Super Study God

Chapter 1944: Talk about original sin!

The five original sins were all stopped, but at this time, the best kind shook his head, and did not say much!

"Don't tell me, you don't know!" Su Hang's voice was a little chilly!

The most benevolent smiled, "They didn't come to provoke you, why should you kill them all?"

"Don't tell me such useless words again. Ask what you want, and you will answer. What are the two identities and where are you?" Su Hang said again, completely ignoring the words of perfection.

The other four people all watched this scene. They dared not speak, even the atmosphere did not dare to catch their breath, fearing that the Madonna would irritate Su Hang, and they took the surgery.

You should know that the Virgin Mary knows the whereabouts of the two original sins and the value of their use. Suhang will certainly not take them away. However, there are few of them that have no use value. In case Suhang takes them, they can do it. Injustice.

At this time, the Virgin looked up at Su Hang with mercy, "I've already hurt my luck, and I'm really upset. How can I hurt the other two Daoists? If you want to ask, I can only say, I do not know!"

By the side, Yun heard this, and he felt a little sad in his heart. He knew that it was the Virgin who betrayed him. When he came here on the first day, he saw the Virgin and wanted to get a shelf. Unfortunately, like everyone else, he was given the mercy of the Virgin. Infected, let go of any hatred!

"You don't know?" Su Hang chuckled.

"Yes, I don't know!" The Madonna was very determined.

Su Hang turned to Yun to look at the past, Yun did not dare to stare at Su Hang, and quickly avoided the look of Su Hang.

The Virgin knew the whereabouts of all the original sins, but this man told himself, and now, looking at these guys, it is clear that they have already colluded well, and they will not give any information to Su Hang.

Su Hang was too lazy to threaten them again, nodded immediately, "Okay, very good, then you will stay here for me, rest assured, the rest will be reunited with you sooner or later, when I will then Pack up together."

All five people's faces changed, and when they looked up, Su Hang had disappeared from this space.


The five of them all breathed out for a long time, as if they had removed a heavy heavy stone from their bodies and felt the cold sweat of their foreheads. "This guy seems to be stronger!"

All five people have the same idea, the girl said, "Isn't it that our existence will slow down his cultivation speed? Why does it seem useless!"

Lucky, "This guy's luck is too strong, with the help of that treasure, I'm afraid I can't slow down if we want to slow down, but we can't take him...

"Then what should we do now? Don't sit still and wait for him to pack up the remaining three Taoist friends, and then everyone will go to Huangquan together?" Mr. Kong said.

As soon as this word came out, everyone was stagnant, and his heart was heavy, as if to be overwhelmed.

"I'm still so young, I haven't played with many things, I don't want to die yet!" the girl said with a pitiful look.

Mr. Kong said, "I don't know what I'm thinking of. I'm shutting us down here. It doesn't matter if we don't kill us. I don't fight or scold. I really don't know what the idea is!"

"Don't you ask him to save your life?" Zuo Dao said in a word, everyone looked at him.

Nima? begging? Can this be said casually? You are deliberately looking for it!

Death also feels that the atmosphere is a bit wrong, fortunately, "should it be influenced by the power of the Virgin? A compassionate heart was born, and the side of the net is naturally open. It seems that this fellow is not a hard heart. As long as the Virgin exists, we can have a line. vitality."

According to Yun Yun's words, the atmosphere returned to normal. The sentence just made a death just made everyone not embarrassed.

"The Virgin is later. When the Virgin is away, he did not kill us!"

In a word, let everyone be settled. This guy, when the true emotional quotient is as low as the finger, Yun has given you the steps. You are still climbing up. Is this a deliberate death, do you want to be beaten?

Several people were faintly close to death. There was an urge to clean up this fellow. But death still seemed to be unconscious, and he was about to speak, but the virgin next to him spoke.

"Now the situation is grim, so don't let your fellow friends fight in the nest!" said the Virgin with mercy.

After hearing the words, the three of them stared deadly, and then looked at the Virgin Mary, "Virgin Mary, you have an idea!"

The Virgin shook her head, "Unfortunately I am not a wise Daoist, if he is there, it may help us escape from birth!"


Several people listened and shook their heads, saying luckily, "If wisdom has that ability, it won't hang at the beginning. In our gang, even if he is the weakest, what can he do?"

The Virgin shook her head, "It is undeniable that there are more intelligent Taoists than we know, and we, now know nothing about our future..."

To die, "And let's not mention him, the wise chicken of wisdom, to say that the three Dao friends of arrogance, arrogance, and lasciviousness, can be regarded as deadly, but what about him? At that time, there was a chance to escape with us, but I have to get together to deliver food, which is also called wisdom. I think he is almost stupid!"

The other few did not speak, obviously this time they all agreed to die.

But the Virgin said, "It seems to me that the wise Taoist should do this for his own reasons. As for what reason, I can't answer it!"

"The reason?" Mr. Kong froze for a moment. "Could it be our twelve original sins, would it be good to die first?"

"Huh?" A few people listened, and they were all a little stunned. Then they all shook their heads and smiled, luck, "What a joke, what is the point of our existence? It's better to be calculated as soon as we are born!"

Everyone thinks about feels reasonable, and they look at the Virgin one after another.

The Virgin took a deep breath. "Anyway, at least we are still safe for the time being. I'm a bit worried now. I don't know if he will come..."

"Who?" Everyone looked at her suspiciously.

"Bilian Daoyou!" The Virgin shook her head. "I didn't think that the deity was so powerful, so I wanted to go deeper into the Tiger's Den and get in touch with you. If you count the Bilian Daoyou, the six of us will work together, maybe There is a power to fight, but I did not expect that the deity is now far beyond imagination. I am afraid not to mention the six of us, even if the twelve people gather, they will not win him!"

When saying this, the Virgin's face was very helpless.

"Bilian Daoyou?" When everyone heard it, they shook their heads!

"I hate this guy more than my deity!" said Mr. Kong.

Several other people also pouted, their faces full of inexplicable disgust and disgust!

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