Super Study God

Chapter 1945: Gather the petition!

"In any case, he is also our companion!" The Virgin shook her head. "I had explained to the disciples under the door before that they would go to Bu Yaoshan to find a friend of Bilian, but I wonder if he will come out of the mountain. I hope he won’t show up, otherwise, I’m afraid I’m going to throw myself in again!”

He smiled and shook his head, "The so-called gourd baby rescue grandpa, should be said to be a few of us, okay, wait for everyone to get together, everyone will die together!"

Everyone heard a bitter smile!



"Buyaoshan? Bilian Daoyou?" At this moment, Su Hang frowned gently in the room, as if hearing something unbelievable.

Just after leaving the combat space, Su Hang did not give up the monitoring of the five original sins in the space. Their dialogue, Su Hang was vividly remembered.

Although eavesdropping is a bit lacking in morality, in your own combat space, shouldn't it be considered eavesdropping?

Su Hang thought so, what mountain was Yao Yao? I don’t seem to have heard of it?

"Jie Moxin, have you heard of Bu Yaoshan?" Su Hang asked Jie Moxin.

"Are you asking me to make a fart about this?" Jie Moxin sipped a bitterly. "If you ask me which mountains are too old, what was the appearance before the chaos, I can answer you, You ask me what **** step Yaoshan, I can only tell you, I have not heard!"

A little punch! Su Hang frowned slightly. It seemed that he could only find an opportunity to ask Su Jin!

After temporarily forgetting this matter, Su Hang took Xu Fan's storage bag out, but this is the moment to lick the bag and gain loot.

"No, this guy is so poor?"

It was originally with great expectations, but after opening Xu Fan's storage bag, Su Hang was somewhat disappointed.

In addition to some Xu Fan's personal belongings in the storage bag, plus some Elixir spirit stones and magic weapons, almost no other things were seen.

And even if it is a panacea spirit stone, it is also pitiful, and it is not even as thick as Su Hang’s family. Su Hang was speechless for a while, and his face was full of disappointment.

"These high-level monks, almost all of their families are used for cultivation. Can you count on what good things there can be?" At this time, the realm of the realm smiled bitterly, "You know what a Dadao realm monk spends on cultivation. How much is consumed?"

Su Hang was able to understand that he wanted to say whether Xu Fan would have any rare treasures, but it is a pity that it turned out that he thought too much, even if the things in this bag were added together Half of the hair of the punishment whip can't compare.

"There is no world monument you said!" Su Hangdao.

Jie Moxin said, "It may be a pity that I didn't bring it with me, but it doesn't matter, anyway, there are more opportunities in the future!"

Su Hang heard that a bit of cold, listening to the words of the world's magic, is to encourage himself to do more things to fight home and rob!

"A busy life!" Su Hang spit out.

"It's not too busy, after all, you still have the treasure of the town palace of Daozong's commandment palace!" At this time, the realm said.

Su Hang listened to this and completely huh, that baby is really powerful and can be regarded as a big killer, but this thing has a special origin, if you want to use it, you must first have the certainty of killing and killing your mouth. It's troublesome.

After a moment of disappointment, Su Hang put away the storage bag, got up and went out, ready to ask Su Jin to ask what happened to Yaoshan, and by the way, let the thing in the storage bag be handed over to Su Jin to let him charge The treasure house in the palace, although these things are not worth seeing, but it is only for himself, in the eyes of others, can be collected by the master of the Dajing Realm, it is definitely a first-class treasure.


As soon as Su Hang came out of the palace door, he saw an old man with white beard hurriedly came, stopped in front of Su Hang and bowed to Su Hang.

This person knows Su Hang and has met several times. He is called Ao Qingyun. He is from the Dragon tribe. He is a green dragon. He is now an official in the Dragon Palace.

"What's the matter!" The old man came in panic, obviously there was something to be informed, and Suhang was a little puzzled.

Ao Qingyun asked Su Hang, and he didn't know how to answer it at once. He quickly said, "It's a big deal, the matter of the most good Dao Sect, His Majesty the Dragon Emperor can't cope with it, and let the old minister come to take the god!"

"Supreme Daoist Sect?" Su Hang frowned, and what moth came out?

Ao Qingyun quickly led Su Hang to the gate of the palace, and said, "Since last night, the so-called Supreme Master Zong rescued the Supreme Master, and all his disciples gathered under the Tiandu Mountain..."

"Oh!" Su Hang chuckled. "Could it be that those sweet potatoes and birds' eggs wouldn't dare to attack the sky?"

Not to blame Su Hang for despising it. The point of Zhishen Daozong is still unclear. Only those few people can attack the sky? With the foundation of the capital, even if the Buddha comes to attack, I am afraid that even the foot of the mountain will not be close!

This is not Su all, the sky is not only guarded by the magic circle, but also Liu Ruxu, Hongyun and other masters of the heavenly realm sit in the town, and there is also a domain beast that does not know how powerful it is. Leopard, with these strengths alone, cannot be provoked by the existence of this world.

So who can be the Most Good Dao Sect? There can be a few disciples of Heavenly Realm!

"Shen Zun doesn't know, you just have to go and see!" Ao Qingyun bit his face, obviously the fact is not as simple as Su Hang thought.

Soon Su Hang went out of the mountain gate. Su Jin was standing on the edge of the cliff in front of the mountain gate, looking down at the mountain, frowning and looking sad.

"Father! You are here!" Seeing Su Hang was coming, Su Jin quickly greeted him.

Su Hang nodded slightly, and Su Jin quickly led him to the edge of the cliff, reaching for the next finger, "Father, look!"

At the edge of the cliff of Suhang Station, a pair of bright eyes lifted the chaotic fog and looked down the mountain, suddenly a face became extremely ugly.

I saw the mountains under the sky, all dense and dense, with black figures, countless men, women, children and children kneeling down on the ground, knocking head after head, stretching for dozens of miles, I am afraid that I don't know how many people there are.

One by one, like the Buddha worshiping the mountain, the scene can be described as a magnificent, such a scene, I am afraid that Su Hang was not so magnificent when he sealed the world on the Fengchen platform.

"What's the situation?" Su Hang glanced back and looked into Su.

Su Jin laughed bitterly, "Three days ago, after the father closed, there were monks of the Daoist Sect gathered at the foot of the mountain to pray to let the father release the Supreme Master, and then there were more and more people, not just the doormen of the Dao Sect. Disciple, and many believers have gathered slowly. Until now, I am afraid that millions of people have gathered under this mountain..."

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