Super Study God

Chapter 1936: Surrender it?

"You killed me too!" Su Hang was speechless for a while, without asking himself whether he agreed or not, he made this thing for himself without permission. It was simply hilarious.

"Don't get cheap and sell well. If you want to plant black hole seeds yourself, don't know how many years it will take, how many dangers you have experienced, I will give you everything in one fell swoop and save you a lot?"

"Then I really have to thank you!" Su Hang didn't want to care about the **** goods.

"That's not necessary!" Jie Moxin smiled, "After all, you are strong, can you help me!"

"Grass!" Su Hang sipped.

Realm Demon Heart said, "With this black hole seed, even if your Devouring God Power is initially completed, you have to try to surrender it and control it, it will absorb your energy and grow, of course, you can also actively feed Its energy helps it grow quickly, but one thing you have to remember is that the bigger it grows, the bigger the appetite..."

"Many people who practice this practice just because they can’t restrain their desires and are eager to achieve it. Before feeding the black hole, they feed it too much, and as a result they can’t fill their appetite, and finally put themselves into it. It will devour the body and soul of the body, and finally turn it into a black hole. In the sky, the dark star field, the black hole floating, some of them may have been a powerful person."

Su Hang listened and said, "In this way, before we can completely surrender to the black hole, we must maintain balance. My true element must be able to afford the consumption of the black hole seeds, otherwise, I will not make ends meet..."

"Yes!" Jie Moxin smiled, "However, many people know this truth, but still can't restrain it, because surrendering to a black hole is a very difficult thing, not a moment and a half, but it's biting the sky The benefit of the book is so tempting. He can absorb all things, the skills, flesh, soul, and even memory of the monk. All the power can be used for your own use. Think about how terrible this is!"

"Those monks who have cultivated black hole seeds, once the black hole seeds are 10%, will immediately choose to grow the black hole, swallow it everywhere, the feeling of rapid strength growth is really wonderful, too intoxicating, they always think they can control the black hole, Always think of another one, and then another one, and the result, until the end of the catastrophe!"

Su Hang couldn't help but shudder, the description of the magic heart of the listening world is a bit like those bad gambling ghosts, always thinking that he can win, and the result falls into the abyss.

"So, if you don't want to become a black hole in the future, you will first surrender this black hole seed!" Realm of Demon Heart said.

Su Hangdao, "So how do I surrender it?"

"Then you have to rely on yourself!" Jie Moxin said again, "Anyway, huge risks bring huge rewards. You think about it. The seed has been planted, and it is difficult to eliminate it!"

Really depressed! Su Hang really doesn't know what to say, this realm of magic is simply a sham!

If you're confused, you've trained yourself to read the Tian Tian Bao Dian. Listening to the description of the devil's heart, the Tian Tian Dian Dian is indeed powerful. It is worthy of the first wonder of the heavens and the world. No wonder it will make people crazy, but for Su Hang It seems that there is not much temptation.

Because, these abilities seem to have their own Xueshen system, and, compared to it, the Xueshen system is also safer. The only difference is that the Xueshen system can’t devour living people unless the other party actively sends power to itself.

The Tian Tian Bao Dian is much more overbearing and can swallow anything. Moreover, it can directly transform the other party's skill into its own skill through the black hole, unlike the system of learning God, it is transformed into the most primitive energy.

There are still merits, but the disadvantages are too obvious. If you are not careful, you will have no place to bury. You are a bit guilty. If you can choose, Su Hang does not want to practice this practice.

But now to catch the duck on the shelf, I can only accept it daringly, at most I don't want to touch this black hole seed.

It’s just that even if you don’t move it, it will absorb energy and grow itself, but it will only grow slower. This Nima’s is pitted. Su Hang does not want to be like a vampire in the future, in order to satisfy its appetite. Everywhere to find monks to suck, what is the difference between the avenue of extinction, Su Hang has always considered himself a good person.

"Make good use of this practice. Although this practice harms countless people, it is created by the sky, and no one dares to call it evil. It is only a ban. There are many people who have practiced this practice in heaven. Either die under this practice, or die because of this practice. Since Heaven has personally passed this practice to you, he must have his intentions and practice boldly!" Realm Demon Heart said.

"Shut up for me!" Su Hang groaned silently, "I don't want to talk to you now!"

"What's mad?" Jie Moxin laughed loudly, "When I get a benefit in the future, I know to thank me! We will benefit both, and I will not harm you!"

Su Hang was too lazy to take care of him. In any case, it was a disaster to keep this black hole seed. In the future, he had to get a snack and find a way to surrender it, so as not to be bitten by him.


In a sense, this bite-keeping book is similar to the function of the Xueshen system, except that one is overbearing and dangerous, while the other is softer and safer.

Cangtian, Tiantianbaodian, learning God system?

Is there any connection between them? Su Hang could not help but suddenly came up with such an idea.

Tian Tian Bao Dian was created by Cang Tian Tian Dian Dian and Xue Shen system have many similar abilities. So, what does Cang Tian have to do with Xue Shen system?

if so……

This celestial real person is too mysterious and unattainable for Su Hang. This cattle man once devoured the two Xuanhuang realm masters, the existence of the two realm kings, that is to say, Cangtian was a long time ago He has already been the leader of the three realms of the realm of the realm, and now he has reached the point of deepening his virtue. I am afraid that no one in the heavens and the realm can say it?

Such a person exists, but he wants to train himself as the heir to the heirs of the Xuanhuang Realm to compete with his grandchildren.

This is already weird enough. These things happen to yourself, seemingly accidental, but when you think about it, there is obviously some kind of involvement, which is really a bit of a brain.

Still that sentence, how can he be?

The more powerful the Su Hang felt, the more it seemed to be covered by the endless fog, not knowing whether it was a cliff or an abyss in front of him, maybe the road had already been dug into countless pits on the road, and one accidentally fell into it. There will be no end to it!

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