Super Study God

Chapter 1956: Unintentional country!

But the black light group didn’t seem to stop, and then said, “It’s better to stand up and do something than stand alone here and sigh, I can give you strength, give you unimaginable power, as long as there is With the power, your apprentice will be able to return to your side. No one will dare to look down on you, even if you are the Buddha in your eyes, you can replace it, and the one in Tiandu Mountain, it is nothing..."

"How can I pick a bald head and have no desires and desires in the world? What's the point of the Green Buddha, all day long? Why not have a blast!"

"What's so good about being a monk? How many people in this world should try, because the precepts are clear and not allowed to try? Think about it yourself, how many women love you on the way to the west, but you have to help your Buddha And separate from them?"

"What are you still hesitating? Accept me, you will become stronger, stronger than anyone, as long as you have a strong power, which rules do you control? You should be the one who sets the rules!"

The black light group kept saying, every word was poked in the heart of Tang Xuanzang. Although Tang Xuanzhuang tried his best to seal off his soul and prevent the invasion of outside evil, but his mind already had a gap It hasn't been time to mend. How can it be resisted? The whole person is ignorant, and in a short time it is already muddled. The expression on his face is very ugly. Obviously something hidden in the heart has been magnified infinitely.

"I tell you to shut up!" Tang Xuanzhuang tried hard to wake up with the last trace, and let out a deep cry.

"Hahaha, come on, I am your savior!"

The black light group laughed loudly and immediately flew to Tang Xuanzang, immediately wrapped Tang Xuanzang's head in it, and soon disappeared into Tang Xuanzang's head.

Tang Xuanzang closed his eyes, and the entire Zen room fell into a terrible silence. For a long time, Tang Xuanzhuang finally opened his eyes. A trace of fine mans flashed in his eyes. The eyes seemed to be painted with eye shadows. A black lotus mark appeared in the middle of his forehead. A handsome face became a little strange, and the temperament of the whole person seemed to have changed.

"Amitabha!" At this time, Tang Xuanzang declared a Buddha's horn, and the corners of his mouth curved a little, as if with a different meaning.

At this moment, the entire golden cicada galaxy seemed to be covered with a cloud of clouds. The monks of the Buddhist monks felt a sudden jump in their hearts.



The Thousand Buddhas system, one of the stars in the Golden Cicada field, has a planet civilization civilization called Shi'e, which is not too large, on the periphery of this galaxy.

This place is located at the outermost periphery of the Golden Cicada Star Field, bordering the Dragon Dragon Star Field, and basically belongs to the two irrelevant zones.

There is a group of people living on this planet. It is said that this group of people is a relic of the ancients, born unintentional, and all of them have extraordinary talents. The God Emperor assigned the planet to the unintentional family many years ago, so , This is a place where the Buddha can't control.

But in these years, the Royal Palace of God is not only weak, but it can be said to be in name only. Before the appearance of Su Hang, it almost no longer has any prestige. However, after the appearance of Su Hang, the Buddhist door was afraid that Su Hang would turn over the old account, so the Buddhist door has been removed. Draw from Shi'e Star and no longer develop faith in Shi'e Star.

This unintentional tribe is an unbelieving ethnic group. It was extremely difficult to develop faith here, and Buddhism is not that bad. However, in order to show that it belongs to the Buddhism, it still retains the Buddhism with Shihexing. Meaning name.

In this regard, the unintentional people do not care, for them, the name of the planet does not seem to matter!

Unintentional country, Izumo Castle!

This place is close to the sea and has rich products. It is a place where the heartless country is rich and prosperous. It is only eight hundred miles from the capital city of the sky.

Su Hang was scared of being greedy, and after coming to Wuxin, he settled here temporarily. After he figured out the situation, he tried other things.

The real man Bilian was released by Su Hang. Since he said that greed was in the unintentional country, he had to be responsible. In the end, Su Hang killed him if he couldn't find greed, so Bilian real man was really trembling.

A restaurant in the city, on the second floor by the window, Su Hang and Bilian live by the window and ordered a table of dishes, and Bilian live by the window, while tasting the food, while looking at this place Local customs.

This unintentional Chinese has almost no difference in appearance from ordinary people.

"It's weird. These unintentional people are all smiling faces. Even the beggars on the street are always smiling!" Su Hang said.

"Isn't it strange?" Bilian said with a grin. "Innocent people, talents are different. They are born with no heart, no faith, no worries. They regard everything as a cloud. Who can worry about their faces after the days have passed?"

He had been to the unintentional country once, and he knew a lot about the unintentional country.

"Oh?" Su Hang heard the words and shook his head. "Then it's unintentional, clearly it should be careless and lungless!"

Where is there such a rarity in the world? Are there other people who are born with no worries?

"Don't believe it? Wait!" Bilian lived to see Su Hang's unbelief, and immediately turned around, beckoning Xiao Er, who was not far away, "Pr. check out!"

Xiao Er heard the words, and immediately ran over with a smile, "But the two guest officers have eaten well?"

Bilian nodded his head and asked directly, "How much silver?"

The shop little two looked around, "The two ordered 17 dishes, three pots of wine, a total of one or two or seven money, and one or two or five money!"

Eat more and take the enough, it is the same everywhere, but after eating a meal for almost two or two silver, their meal is also luxurious. This full table of dishes can be moved. Not many, but it is a waste!

Su Hang looked at Bilian live. He didn't mean to pay for it. After all, this guy was calling checkout, and almost all the dishes in the table were ordered by Bilian live, so he should be asked to pay for it.

Bilian did not mean to let Su Hang pay for it. He looked up at the second child and said directly, "No money!"

The clean and tidy words, without any blush at all, made Su Hang stunned. This is so hard. Where is the play?

Xiao Er of the shop heard the words and paused for a moment, then said, "Is the guest officer wanting to eat overlord meal?"

"Yes, why? Can't you?" Bilian looked back at the shop younger, his hands crossed on his chest, and he looked completely straightforward.

Su Hang looked at him with a black line on his forehead. It was a mistake to let this guy out. It was a mistake. Too low his taste. It was so straightforward to eat the king's meal. I really don't want Bilian!

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