Super Study God

Chapter 1957: No desires!

However, the second move of the shop Xiaoer surprised Su Hang. I saw that the shop Xiaoer still had a smile on his face, "Of course, if the two guest officials have no money, then they don’t have to give it. I want to say, so It’s a pity that the dishes aren’t finished. Should the guest take it back?”

Uh... Suhang was completely stunned. What is this operation? Can there be such an operation?

Bilian live-action waved his hand generously, "No need, leave it to the beggars on the street outside!"

"Guest officer is really kind!" The little two praised.

Su Hang felt that his three views had been reshaped, and looked at this scene with dumbfounded eyes.

Bilian said humanely, "Younger brother, I first came to the precious land. I am unfamiliar with my life, and I have no entanglement..."

An old face is extremely thick, and it clearly means something, and Suhang wants to smoke this guy.

The shop's second child still has a smile on his face, "Is the guest official going to borrow money?"

Nima, when asked this question, she was so embarrassed that Suhang was embarrassed.

The shameless guy waved his hand, "No, I still have to pay it if I borrow it!"

"It's okay, I paid the wages today, just one or two silvers on my body, so I will give you the official!" After talking, I was dumbfounded by Suhang. The second shopkeeper took out one or two silvers and passed them to Bilian. Very sincere attitude!

Bilian lived directly with his hand and took it over. He put the silver in his hand and gave it a look of disgust, "OK, thank you!"

"If the guest official asks nothing else, the little one will retire!"

Dian Xiaoer said a word, Bilian really waved his hands impatiently, even the words were much more difficult to say, Dian Xiaoer also retired consciously, still smiling on his face, as if to be happy after helping others.

Bilian was very proud, holding that piece of silver in his hand, and shook it in front of Su Hang. "Did you see it? Isn't it refreshing?"

Su Hang frowned, "Use your shameless ability again? How is this different from deceiving?"

"How is it possible?" Bilian real man just smiled, "just such a mortal, worthy of my ability to use? This is entirely his willingness!"

Su Hang frowned, "I know you are shameless, but you are just as shameless as cheating a child with a lollipop, so go back to the little brother, or go back to the little brother, otherwise, you must have a bitter skin! "

"It's over. Now nobody tells the truth!" The black lines on Bilian's real face are full of helplessness. "This kind of heartless people is just like this. Born carelessly, everything is indifferent, and everything is regarded as floating clouds, let alone be. With these two silvers, even if he were to give all his belongings, he would be happy..."

"How is it possible?" Su Hang shook his head and did not want to believe at all, how many monks wanted to cultivate the realm of no desire and no demand, how could someone be born with such a realm?

Moreover, this is not a person, but a family!

"You won't believe it, of course, if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it!" Bilian shook her head and smiled bitterly, "Do you know, before that, the Buddhists wanted to preach here on Xiexingxing, why in the end Give up again? Buddha said that the monk has no desire and no desire, and has sent many monks to preach here. As a result, he was almost made pure and unwilling by this unintentional clan, no desire and no desire, and finally only fart. 'S withdrawal, you say it's not funny!"

Su Hang heard that his face was covered with black lines, which seemed to be a big joke.

Bilian lived with a laugh, "No anger, no desire, no desire, this is the talent of this unintentional tribe, why should you run here to hide, because the money here is easy to make..."

Su Hang listened to this truth. This Bilian real person really said something. If everyone is like the second child in the store just now, is the money here not only good to make?

"However, this kind of place has been around for a long time. The most wearisome fighting spirit, the talents of the unintentional people, can infect people around them without shadows and traces. It can be said that this is really an excellent place for the people of cultivation. The place where the mind is repaired, in such a place, the devil is almost extinct. Unfortunately, even the Buddhist temples that claim to have no desires do not dare to establish Taoism here, but there is a bit of irony!" Bilian is really human.

Buddhism, is Buddhism really desperate? If there is no desire or desire, why do we spread faith everywhere?

Su Hang looked downstairs. The pedestrians on the street were all smiling. The whole person seemed to have a real empty mind and was a lot easier.

Yeah, unintentional people, how come the demon? There is something strange about this unintentional family. Let the devil live here for some time. I wonder if it is possible to become a Buddha?

At this moment, Su Hang suddenly felt something strange in his heart. He looked up sharply at the sky, and his eyes pierced through the void, as if he had seen beyond the light years.

For a long time, Su Hang regained his gaze, but saw that Bilian was watching him, and his eyes were a bit puzzled!

"Did you see that too?" Su Hang asked, his tone dignified and serious.

Bilian nodded his head, "Heimang flashed across the entire star field, and seemed to be alive!"

Even Bilian lived to see it. It seems that Su Hang did not read it wrong. At that moment, there was a feeling of inexplicable heartbeat. When he opened the void in his eyes, he only saw the entire golden cicada star field was seen by the naked eye. The unreachable black gas enveloped him, just when he wanted to find out the source of the black gas, but the black light flashed by, and disappeared instantly, leaving him nowhere to look.

"What power, I think it should be the devil!" Su Hang's face was a bit gloomy. UU reading dared to show up under his eyelids. It was really courageous!

"Everything is great, nothing to do with the big devil. It has nothing to do with me. We are here to catch the greed, but not to clean the door of the house!" Bilian lively shook his head, a look of no interest.

Su Hang didn't pay any attention to him, and directly exuded his consciousness, and instantly screened the entire Golden Cicada star field together with the surrounding star fields such as Guanyin, Jianglong, Fuhu, Jiaye and other star fields.

However, what surprised Su Hang was that there was no difference at all. The black energy just seemed to disappear from the air. If Bilian was also seen, he almost had to think that he was an eye flower.

Can't detect, run so fast? Su Hang's eyebrows were twisted into one. It was almost undoubtedly the case that there was a demon venting its majesty, and it could not be an ordinary monster if it could reach this level.

It's a pity that maybe the Shihexing Wuxin tribe naturally isolates the monsters, so that the breath can't be approached. In a hurry, Suhang will find the source of the breath in the future and let it escape!

"Don't search anymore. If you are disturbed by this and let him run away, I'm not responsible!" Bilian said quickly.

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