master.

Supreme Master Guru took a deep breath and said, "He is lucky, if I remember correctly, he should be hiding in Zixiao Palace now."

Hidden in Zixiao Palace? Hongjun's nest?

Su Hang froze for a moment, "luck? What is the way?"

Supreme Master said, "The so-called luck is luck, good luck and bad luck, and he is your bad luck."

Speaking of which, the Supreme Master stopped, and Mr. Kong said, "The so-called bad luck is bad luck. If you don’t look for him, it’s okay. If you look for him, you will find bad luck. He can control the way, not just by others. 'S luck, and your luck, he can make you unlucky, cause trouble for you, bring disaster..."

Is there such an operation?

Su Hang stunned, this is too bizarre? Has my bad luck actually become the original sin?

"What is the truth?" Su Hang looked directly at Supreme Master.

Supreme Master Supreme nodded seriously, "I never tell lies, we all want you to die, and the reason why you tell Yun whereabouts is because, of our twelve original sins, perhaps only he can win Your possibility."

Su Hang groaned for a while, frowning, and in any case, finally got the news of the tenth original sin.

Does it cause trouble and bring disaster? Su Hang sneered in his heart. With his current ability, what other troubles can't be coped with, what disasters can't be overcome?

"Alright, then I will go to Zixiao Palace, you better not lie to me, otherwise, die together." Su Hang said directly.

"Hey, it's too much for you to say that." At this time, the death was spoken. "All the words are said by the Virgin. Even if there is something wrong, it is also the fault of the Virgin. You can't kill us all with one shot." Right?"

Su Hang turned to look at him, this guy will always come out to die at a critical time, really really worthy of his name.

"Or, you can talk to me about the whereabouts of the two original sins." Su Hang directly confronted him.

When he heard the death, his face twitched slightly. "If I knew it, it would have been used to change my life. Can I wait until now?"

Su Hang’s expression on his face was faint, at least he had already gotten the whereabouts of the tenth original sin, and the remaining two, look for it slowly, maybe the Virgin Mary still knows something, but, looking at her appearance, I’m afraid I won’t continue Confided.

Even for this luck, she confided in her whereabouts that she might be able to overcome herself.

"You few, just stay here honestly for me, wait for me to gather all of you, then come and talk about how to deal with you." Su Hang said a sentence, and then turned away.

Now that we have gained something, there is no need to talk more to these guys.

"Su Hang."

At this time, Zuo Si spoke.

Su Hang looked back at him.

To die, "To be honest, as your original sin, we really feel very embarrassing."

Su Hang frowned, "Why do you say that?"

Mr. Kong took over the words and said, "He wanted to say that compared with you, we are really too kind. In order to catch us, you can really use all the tricks."

At this time, the girl's heart also said, "That's right, you created us, but you want to kill us. It's really abominable. Compared with you, we are really too pure, and you are more like our original sin."

Su Hang listened and froze for a while, but the three people's remarks made him stunned and thought about it in empathy. What they said seemed really reasonable.

"You don't have to say that we are naturally opposed, he cannot have any kindness towards us." At this time, the Supreme Master opened his mouth.

What this said was an inexplicable bitterness in Su Hang's heart, as if there was a bit of bitterness in it, and Su Hang immediately realized that she must have used the power of the Virgin Mary to soften her heart.


Left a cold hum, Su Hang did not look back, and left the battle space.



In the main hall, only Su Hang was left with his eyes closed, as if he had some concerns, perhaps under the influence of the Supreme Master. After listening to the words of those people, Su Hang's heart felt heavy.

"What are you thinking?" Jie Moxin said suddenly.

Su Hang was sitting on Su Jin's Dragon Emperor's throne, and his eyes were opened for a long time, and his face was somewhat different. "You just heard what they said, do you think they are right?"

Silence, the realm of the realm hasn't spoken for a long time, and it seems to be thinking about it too. After a while, the voice came, "Aren't you starting to sympathize with them?"

"Oh." Su Hang smiled. "Aren't you also the original sinner? You should feel the same."

"Oh." Jie Moxin also smiled, and then said, "That Supreme Master is right, you are naturally opposed, or should say you and your twelve original sins, Each one is opposite to each other. The meaning of the original sin is to take the deity and replace it, but the twelve of them are competing with each other. If you die, war will break out between them, and finally Only the strong are eligible to take over your flesh. At that time, you may no longer be you. Perhaps they are just like them, but they are only one of the original sins that have fought for this flesh."

"Benevolence to the enemy is cruelty to oneself." Jie Moxin then said, "The Supreme Master is the best example. With her ability, it is not difficult to escape your pursuit, but she finally She chose Fanfan because she was too kind."

"Of the thirteen of you, there can only be one in the end, and only their death can accomplish your word, but no one can tell you exactly whether or not you are the last one left, and I am also the original sin, and, I It is the original sin of Di Zun. At its peak, its strength is almost equal to him. At that time, if he was not my victory, but I defeated him, now it is in your flesh in the name of the realm of the world, that is him."

After the words of Jie Moxin finished, Su Hang was deeply pondered.

"Is there really no other solution? The meaning of the original sin is just to fight with the deity?" Su Hang shook his head with a wry smile, should Mr. Kong and the other four be killed? Have you made any unforgivable mistakes?

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