Super Study God

Chapter 1935: Black hole seeds!

"Huh?" Su Hang frowned, "What do you mean?"

Jiemo Xindao said, "On your understanding, I am afraid that you will not realize it for 100 million years, and that black hole is the exercise left by you in the sky!"

Su Hang froze for a moment. When he checked Yu Pei just now, it was clear that the real world was also checked!

"I also think that there should be hidden mystery in the black hole, but the suction power of the black hole is too strong, and my daring is not dare to penetrate!" Su Hangdao.

"Like many monks, you are still entangled in the black hole, confused by the appearance, how can it become a road?" Jie Moxin said.

"Appearance?" Su Hang hesitated. "You mean..."

"You should have heard of Heaven's Bite of Heaven?" asked Jie Moxin.

"Of course! Wasn't Gu Danfeng supposed to be my magical skill before?" Su Hang nodded, which means a little bit of asking for advice. The real spirit of the realm of the world is the original sin of the realm of the realm of the king of the realm, what I know There must be many, and the horizons are not comparable to their own.

At this time, the realm of the world said, "This is what Heaven has left for you.

Su Hang paused, and seemed to have been mentally prepared. He said, "It is said that this practice has caused many practitioners to be killed or injured, and many talented and ingenious people have derived many overbearing exercises from it. Daozong has already a series of Derived exercises are listed as forbidden techniques. Are you sure that the real people of the sky have left me the Tian Tian Bao to me?"

Jie Moxin said, "Indeed, there are many people who have learned this practice in the realm of heaven. However, since the sky, no one can cultivate it. This practice was created by the sky. It is said to be the first overbearing divine power among the heavens and the realms. At that time, the two realm kings of Xuantian and Huangtian were killed under this divine power, and there are countless pretenders...

"This practice has caused many **** storms in the realm of heaven. Many monks have been killed to death because they are competing for this practice, or they have fallen into devil because of this practice. There are countless people who are crippled and killed, many of which are large. It’s a pity for those with wisdom and great abilities. No one can succeed in this. There are some people who can’t do it. If they can’t do it, they will retreat to the second place, and they will derive many exercises and gradually become many schools...”

The Demon Heart of the listening world said here, Su Hangdao, "Is this horror of biting the sky so terrifying? If you practice a practice, can there be danger to your life?"

Jie Moxin smiled and said, "What you saw in the jade pendant is the essence of Tian Tian Bao Dian..."

"You said that black hole?" Su Hang asked.

Jie Moxin said, "Yes, it's a black hole. The essence of the Sky Eater is the black hole. In the body, a black hole can be devoured to achieve the point of devouring everything..."

"Cultivate black holes in your body?" Su Hang heard his words, frowning slightly.

Jiemo Xindao said, "It's very simple, isn't it? The so-called avenue is simple, the cultivation method of Tian Tian Bao Dian is so simple, only need to build a black hole in the body, even if Tian Tian Dian Dian has become a little..."

Su Hang wrinkled his eyebrows, "It is extremely simple, but it seems to be full of danger."

"Many people clearly know how to practice, but they still can't do it." The real world heart smiled, "The reason is that it's too risky to practice a black hole in the body. When the black hole is first formed, there may not be anything, but with the skill The improvement of the black hole grows, and the huge suction is enough to **** the cultivators themselves. Many people cultivate and practice themselves to become a black hole. In the heavens, this practice is listed as a forbidden technique. , Because this technique is completely a chronic suicide..."

Su Hang listened, and the expression on his face was very serious. "In that case, what does it mean that the Sect Master Cangtian gave me this exercise?"

Jiemo Xindao said, "I don't know what he means. However, since I gave you this skill, I definitely want you to practice it. Say Su Hang. Whoever is afraid, then use this technique to absorb it all the way, and take the skills of those challengers as their own. I am afraid that few people will not be timid."

Su Hang paused and smiled bitterly. "This is a forbidden technique. Don't say I can't do it. Even if I can do it, I'm afraid I won't dare to show it at the World Assembly, and it will become the target."

Jie Moxin said, "Aren't you the target now? Are there fewer people who want you to die? Since the skill is given by the sky, what are you afraid of? As long as you take the first place, you are afraid that no one will do it for you Platform? As long as you have absolute power, are you afraid of those small fish and shrimp? This skill is created by the sky, but you can’t see that the sky has become the target."

Su Hang paused, the truth is indeed such a truth, as long as there is absolute power, all voices of opposition will become compliments.

"And, you don't even try it, how do you know if you can't practice it?" Jie Mo said.

Su Hang looked at the jade in his hand, "So many people can't fix it. You also said, I don't have that perception."

"Your comprehension is a little bit worse, but don't forget, and me." Jie Moxin said.

Su Hang froze, "What do you mean? Do you know how to practice?"

"I mean, I can help you practice." Realm of Demon Heart said.

"Help me practice?" Su Hang was stunned. Cultivating this kind of thing, there is help?

"To practice this exercise, it's very simple. I can help you plant a black hole seed in your body, and slowly cultivate it yourself to grow it!" Realm of Demon Heart said.

Su Hangdao, "Don't you say that it's dangerous to plant black holes in your body?"

The realm of the world said, "Danger is danger, but wealth, wealth and danger are sought. As long as you have a way to control it, it will bring you huge rewards."

"You really speak lightly." Su Hang rolled his eyes.

Jie Moxin smiled, "Relax, with me, naturally let it behave properly, at least not let it prey against you prematurely."

"Fuck, how can I trust you." Su Hang was speechless for a while.

Realm of Believe it or not, it doesn't matter, anyway, black hole seeds, I have planted it for you. "

"What?" Su Hang was stunned for a while.

"Look at your Purple House Dantian." Jie Moxin said.

Su Hang immediately consciously sank into Dantian, and what he saw surprised him. In the middle of Dantian Xinghai, there was an extremely small black dot, just like a little ink dripping on the white paper. It's easy to ignore.

The Zhenyuan near the dot is converging towards the black dot, and his movements are very slow, almost invisible to the naked eye.

Black hole, this guy really planted a black hole in his body?

God didn't know, ghost didn't know, Su Hang twitched, when did Nima plant it for herself?

"I have seen the exercises in Yu Pei. There should be no wrong practice. You don't have to thank me." Jie Moxin smiled.

"I thank your sister." Su Hang took a sip and was very angry, "Who allows you to mess up in my body?"

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