Super Study God

Chapter 1911: 1 child!

No, not at all, as Mr. Kong said, compared with them, it seems that Su Hang itself is even more evil. In order to catch them, all kinds of threats and all kinds of persecution have really used a lot of means and everything. The reason, just because they are their original sins?

As the original sin, this is their biggest sin?

"It's impossible, do you still want them to help you?" Jie Moxin smiled mockingly.

Su Hang didn't find it funny, "Have you ever thought about, why did Di Zun completely wipe you out? If one day, Di Zun showed you the favor? Would you like to borrow your power? "

As soon as this remark came out, the realm of mind was suddenly silent.

It only took a long time to say, "In this world, there has never been such an assumption, and your assumption is not true. I think you must have been affected by the original sin of the Virgin. You still have to think about it, how to go next Grab that'luck'."

Obviously, Jiemo Xin does not want to discuss this issue with Su Hang.

Su Hang heard that there was no longer too much investigation, and Jie Moxin was right. Now that I think about this problem, I seem to have found some. After I have captured the remaining few original sins, I will discuss the killing and not killing at that time. Is not too late.

Of course, the sin of true evil cannot be left, but, like the girl's heart and Mr. Kong, Su Hang does hesitate.

Perhaps, it really has been a long time with the Supreme Master, his mind has been slightly affected.

Taking a deep breath and leaving everything behind, Su Hang stood up from the dragon seat. Hong Jun, I haven't seen him for a long time. Can I tell myself something useful this time?



Zixiao Palace.

Nine Clouds lay high on the ground, isolating the turbulence of the world, and it is easy to feel lonely after a long time of quietness.

In the big Zixiao Palace, there was no popularity but it seemed empty. A few young Daotongs were newly recruited, but they were going to be much more lively. Hong Jun was sitting on the futon and preaching to them.

Haotian is also among them. In this group of small and half-sized children, they seem to stand out.


Haotian and others were hearing, but they saw Hongjun suddenly stopped, sighed for a long time, and a little sadness appeared on his face.

"Why does Master Sigh?" Hao Tian looked up at Hong Jun in amazement, and Hong Jun's expression was very rare.

Hong Jun shook his head. "The eyelids jumped so bad that I might be in trouble."

"Huh?" Hao Tian froze for a moment. "What else in this world can make Master feel troubled?"

"Yeah, what's the matter, besides your elite master, what else can you do?" Hong Jun smiled bitterly. "This is the end of today, Haotian, go to the palace to connect with your master, don't be neglectful, lest he There are so many crooks."


Hao Tian heard that his forehead was covered with black lines, and he could actually say the word whispered from his master's mouth. It is conceivable that Master has deep opinions on Uncle.

At the moment, Haotian did not dare to neglect and hurried to the palace gate.

As soon as he left the palace gate, Hao Tian saw a burst of chaos in the chaos, and then a figure walked out of the chaos, his pupils shrunk, who is not the uncle?

The sweat on his forehead came down in a snap, and Haotian hurriedly greeted him with a small broken step, "Disciple Haotian, see Uncle Shi."

"Yo, Xiao Haotian, are you here too?" Su Hang saw Haotian at a glance, and then he asked immediately.

Hao Tian heard that his forehead was covered with black lines, and he said that he looks much better than your old man. How could he be tens of thousands of years old, how could he be called Xiao Hao Tian?

However, it seems that Uncle is in a good mood today. This time I came to Zixiao Palace.

"Master today preached, and the disciples came to listen." Haotian replied while leading Su Hang to the palace.

"Oh?" Su Hang looked at Haotian instead. "So, your master is in the palace? Please don't tell me later, where will your friends go."

Hao Tian heard the words and said, "Where does Uncle speak, Master will know that your old man will come, and let the disciples come out to greet him."

"I am not sincere when I hear this. If he really welcomes me, he should greet me by himself. Haotian, you, Master, seem to be very unwilling to see me." Su Hang shook his head.

Hao Tian heard a stagnation. Although he knew most of Su Hang's remarks, he didn't know how to take them.

"I don't want to see you, don't you come too?" At this time, Hong Jun's voice came.

At this time, Su Hang had followed Haotian into the altar. As soon as he looked up, he saw Hong Jun sitting high above a futon, with a few futons left below, but a few and a half sitting above. Cucumber eggplant.

"The less you wait to see me, the more I want to come. I have no other problems, but my skin is thick enough." Su Hang said, and went straight to the altar.

Hong Jun waved his hand, and the several children underneath went straight away, and then pointed to a futon next to his finger, instructing Su Hang to sit down and speak.

Su Hang sat up with no politeness, and glanced at the children who were leaving. "Why? Newly received disciple?"

Hong Jun smiled shallowly, "It's not counted, it's just idle, I found a few seedlings with roots of wisdom, and if they are destined in the future, they can also be included under the door."

"It seems that you are really an annoying egg." Su Hang shook his head. "I rarely come to you once, call them back, I will help you see."

Su Hang remembered his purpose of coming here. The Supreme Master said that the original sin was hidden in the Zixiao Palace. The entire Zixiao Palace, there are just a few people, you can see it at a glance, maybe it is hidden in these What about Daotongzhong?

Even if Hongjun couldn't count, he should be able to count some of Su Hang's motives. Su Hang said that he asked Hao Tian to call back those little Daotongs.

Except for Haotian, a total of four people all gave a little panic to Su Hang. He said that he was an uncle. Su Hang looked at it. The biggest one was 14 or 5 years old. The youngest one was a little too much. .

It looks like at most one or two years old, wearing a red apron, white and fat, and haven't even grown a few teeth, the words are unclear, walking at the end, walking a few steps and climbing twice, it is just just A ignorant little baby.

Su Hang looked a little unbearable, and turned to Hong Jun, "Yes, you are right, you can accept such a little baby? That child? Are you afraid that your parents are worried?"

Hong Jun smiled bitterly and said, "Brother is afraid I forgot. This child was brought back to my Zixiao Palace from the earth by Liu Ruxu."


Su Hangwenya, suddenly stunned, turned his eyes sharply, and fell on the little baby, a little surprised in his eyes, "Is he?"

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