Super Study God

Chapter 1912: Search Zixiao Palace!

Tan Lili's son? Are they all so big?

The Avenue was born on the earth that day, Hong Jun specially asked Liu Ruxu and Hong Yun to go to the earth, and took away a newborn baby.

That baby was Tan Lili’s newly born son, and the whole of Wendu was completely destroyed by the birth of that child. Liu Rusu brought the baby suspected to be the reincarnation of Dadao back to Zixiao Palace and gave it to Hongxiao Jun.

But it is a pity that Dadao played a golden cicada shelling and was taken away by Liu Ruxu, not the reincarnation of Dadao, but simply Tan Lili's son.

The real avenue was actually Lin Xiaoxuan, the son of Ye Zhiqiu, the master of the capital, who was Lin Daoxuan.

Tan Lili’s son, who had been forgotten by Su Hang, had never cared about it, but he didn’t want to see it again today. This reminded him of Tan Lili, who was taken away by Liu Rusu on that day. But I don't know if I also stayed in this Zixiao Palace.

I haven’t seen it for more than a year, but it’s all so big. Su Hang looked at the child carefully. Between Meiyu, it was similar to Tan Lili.

This is a pitiful baby, so a little, no father and mother, no family, now under the Hongjun door, but I do not know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

"This child is naturally smart, but he hasn't been named yet. I've been calling him Amao. Brother, you count as half of his father. Give him a name." Hongjun called the little doll to him, right Take Su Sudao.

Su Hang heard the words, his face suddenly twitched, and turned to look at Hong Jun with a black face, "What are you talking about? What is a half dad?"

Can't he be his half-daddy because he once had a relationship with the child's mother? Although it is a joke, but this relationship can not be confused.

Hong Jun just smiled, "Amao is really poor, you should be pitiful and pitiful?"

Su Hang smiled, "Everyone said that the heavens are ruthless, when did you Hong Jun learn to be pitiful?"

Hong Jun shook his head and said, "The human heart is full of flesh. If the heaven and the earth are ruthless, then there are all beings in this world."

Su Hangdao, "This child was brought back from the earth. You should be responsible in the end. I don't want to mess with this cause and effect. I'm not good at naming this thing, or do it yourself."

This guy, Hong Jun, dug a hole somewhere to let you jump in. Su Hang talked to him all the time, and he was always very careful, saying that he named the children, but it was not just such a simple name. If he gets up, the child will be implicated from now on. If the child is mediocre, it will be okay. In case there are any variables in the future, it will cause a lot of trouble.

Therefore, in the realm of Su Hang, although you are not afraid of cause and effect, but whether or not you can keep the cause and effect untouched, after all, you are not afraid of dirty, it does not mean that you don’t like cleanliness. Everyone will be uncomfortable.

Seeing Su Hang like this, Hong Jun just shook his head and smiled, "Brother now more and more regards Hong Jun as an outsider."

"I dare not treat you as an outsider." Su Hang shook his head. "You are so old, you haven't been in love, and there are no descendants to pass on. You see this child as cute, as I see it, it's not good You put him by your side to be your son, but also comfort your lonely and lonely heart."

After listening to this, Hongjun twitched slightly and smiled bitterly, "Brother is afraid that he is laughing, not to mention, since the brother rejected, then the child will stay with me for the time being, I will take care of him for the time being."

Su Hang was very happy, "What does it mean to take care of me? I said Hong Jun, you are too much to do this..."

Hong Jun quickly interrupted Su Hang's words, "Brother and mother of this child, how much love is there, can you become a brother, you really don't even miss the old feeling? Think about this child, now lonely and unaccompanied, Really pitiful."

Su Hang has a black face and black face. Speaking of the child’s mother, Tan Lili, Su Hang has no feelings or hatreds in her heart. After so many things, everything has become bearish, and the two have already been released. Formerly.

Hong Jun was actually right, no matter how before, now, this child has no father, no mother, no relatives, and no reason. If it is hard to calculate, only he has a little relationship with him. After the old man, he is reasonable. Su Hang should have some care.

Su Hang did not want to spend much time talking with Hong Jun. The child staying in Zixiao Palace is definitely more promising than following him, and following the ancestors of Dao. It is certainly not difficult to find a good job in the future.

There are already two little babies in the family, and there is one more one. Su Hang has no energy.

Regardless of Hong Jun's heart, Su Hang waved his hand and dismissed the topic, "I came to Zixiao Palace today, but I didn't come to you to chat about it."

Hong Jun was helpless and said, "Every time my elder brother comes to Zixiao Palace, there must be something troublesome. Hongjun's small force is too small, too big a thing, but he can't help you. Ordinary things, my elder brother can't help me. "

Su Hang's forehead was covered with black lines. "Hong Jun, you are getting smoother now. I haven't even spoken yet. Was it rejected by you?"

Hong Jun smiled, "Where did Hong Jun speak so badly, but he didn't know why his brother came here?"

Su Hang will no longer turn around and just say, "I have escaped from the original sin, I heard it was hiding in your Zixiao Palace..."

"Original sin?" Hong Jun paused for a He looked at Su Hang with a bit of amazement, "What does that elder brother mean?"

"If you want to rummage in your Zixiao Palace, it can be regarded as a hidden danger for you." Su Hang said directly, in front of Hongjun, he had no evasion.

Hong Jun heard the words, and that face instantly twitched, "Brother, are you kidding me? Are you trying to turn my Zixiao Palace upside down? Although Hong Jun had been negligent to his brother before, but also Don’t you think of such an excuse to avenge Hongjun?"

Su Hang sullenly said, and then said seriously, "Do you look like I'm kidding? You should know better than me what is the original sin, I don't hide from you, I have twelve major original sins, I have solved eight of them, now There are still four people at large. One of these four people may be hiding in your Zixiao Palace. Let me sweep this thunder, help me and help yourself. You don’t want this thunder to be in your palace suddenly. Was it fried?"

Hong Jun hesitated for a moment, and said, "If that is the case, my elder brother will be just like me, but my Zixiao Palace is just a little bit bigger. There are just a few people. My elder brother doesn't have to rummage around. , The elder brother checked by himself."

Su Hang looked at Hong Jun oddly, "So beware of me? Could you hide a woman in the palace?"

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