Super Study God

Chapter 1937: Letter to plead!


Su Hang took a long sigh of relief and swept away the depression in his heart. No matter whether it was an abyss or a cliff in front, he always had to face it. Since he has to face it, it is better to be calm.



"After my father came back from Zixiaogong, he seemed to have something to worry about!" At night, Su Jin found Su Hang and talked with Su Hang. Since Suhang went to Zixiaogong and came back, he has closed his brows. Obviously, he has something to worry about. .

Su Hang shook his head and wrote everything on his face, but it made people around him worried.

He didn't want to let his family know a lot of things. If he could hide it, try to hide it as much as possible. After all, these things need to be dealt with by himself. He doesn't want to cause trouble to the family.

"Is it related to the Supreme Master?" Su Jin then asked.

Su Hang smiled, "The so-called Supreme Master, but I am the original sin, and now I have conquered her, there is no Supreme Master in the world."

"Original sin?" Su Jin looked at Su Hang with some surprise.

Su Hang smiled indifferently, "You can understand it as a doppelganger."

Su Jin suddenly, for a while, froze for a while before saying, "It turns out that the Supreme Master Guru turned out to be his father's avatar. It's no wonder that in just one year, the Supreme Master Sect had grown to such a scale..."

The sudden appearance and sudden rise of Supreme Master, is strange enough in itself, and a sect has grown into a first-class sect in Dixian Continent in only one year. It can be seen that Supreme Master is strong. Now I heard that Supreme Master is Su Su Jinfang was somewhat relieved of Hang's doppelganger, and only his father could have such ability.

It's just that my father is so good. Why should I get such a doppelganger and it's still female?

"I have collected the perfect kind, and the great kind Dao Zong only fears that there will be variables. You let the Quartet forces of the Dragon Palace be supervised..." Su Hang commanded to Su Jin.

The Supreme Master is no longer a big problem, and the remaining few original sins are not a big problem. After all, this is within his ability and can be solved. The biggest trouble now facing him is actually those from Extraterritorial power.

At this time, Su Jindao said, "His father was extremely worried that the Supreme Sect of Taoism came out and said that his father please leave the Supreme Master. The Supreme Master may be unpredictable. In the past few days, many martial arts experts have joint names. Write a letter to plead for the Supreme Master, and want my father to let the Supreme Master go."

With that said, Su Jin took out a red fold with gold trim from his cuffs and handed it to Su Hang.

This kind of thing was used by the courtiers when they wrote statements to the king. Although the Dragon Palace is now only a moderation of the Shuihai Aquarium, in the Aquarium, it can be regarded as a king, and outside the aquarium, it can only be regarded as a force.

However, this seal was given by Chen to Su Hang. Su Hang is still the emperor. Regardless of whether it is admitted or not, this is indeed a fact. In the face of Su Hang, no matter who it is, it can only be called a minister.

Su Hang reached over and took it, took it over, gently turned it over, briefly looked at the content, and shook his head and smiled.

That smile totally regarded this fold as a joke, and it was really for the supreme master. The whole fold is about half a meter long. Only a small part in the front is the sincere speech for the supreme kind, and the back is almost all the names. And handprints.

Su Hang glanced at it, but there were still many familiar acquaintances in it, such as Yuxu Palace Yang Jian, Huang Tianba, and even the names of Mr. Qingxu, Mrs. Qingxia and others.

This supremely good guru really has a somewhat confusing ability, and it can actually attract so many people to plead for her.

Fortunately, she was collected in time, otherwise, she was given enough time, I was afraid that she would be able to collect the entire Xuan Huangyu inside.

Seeing Su Hang's expression, Su Jin already knew the result. He came to Su Hang tonight to talk about his heart. He was originally prepared to plead for the Supreme Master, but what he did not expect was that the Supreme Master was Su Hang. , How can I ask for this love?

Fortunately, he didn't speak, otherwise, his father was disgusted, and Su Jin felt a little lucky.

"These people are really full and have nothing to do." Su Hang smiled and threw the fold on the table directly, with a little joking between words.

"This discount was sent by Guru Miaoshan. How do you reply, father?" Su Jin asked.

"Why not to reply, wasting time." Su Hang shook his head.

Su Jin heard a stagnation, and then said, "There are many seniors involved in this discount. If you do not reply, I am afraid that you will offend many people."

Su Hang looked at Su Jin, and his eyes made Su Jin feel a little uneasy.

Su Hangdao, "Jin'er, you have been sitting on the high emperor's throne as the Dragon Emperor. It has been so many years. As an emperor, it is not what the courtiers want, you have to give it, and have your own. Decided, why should the emperor do something, why explain to the courtier?"

Su Jin paused, nodded and taught, he understood the truth, but his emperor was just the emperor of the aquarium. In the Shuihai tribe, he dared to do so. However, in addition to these people, there are Many predecessors of the demon and human races have no such courage for these existences.

Seeing Su Hang, he shook his head helplessly, "Well, you tell these people, if you want to be kind and pleading, come to me by yourself, without any trade-offs, I don't have the time and energy."


Su Jin nodded, but his heart was grinning. Su Hang's words spread, I'm afraid that few people would dare to come? After all, since these people chose this euphemistic way of writing, they obviously did not dare to meet Su Hang.

The father and son talked until late at night, and Su Jin retired. In the meantime, Su Jin also asked Su Hang to ask some questions about spiritual practice. Su Hang could answer the question, but he could not answer it. A tall and majestic image was erected in front of his

In practice, Su Hang could not help Su Jin much, nor did he help each other. He had his own way. Su Hang didn't want to intervene indiscriminately. In the end, instead, he kindly did bad things, only fearing that it would harm him.



The best kind of Taoism.

Above the main hall, the elder deacons of the various sect gates and the powers in different places gathered together, and the atmosphere seemed very dignified, heavy, and overwhelmed.

"Sister, this deity, it's terribly deceiving!" A black-faced bearded man with a bulge on his head, a rough man like a live Li Kui, looked angrily at the beauty sitting on the front futon Master Guru shouted.

The man's words instantly ignited the atmosphere in the hall. Almost everyone was noisy and clamoring, and they were extremely angry.

Miao Shan looked at everything in the temple with cold eyes. Since Master Zhishan passed it to her when she left, she took the position of Sect Master Zhishan Dao, but this seat is not easy to sit.

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