Super Study God

Chapter 1946: Go down the mountain to catch people!

Su Jin paused, and Su Jin continued, "Now these people are still increasing, and they are full of knees in the fifty miles below the mountain. The children have sent people down the mountain to expel them. Life is innocent, so dare not act rashly!"

Su Hang listened to Su Jin's report and kept his eyes on the mountain, with a sneer on his face, "Follow me with this trick, it's really awesome!"

Needless to say, this must have been a premeditated arrangement by the Supreme Master Guru. Previously, Su Hang used the lives of countless believers of her Taoist Sect to abduct the Virgin. Now, she is also kidnapped by the lives of countless believers of the Great Sect. Myself!

So many people, kneeling down on the mountain, how strong cohesion is needed? How strong a wish can be exerted?

If it is a mountain attack, you can kill one by one, but this is not a mountain attack, but a petition of many people, kneel petition, how can you take them? Have you ever seen a temple begging for a bodhisattva, did the bodhisattva show you a beating?

One or two is easy to clean up, but this is millions of people, and most of them are only believers of the most good Taoist sect, just some mortals, how can you take them?

It's no wonder that Su Jin would be so stunned that he couldn't beat it, he couldn't scold it, he couldn't get away, there were more and more people, and everyone was crazy.

I am afraid that Su Jin has never encountered such a thing for 100,000 years in his life, as steady as he has lost his mind.

"They want their father to let others go. How is it good?" Su Jin asked. If he put it before, he might be like the people at the bottom of the mountain to help the Supreme Master Guru, but now he knows that Supreme Master Guru is Su Hang. The original sin of the doppelganger, naturally understand that it is meaningless.

"Oh, let go?" Su Hang chuckled. "Think of it too well?"

Looking away from the bottom of the mountain, Su Hang directly said, "Go down and bring me those consuls!"

"Uh, this..." Su Jin said with a stagnation, reminding him, "Father, this action may be inappropriate. Most of the Yamashita followers are Daoist believers. If they catch their consuls, they may cause riots..."

"Let you go, why don't you want me to do it yourself?" Su Hanghu stared at him, but he rarely yelled Su Jin.

Su Jin was stagnant and dared not to speak again. He quickly took the lead and took Liu Rusu next to him, preparing to go down the mountain to catch people.

"Wait a moment!" At this time, Su Hang stopped them.

Su Jin paused and turned to look at Su Hang. He thought Su Hang had changed his mind and was relieved. He really felt that Su Hang had something wrong with this.

"If there is resistance, don't talk about killing!" Su Hang directly said, Su Jin stunned!

"Yes! Children take the lead!" Su Jin didn't expect such a choice at all. Su Jin only recovered for a long time. Under the majesty of Su Hang, he didn't dare to say more and quickly took his life away.

"Young Master, don't worry!"

Going down the mountain, at this time, Liu Ruxu said to Su Jin.

Su Jin turned his head to look at Liu Ruxu, Liu Ruxu said, "Since these people have chosen a petition, they will definitely not resist, let alone riot, otherwise, their so-called petition will be defeated!"

Su Jin's words were stagnant, perhaps as Liu Rusu said!

Everyone at the bottom of the mountain, kneeling piously, still prostrate toward the mountain without listening, praying, and praying.

"Faith is like this, and it's really a great teaching!" Su Jin couldn't help sighing, and could make so many believers petition together, showing the powerful influence of this kind of Taoist Sect.

But the thought that this sect was only built by his father's original sin doubling, and he couldn't help admiring it, but now his father doesn't know what state he has reached.

"Faith is like this, a cult ear!" At this time, Liu Ruxu also said, also feeling, but the meaning is exactly the opposite of Su Jin.

Su Jin paused, but did not say much. Indeed, it is a good thing for people to have faith, but when faith has developed to such a point, it seems that it is no longer as simple as faith.

Everyone at the bottom of the mountain saw Su Jin appearing, and they all stopped to bow down and looked at them in the air.

"Sacred, and the Emperor Dragon is sanctified!"

"Guru is innocent, and asks the Dragon Emperor to forgive..."


Finally, when some people came down on Tiandu Mountain, some people recognized Su Jin. Under the lead, all the people under the mountain shouted in a hurry. These people, mostly mortal mortals, knelt down for a long time, the rice had not entered, and they were already weak. However, under the encouragement of faith at this time, all of them were as if they had been hit with chicken blood.

Su Jin frowned softly, and his eyes swept through the dark crowd, "Who's the lord?"

The thick voice penetrated the space like a thunder exploding in the clear sky, spreading far away.

The surrounding noise quieted down in an instant, and the space seemed to be still, except for the sound of the leaves blowing in the mountains and forests.


At this moment, with a low drink, a black-faced man stood up from the black crowd.

This man is sturdy, quite strong, dressed in a black robe, and looks very Born to be a vagrant look of King Kong, perhaps he already had resentment in his heart, at this time he was short of breath and stared at a pair of copper Ling Big Eyes is even more fierce and unusual. If there is a kind of breathtaking momentum, people will not dare to look at it!

Everyone around looked at this man in a panic.

"Sign up!" Su Jin sneered.

The man took a deep breath and said, "The best kind of Taoist Sect, the law enforcement elder Zhong Miaozheng, and the fifth disciple of the Supreme Master!"

The man said to Su Jin, "The family teacher suffered unjustified grievances for no reason and was asked by the deity. He also asked the deity to come out and give an account of how wrong the family teacher was. I need to know hundreds of millions of believers. , The world’s billions of trillions of creatures should know more!"

Su Jin's words were stagnant, and the other party's righteous words made him seem as if he is now playing a big badass.

"The evil demon said outside, young master should not be kind!" At this time, feeling that Su Jin was affected by the other party's ability, Liu Rusu said a word!

Su Jin came back to God, his eyes were firm, but he ignored Zhong Miaozheng and glanced, "Who else?"

"I, Hu Miaojie, the third disciple under Supreme Master!"

"And me, Zhou Miaoyu, the seventeenth disciple of the Master!"

"I, Fang Miaoke, the 83rd disciple of the Master!"


Su Jin's voice fell and stood up in unison with dozens of people, all of them full of breath, justice and awe-inspiring, one who spared his life and vowed to fight power.

They are all the second- and third-generation disciples of the Great Dao Sect, and their strength is between the Venerable Realm and the Common Realm.

This time, the Great Sect of Taoism was sent out to the nest, which can be said to be prepared, and it can be seen that the Great Sect of Taoism still has some details.

"Okay!" Su Jin's eyes swept and his sleeves waved. "Okay! Then please go up the mountain with me!"

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