Super Study God

Chapter 1958: Sky City!

Su Hang searched with such consciousness with his consciousness, and even he felt it. He would not feel it if he did not believe in greed. If greed found them and escaped, in Su Hang’s words, if greed ran away, he would kill him. He didn't want to die injustice.

Su Hang heard the words and withdrew his consciousness. Indeed, don't let the greed run away. It's a pity that the sesame was not picked up and the watermelon was lost.

Looking up at the sky, Suhang felt it would not be that simple.

"Don't you think that breath is very familiar?" At this time, the real spirit of the world preached in Su Hang's consciousness.

Su Hang frowned slightly, and said, "It's a bit familiar, will it be him? Will he be in this field?"

"This is inaccurate!" Jie Moxin listened, and said, "This existence is not simple, but, when I look at his breath, it seems much weaker than before..."

"He was hit hard by me, I'm afraid it hasn't recovered yet!" Su Hang replied.

"Uh?" Jie Moxin's voice was obviously a little dignified, "You hurt him? This existence is a famous vengeance,"

"Not only is there revenge, but there is always revenge. I have had some dealings with him, and it is indeed a difficult opponent!" Jie Moxin said.

Su Hang pondered for a while, "How could he show up here, is it that he came to me?"

The realm of the world said, "Maybe it may be related to your original sin of greed!"

"It seems that we must seize the time to find greed!" Su Hang's expression on his face became more solemn. "One greed is not a worry, but if these two are mixed together, it is not a small trouble!"

Jie Moxin no longer said much, he knew that Su Hang had his own mind.


Su Hang stood up straight, and suddenly came so suddenly that he almost scared Bilian from rolling off the bench.

"Frighten me!"

Bilian real complained that the meal had been eaten, knowing that Su Hang was eager to find greed, he left the restaurant with Su Hang and went out to the sky city of the unintentional country.


Sky City is also on the verge of the big sea, but its scale is much larger than Izumo City, with a population of millions. The terrain here is special. The sea fog is transpiring daily, and the sky city is enveloped in white fog. It looks like Just like the city built in the cloud, the name Sky City, and the unintentional people have no desires and desires, the life in the Sky City here is really like a fairy.

The two of them converged and came to the city. Su Hang didn’t use his intellect to detect it. He was afraid of disturbing the greed, so he let Bilian live with him to look for. Bilian live and greed were seen here, and he must know where he fell. of.

"This kind of greed really makes a choice!" Su Hang couldn't help saying on the way.

The Wuxin tribe has no heart and no lungs, and they don't care about anything. The greedy guy can completely converge money here.

At this time, Bilian really said, "The place is indeed a good place, but this desireless environment is also a bit dry. I am afraid that it will not be long before he can rely on loneliness and leave this place. Perhaps he left long ago!"

When talking about this, Bilian turned around and looked at Su Hang. It seemed to be saying that if he didn't see greed in a while, it wouldn't matter to him.

Su Hang did not know what he was thinking and did not speak.

Bilian paused and said, "The greed is among us, and the life-saving ability is first-rate, but it is not so easy for you to catch."

Su Hang hesitated after hearing this, "If you meet him in a while, if you dare..."

"I know, I know!" Su Hang didn't finish his speech, and Bilian real person already knew what he wanted to say, quickly interrupted Su Hang, and said, "Although I know you are powerful, but we find the door like this. Let him run away, but I have a way to capture him with 90% confidence..."

"Oh?" Su Hang looked at Bilian real person, waiting for his follow-up, he had a trick with greed, knowing that Bilian real person is not false, so many original sins, greed is the first one, and the only one who can get it from himself Escaped.

Since he can escape once, who can guarantee that he will not escape the second time? It can be said that although Su Hang is very confident in his own strength, he still has no idea whether he can catch greed.

Just because of the greed for the ability of money to communicate with God, he can bribe the rules and open the back door for him. Now, Su Hang has not been very sure to restrain him!

Bilian really said, "I know him, and the relationship is not bad. If he is still in this city, I will go find him for a while. You just have to wait outside and wait for me to cheat his natal weapon and lead him out. If you try again then, you will be able to win it!"

Speaking of which, Bilian real person saw Su Hang looking at himself with a strange look, and immediately stopped, "You don't believe me?"

"What do you think?" Su Hang looked at him and responded directly.

How could this shameless person be trusted? If he was really let him go looking for greed alone, Bacheng would collude with greed, and he might not catch greed by then, even this guy had to escape.

After losing his wife and breaking her soldiers, Suhang wouldn't do this kind of thing. This guy treated himself like a fool, and he was not stupid at all.

Bilian lively shook his head helplessly, "I'm sincere for you, but you doubt me, it really makes me chill. There is a treasure in the greedy hand, called the greedy copper plate, which can control greed and has extremely powerful capabilities. If he has enough wealth, he can even subvert the whole world, you must not underestimate him!"

The more money ~ ~ the stronger, this greed is also a kind of alternative! Su Hang listened to Bilian's words, shook his head, and said, "I've never underestimated him, still the same sentence, if you dare to have a double heart, I will definitely destroy you before killing corruption..."

Bilian's face twitched slightly. He didn't think Su Hang was joking with him. He must have said it.

"I'm wholeheartedly toward you, to know that I'm from you, what the deity thinks is what I think in my heart, and what the deity thinks is the worry in my heart, don't look at me as the original sin, but I dare to guarantee that I am like this One of the most conscious people among the many Daoists knows that he can only do you, but he has to work against you. Isn’t that a lack of heart? It’s better to counsel a little and save your life!” Bilian Dao said humanely.

In this guy's words, Su Hang has always put his left ear in and his right ear out, so he hasn't paid much attention to it. Can a shameless guy tell the truth?

Seeing Su Hang indifferently, Bilian said, "Actually, why can't we live in harmony with our original sins and deities? Why must we have to live and die?"

Su Hang heard this, but looked at Bilian strangely, "Actually, I also want to know why?"

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