Super Study God

Chapter 1947: The world is benevolent!


Everyone was surprised, is this a single liquidation preparation? Especially the few people who stood up were panicked. The so-called law does not blame the crowd. They gathered under the mountain because they are crowded and civilians. They can be unscrupulous. It is expected that Tiandu Mountain will not dare to deal with them, but, If they followed up the mountain and were liquidated individually, that would be bad!

At the moment, Zhong Miaozheng faced Su Jindao, "I have been kneeling for a long time, and I can't walk, and I also ask God to go down to the mountain and wait for me to see me. Millions of believers under the mountain have the right to know!"

Among these people, this Zhong Zhengmiao has a realm of divine realm. These monks of the Taoist Dao Sect have a bit of confusion between their words. Su Jin's mind is firm and a little loose.

It felt a little guilty that I felt so sorry for them.

"Nonsense!" Liu Ruxu didn't have any pity. When even the big sleeves waved, the technique of Qiankun was put into the palm, and the dozens of early sheep were captured into the palm.


When the consul was arrested, the people around him instantly boiled, and under the excitement, there was a tendency to riot.

"God respects the order, if there is resistance, don't talk about killing, who would dare to provoke?" Liu Ruxu held her hand and looked around. She was a fierce god, born with majesty, and everyone said it in a word. There was a gun on the forehead, and there was no sound.

Seeing this situation, Su Jin quickly said to everyone, "Everyone is assured, I just take these Taoist friends up the mountain for questioning. Everyone wants justice, and Tiandu Mountain will be fair to everyone!"

Looking at the posture, Su Jin is really afraid that the following people will riot, after all, millions of believers, and they are all ordinary people. In case of riots, they will bleed and sacrifice, which is what he does not want to see.

Liu Ruxu just shook his head and smiled, pinched the dozens of people directly in his hand, and then turned and Su Jin went up the mountain.

In fact, Su Jin’s worries are simply superfluous. Even if he doesn’t appease, the remaining disciples of the Great Dao Sect are already trying to appease these believers!

It is not that they have no temper, but because Miaoshan has strictly ordered them before leaving, only to call the believers to petition, and must not conflict with Tiandu Mountain, and must wait until she comes back.

Therefore, no matter what, they have to exercise restraint. Since they have chosen to bow down and petition, they will never be able to conflict with Tiandu Mountain. Otherwise, their victims’ identity will only change if they become rioters. Sympathy in the monastic world?

Now that he has decided to play the sympathy card, he must definitely try his best to build himself as the weaker party. This is clear to all the Daoist Sect.



On the top of the mountain, Liu Ruxu's right hand spread out, and dozens of panicked villains stood in the palm of his hand. Blowing gently, the wind blew, and then blow out those villains, hula la fell on Suhang's before.

Those people had just been trapped in the palm of Liu Ruxu's palm. At this time, they suddenly escaped, and were even more panicked. They quickly looked left and right. When they saw the Su Hang standing in front of them, they were all terrified, and they did not dare to have the slightest fear. Actions.

"Why? Didn't you want to see me? Now when you see me, why don't you speak again?" Su Hang asked with a cold face.

The people listened and stood up from the ground, quickly gathered together, one by one full of security.

"Wait boldly, the **** respected, not kneeling yet?" At this time, Ao Qingyun drank loudly, this old dragon, quite a bit pretentious.

The people of Zhishen Daozong shuddered in awe, and several of them had softened their legs and feet, and almost knelt down.

At this time, Su Hang raised his hand and stopped Ao Qingyun's words. His eyes swept over these people, and it took a long time to speak. "Who has the idea?"

Everyone's heart is beating wildly. This feeling is really not covered. The kind of majesty that Su Hang has developed in these years has been completely beyond imagination. Even the people closest to him, such as Su Jin and others, are in Su In front of the air, there are rules and regulations, sometimes even the atmosphere does not dare to breathe.

For a moment, there was silence!

"Why? Dignity is so good, no one dares to admit it?" Su Hang couldn't help laughing!

Everyone's face was flushed. At this time, the black-faced big man Zhong Miao Zhengteng took a lead. He stood up first and calmly looked up at Su Hang. "Why did God say this? The teacher was aggrieved. How could anyone make an idea? God is afraid that it might be misunderstood!"

"Hehe!" Su Hang smiled softly, "Spontaneous behavior? Okay, I don't care if they are voluntary or bewitted by some people. I don't hold you accountable, but you say your teacher is respected, What's wronged?"

Zhong Miaozheng's face was stagnant. Wasn't this a clear-cut matter?

This Zhong Miaozheng was bold, but when he said, "On that day, the deity took away the master from my sect, but he didn't say the reason. The world thought that the sacred man covered up the Buddha. He wanted to suppress me to the good sect, and asked the **** to release the master. Give the world a story!"

Some words, righteousness Ran Ran, righteous words, with great anger.

Su Hang couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "It's very good and reasonable, but unfortunately, your master will not go with you, and she can't go back with you!"

Everyone heard that it was stagnation, and they looked up to Su Hang with their fright and fear in their eyes. Listen to Su Hang's words, is the Virgin already executed?

Just waiting to ask for details, at this time, Su Hang said again, "Give you two choices, either, immediately take these people down the mountain to leave the sky, I don’t blame, just as today’s things have not happened; or, just Everyone under this mountain was buried here!"


Everyone was in fear, and never thought that Su Hang would be so straightforward and so decisive.

At that moment, Zhong Miaozheng's voice trembled, "God, there are millions of civilians under the mountain!"

When Su Jin listened to it, he was also open-mouthed, but when he spoke to his mouth, he swallowed it back. Su Hang himself argued that he did not dare to add chaos.

But Liu Ruxu didn't change his face, not just millions of people. Compared to the karma contaminated by her, it was too insignificant.

"Heaven and earth are benevolent, take everything as a ruminant dog!" Su Hang turned to look down the mountain, took a deep breath, "Forcing Gong Tian Tian Mountain, this one is the death penalty!"

All the Daoist Sects were blue for a while, and their feelings were not good. They could all feel that Su Hang was not telling lies.

"God regards sentient beings as ants, and Divine Venerables used to be the same. They all said that Divine Venerables are life-defying, unexpected, and their names are not true, which is really disappointing..." When the words were spoken, the louder the voice, the more grieved and angry.

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