Super Study God

Chapter 1943: World monument!

With a light grip, Su Hang put away Xu Fan's true spirit, and in his own hands, he would never have a day to turn over, nor was Su Hang's cruel heart, everyone respected me, I respected others, Starting from his lower bound, we should expect this ending.

A red bag fell from the sky and Su Hang took it by hand. It was a slap-sized red bag that looked like a small sachet!

"A big man, with such a bag, it's too funny!" Su Hang shook his head and didn't forget to make fun of it. This should be Xu Fan's storage bag. There must be a lot of good things in it.

"Take it back and look it up. If you can find the world monument of this guy, you will make a lot of money!" At this time, Jie Moxin said.

"World Cup? Are you kidding me?" Su Hangdao said.

Jie Moxin said, "The world monument is the cornerstone of the world. Any monk who breaks through the realm of the avenue and breaks into his own world must have the avenue sect release the world monument before he can be regarded as the master of the world."

"So that's what it meant?" Su Hang was a little surprised. It was indeed that he was ignorant. After all, he was in the Xuanhuang Realm. The pattern was too small, and many things were unclear.

Even the information about the Daozong monk's spirit card just mentioned is also heard by the devil of the realm, otherwise, I am afraid that Xu Fan will really bluff it.

Jiemo Xindao said, "If you can get the boundary stele, you can control a world, there are many benefits, and this guy comes from Daozong Commandment Palace, even the treasure of the town palace of the Commandment Palace dare to steal it, maybe there is nothing good on him. thing!"

"Treasure Palace Palace Treasure, you said this whip?" Su Hang raised the long whip in his hand.

Jie Moxin said, "Yes, this thing is placed in the Dadao Sect, and it is also among the treasures. It has always been enshrined in the Palace of Discipline. Only when punishing some fierce and fierce strong men can it be invited out, but this guy is bold and generous, Dare to steal this treasure!"

Su Hang heard the words and shivered in his heart. He looked down at the whip in his hand. "Wouldn't that mean that this is a hot potato?"

If it is Xu Fan’s personal thing, it’s okay to say, but there is such a big way for this thing. The treasure of the town palace can be stolen.

Just now, the powerful Su Hang of the whip has already been seen. It can be said that he is quite greedy. With this treasure, he can help him a lot.

However, it seems that this thing will cause no small trouble to yourself!

"Relax, since this guy dared to whip out the punishment god, it proves that he is sure that the Daozong Zong can’t find it, or that it can’t be found for the time being, you can sit back and relax, if not necessary, don’t use it for extinction. By the way, if it is seen, it will be extinguished in time. In this way, it will be no later than the day when you can become the patriarch of the Dadao, but then, I am afraid that you will not need this treasure!" Jiemo Xindao said.

"Chicken ribs!" Su Hang couldn't help but smile a bit, and got a good baby, but it was not usable. It was a bit ironic, but who called himself so weak?

"Chicken ribs are meat too!" Jie Moxin smiled a bit, "But it's a pity that this servant, the body of the good road is destroyed so that there is no leftover, or else..."

"Why, you still want to occupy him physically?" Su Hang asked.

Jie Moxin said, "It's not impossible, but, as you said, it's really tasteless, and there is a distance between what I want, and there is still some distance from what I want, and second-hand things are always inconvenient to use. , It’s good to be a temporary residence."

"You don't say that early!" Su Hang couldn't help but roll his eyes. If he knew early, let the realm of the world directly occupy Xu Fan's body, and take Xu Fan instead, then there are all kinds of troubles now?

"After today, like this Xu Fan, I’m afraid that there will be a lot of troublesome people, I’m afraid there will be a lot of them, I will pick it slowly!" Jie Moxin sighed, "But you don’t think our two Things can be done like this, the flesh that I want, you still have to make it for me, and you have to find the materials you should find."

Su Hang heard the words and said nothing for a while, "Come on!"

After thinking about it, there must be more powerful people to find themselves, so Su Hang is a little bit tired, the future seems to be dark, I really don't know when it will be a head!

It is too passive. From the beginning, he has been at an absolute disadvantage and can only be let down by people. Su Hang really hates this feeling.

If he could, he was even willing to go directly to Chuangjie Mountain and put an end to all this. Unfortunately, he couldn't find a way to heaven at all.

Jie Moxin must know, but this guy may be in some kind of concern, and has never been willing to talk.

Su Hang took away the punishment and turned to look at Mr. Kong and others next to him.

To the eyes of Suhanghang, the five original sins were all frightened, and they all backed away, especially the girl’s heart, and they were terrified, as if Suhang’s face was born with a fierce look. Choose people and bite.

"Su Hang, wouldn't you be mad and kill us too?" At this time, the girl said a little tremblingly.

What just happened really scared a few of them. Su Hang’s intentional and unintentional killing of chickens and monkeys was so effective that they clearly recognized the gap between them and Su Hang. The heart of rebellion is even a little bit reinvented and recreated. Why is there such a big gap between the original sin body and the deity? This setting is too unfriendly to them.

Su Hang heard this and felt a little funny. "You see what you shouldn't see, what you shouldn't hear..."

", what? What did we hear?" Yun immediately pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Mr. Kong also quickly said, "My heart is empty, I can't see it, I can't hear it!"

One by one, he threw the demeanor aside, fearing that Su Hang would take action on them.

Su Hang looked at Zuo Shi, and said, "I have seen everything and heard everything, but you can rest assured that we are locked here by you, even if you want to pass it out, so you don't need to use it at all. Mouthless!"

"Oh!" Su Hang smiled softly, thinking that this product was going to die again. Listening to his second sentence, this man still made some progress.

Too lazy to take care of them, Su Hang turned his gaze to the Supreme Master, staring at the Supreme Master for a long time, "You should know what I want to ask!"

Zhishan smiled shallowly and shook his head. "I don't quite understand it. Please also express your respect!"

The corner of Su Hang's mouth curved a little, "There are still two original sins. What is their identity and where are they?"

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