Super Study God

Chapter 1922: 1 condition?

Turning around, he looked at Suhang in horror, "Are you going to kill me?"

Su Hang shrugged, "Otherwise?"

"You can't kill me." Luck.

Su Hang was delighted when he heard this, "Are you funny, weren't you just so arrogant? Do you know that the service has softened now? You can see for yourself, today you are tossed into this situation, if I don't kill you, how can I say What about the past?"

Luck, "I am your luck, you killed me, it is not good for you, keep me, I can also help your luck..."

It seems to already know that there is no escape. At this time, Yun is already doing his best to save his life. At this moment, he is banned, and Suhang wants to kill him. It is already easy.

"Come on." Su Hang shook his head. "You are a luck. What other luck is there to say? Our Lady said that I will come to you and will do great things. Your strength is stronger than them, but I am ten thousand. Unexpectedly, you can do it better than death. If I had come in time to let you take the wheel of heaven, but I still do not know what the consequences are. As dangerous as you are, is it not a scourge to keep you?"

"My Lady betrayed me?" Yun's black face was like the bottom of the pot, and he could be seen very angry.

Su Hang shook his head, "Not only the Virgin, but also the death, Mr. Kong and the girl, they all betrayed you, and your partner, it seems that they are a group of unscrupulous guys..."

"Asshole." Yun gritted his teeth.

Su Hang smiled, "Xu Shengmu thinks that you have a chance to defeat me, but unfortunately, you are a bit disappointing, alas, maybe this is destiny, you want to control your destiny, but you don't want to be punished by fate in the end. , It’s kind of sad to think about it."

The expression on Yun's face is changeable, and he can now see that he must be very complicated. "It's just a little bit, it's just a little bit worse. Why are you showing up? As long as you don't show up, I can get Heavenly Daowheel, as long as I If you can control the power of fate, will you be my opponent?"

"Even without me, there is nothing to do with you. Do you regard Hong Jun as a decoration?" Su Hang shook his head. "Before I kill you, can there be any last words?"

Last words?

After hesitating for a long time, Yun looked up at Su Hang, "Can you keep me alive?"

Su Hang couldn't help laughing, his original sin was actually like this, and it was a bit humiliating.

Gu Danfeng next to him laughed a little more.

Su Hangdao, "I don't want to die? It's simple, according to international practice, you tell me the whereabouts of the next original sin, I won't kill you for the time being."

Luck heard the words for a long time, and said for a long time, "I, I don't know."

"I don't know?" Su Hang chuckled a little. "Then I can only do it with my sword."

"No." Yun quickly stopped Su Hang and said, "The twelve major sins, the birth is scattered, I like to go it alone, naturally I don't know the whereabouts of the other eleven people, but the Holy Mother must know, twelve Where are the original sins? She has count..."


Su Hang paused. If Yun said truth, then the Supreme Master had a lot of concealment from himself.

"Hey, are you killing them? What about the mother-in-law's ink?" Gu Danfeng said next to him, looking very impatient.

Looking at Yun's body, Su Hang hesitated, "Well, just keep your life for a while and go to the Madonna to settle the bill."

After finishing the talk, Su Hang waved his sleeves and put the transport into the battle space.

At this time, Gu Danfeng walked toward Su Hang with a sword, "Well, no trouble, now, it's your turn? I am Pan Gu's Su Hang, and my Gu Danfeng will challenge you."

With that, the hilt pointed to Suhang, and a pair of Lao Tzu will soon fight you.

Su Hang was quite helpless and said, "Brother Gu, you and I haven't seen you for hundreds of millions of years. It's not easy to see it once. You just need to use your hand to move the knife. Come down and cheer on the wine, how many grudges there are will be released."

"Who talks to you about the wine and the hatred of taking away your wife? I will fight with you." Gu Danfeng immediately interrupted Su Hang's words.

Su Hang smiled bitterly, "It's been so many years, can you still let go of Brother Gu? Yuer doesn't even have you in your heart, you know that, and you should be very clear, she doesn't choose you, and I don't What's the matter, you can only blame you for being missed, and you are not too young to think about it?"

Gu Danfeng's face was a little angry, and said, "If you don't mention it, if you mention this matter, I will be very angry. Pangu's Suhang, you can hurt me..."

Su Hang was very puzzled, "I don't quite understand what Brother Gu said..."

"You don't understand?" Gu Danfeng was even more angry. "If it were not you, would I..., would I have married such a mother-in-law, and would you have come to the chaotic world of birds and no eggs to do the chaos of Laozizi?" The inspector..."

At the end of the day, Gu Danfeng seemed to be unable to control his emotions, and even a moment of sorrow came from it, his voice choked, and tears came out.

"He cried." At this time, Hong Jun said.

Su Hang twitched, "Brother Gu, what you said, I really don't understand."

Gu Danfeng took a deep breath and tried his best to control his emotions. He pointed the sword handle to Su Hang, "In short, since I let you meet you today, there is no possibility of letting you go. Let's count together, come and accept my challenge, I waited for this day, but I waited a long time."

Su Hang's forehead was covered with black lines, and he turned to Hong Jun to look over. His eyes signalled, trying to make him give him an idea.

Hong Jun shrugged at Su Hang, smiled, and let Su Hang handle it himself.

Suzhou Airlines turns to "

"You have to fight!" Gu Danfeng gritted his teeth.

Su Hangdao, "It's not good to fight as soon as we meet? Shall we make another appointment?"

"It's better to choose the day than to hit the day, right now, now and now." Gu Danfeng's voice suddenly increased by several decibels. "How do you grumble, or are you a man?"

Su Hang was speechless for a long time before saying, "Well, I will fight you, but you have to promise me a condition."


Gu Danfeng froze for a moment, then looked at Su Hang in amazement.

"You can not agree, then I will not accept your challenge." Su Hang said directly.

"You..." Gu Danfeng was anxious, but still snorted heavily, "Okay, you say, what conditions should I promise you?"

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