Super Study God

Chapter 1923: Hundreds of years of belated competition!

Su Hang heard that the corners of his mouth curved a little, "It's very simple for you. I will compare with you. If you lose, I want you to send me a piece of celestial heart."

"What?" Gu Danfeng's neck stretched forward, almost thinking he had heard it wrong, "Aren't you kidding me?"

Su Hang smiled softly, "No kidding, I would have imagined that Brother Gu borrowed a copy of the natal celestial heart and used it. Since Brother Gu wants to challenge me, then it would be just a color."

Gu Danfeng heard this and frowned, "What do you want Tianxinvine to do?"

Su Hang shook his head. "It's not important. What's important is that if you want to challenge me, you have to do what I say."

Gu Danfeng's face was black, "Okay, I promise you, I can afford a piece of celestial heart, but if you lose, what will you give me?"

Su Hang smiled, "Brother Gu, let's figure out a little bit. Now it's you who challenges me, not me who challenges you. What I can give you is to accept your challenge. As for the others, you think too much."

Gu Danfeng heard the words, and his face twitched slightly. How did he feel so shameless when this guy talked?

A pair of cold eyes looked at Su Hang, "Fortunately, if you lose, just give me your life!"

Su Hang listened and said, "Since it's a competition, and it's not a battle of life and death, Brother Gu still orders it well."


Gu Danfeng snorted softly, and then arched his hand to the next Hongjun, "Please also ask Daozu to be a witness."

Hong Jun nodded slightly, withdrew from dozens of light years, and watched with cold eyes.

It seems that this one is absolutely necessary.

Su Hang looked up at Gu Danfeng, "How does Brother Gu want to compare?"

Gu Danfeng lifted his chin proudly, "I know, you Pan Gu's Su Hang likes to play a little clever, but it doesn't work with me. This battle has waited for me for hundreds of millions of years, but it's not so simple. It’s better to be hidden by you, and of course it’s better than swords and fists until both sides stop.”

"Isn't it possible for one side to stop?" Su Hang asked.

Gu Danfeng shook his head and said firmly, "No."

He certainly knows what Su Hang is thinking. He wants to say that if one side can stop, he is afraid that Su Hang will take the initiative to admit defeat immediately. His challenge has no meaning at all.

"Okay, let's get started." Su Hangdao.

"I won't be polite to you." Gu Danfeng's eyes were blazing, and waiting for this day, it seems that he has been waiting for a long time. He raised the wooden sword in his hand and pointed upward.

Mujian flew out of his hand, turned into countless sword rain, and went straight to Suhang to kill.

Dadao Realm, between waves, is the world of destruction. Fortunately, this is the world of chaos. If it is placed in the Xuanhuang Realm, the sword technique of ancient Danfeng alone does not know how many galaxies to destroy.

When the sword rain fell, Su Hang was not afraid. With a gentle wave of his right hand, the surrounding chaos quickly condensed and turned into a shank sword.


The explosions, like the end of the world, chaos is raging, like a hundred-level storm, the tyrannical shock wave is scattered around, like to lift the entire chaos into the sky.

"Oh, that's enough energy."

Gu Danfeng saw it, and the light in his eyes grew hotter. This guy looked weak, but he was really not small. He really regarded him as an opponent for so many years.

When the riots were not over, Su Hang looked up at Gu Danfeng from afar, "How about you eating my sword?"

After all, Su Hang's **** turned into a sword, and one finger in the air. I saw the turbulent turbulence above the chaos, a huge vortex quickly formed, during which the purple thunder flashed, exuding a huge suction, quickly violently chaotic sword gas below. Inhale it.

Thunder is terrifying, so terrifying.

Gu Danfeng frowned, was this guy ready to zoom in from the beginning? A little bit more preparedness.


With a tremendous loud noise, a purple electro-optical giant sword fell from the vortex black hole, with infinite pressure, and pressed directly towards Gudan Peak.

Falling swordsmanship!

Su Hang hasn't used martial arts for a long time. This technique of falling swords was never learned from his illusions, but this technique has already been carried forward in his hands and has already exceeded the scope of the technique.

Gu Danfeng's face was dignified. The sword was huge like a mountain. It was like a world pressing towards him. Under the lock of the air machine, it was difficult for him to move.

Is this guy really breaking the road? Otherwise, how could such a powerful move be exhibited?

This trick was enough to threaten himself. Gu Danfeng didn't dare to neglect it. With a loud roar at the moment, Mu Jian flew back to his hands and went straight up.

On the wooden sword, a rich blue light instantly bloomed. Where the blue light passed, innumerable trees and vines were born. The trees and vines were like a huge shield, and they covered the bottom to death.


The giant sword blasted on the shield, and the shield descended, and the cracks were densely covered, Gu Danfeng gritted his teeth, infused with divine power, and the blue light on the shield burst out, and he even resisted the giant sword.


Gu Danfeng roared loudly, slammed his hand upwards, the shield lifted up, took the opportunity to get rid of the giant sword's air machine suppression, and violently flashed to the side, escaping for a few light years away.


The giant sword finally fell, and the vine shield exploded in an instant, and the wild sword gas directly cut chaos into a huge crack, just like dividing the two worlds, the chaos gas raged and raged. Its hanged.

This sword can be described as powerful and full of ground.

Gu Danfeng looked from afar, the unprecedented dignity between the eyebrows, this guy was far stronger than he thought, and just that trick, it took a little effort to connect himself.

A native of the Xuanhuang Realm, who can cultivate to such a point, is really unexpected. This guy has surprised himself hundreds of millions of years ago. Today, after so long, he has grown a But this guy was afraid and did not stop.

You must not take it lightly, otherwise, in today's competition, you will probably become a joke.

"Is this more interesting?"

Gu Danfeng licked his lips and swayed close to Su Hang. "It's not a waste of my time to use you as an opponent for so many years. You haven't let me down."

Su Hang smiled, "Brother Gu said so, I was a little flattered."

"If you fight like this, you don't know when you will hit it." Gu Danfeng smiled shallowly. "Let's try another way."

"You have the final say." Su Hang said directly.

The real spirit of the world has also said before, with the current strength of the Soviet Air, at most it can compete with Gu Danfeng. After all, this guy is a bull in the second realm of Dao Realm.

Judging from the battle just now, Su Hang is also very clear that he wants to hurt him, it is difficult, it is really necessary to distinguish the outcome, I am afraid that I do not know when to fight, he has no time to spend with him.

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