Super Study God

Chapter 1966: Xuanzang's changes!

Stepping out of one step is like walking through any door. In the blink of an eye, Bajie and Wukong discover that the two have already left the Jinchan star field and appeared over Tiandu Mountain.

Both of them couldn't help but sigh Su Hang's means, tearing the space at hand, and carrying out such a large space movement with precision. I'm afraid even the Buddha could not do it.

"Huh? How did the sky look like this?"

Ba Jie and the two people looked down and saw that the woods fell down on the mountain that day. Perhaps it was raining in these two days. The road under the mountain was very muddy and covered with deep and shallow footprints. It seems that many people have come.

Su Hang just smiled and shook his head. Not all of them were done by the believers of the good Dao sect a few days ago. They made such a mess. The tens of thousands of miles below the mountain passed through like locusts, and millions of people almost took the land. If you step on it, you have to spend a lot of time to rest.


The palace was safe and sound, Su Hang relaxed, and took the two men down to Yuntou.

"Ah!" Ba Jie sighed suddenly.

Su Hang glanced at him, "What's the matter? Haven't chased the two women?"

Bajie stayed on the earth just for Shen Huang's second daughter, a reincarnated Chang'e, and a widowed Gao Cuilan. To say that this guy's appearance is not bad, and his skills are not low. It took so long to make a little progress.

Let this guy sigh, afraid that there will only be love.

Ba Jie listened and smiled bitterly, "The master teases Ba Jie again, I don't sigh for them, but for the Master!"

When Wukong heard the words, he ignored his face.

Eight Commandments, "After the monkey and I left, Master was only next to Laosha and Laobai. Laosha and Laobai were on duty in Lingshan. The whole Kung Tak Temple, alone, was so lonely. Buddha, alas..."

Su Hang smiled and said, "Tang Xuanzang is a Buddhist monk. He has profound dharma and is companionship with Buddha all day long. How can he be alone?"

The purpose of repairing the Buddha is to cut off the dust, and the feeling of master and disciple should naturally be included in it. Otherwise, how can it be regarded as a real monk?

Bajie listened, but sighed.

However, Wukong said, "This time I saw Master, it has changed a lot from the previous..."

"Huh?" Su Hang and Ba Jie both turned to look at him, I wonder why he said so.

Wukong said, "I don't know why, it's just a feeling, maybe it is to break through the realm of Buddha, and I realized it. This time I saw Master, I feel that he has lost a lot. In the past, he always has a frame, every I didn’t leave the Buddha without saying a word. It was a headache to say three sentences. It was more uncomfortable than a curse. I heard him preaching yesterday, but I didn’t feel as bored as before. It really benefited me a lot.”

Bajie said, "You monkey, picking up cheap and selling well, how can I not have that opportunity?"

They are all in the Venerable Realm, and they are all running towards the Heavenly Venerable Realm. Tang Xuanzang has just broken through the Heavenly Realm Realm. There must be a lot of experience. These experiences are very important for their practice. There is a little jealousy in Bajie’s heart. But the benefits of Goku are all given away.

Wukong said, but he pouted, "Who makes you run slowly!"

Eight precepts were uncomfortable, but Wukong was too lazy to take care of him, and said, "There is another difference. We, Master, are good at everything, but they are somewhat pedantic. We have great respect for the Buddha in our hearts. No matter who we are, we usually say If the Buddha has a bad sentence, he must be reprimanded by him..."

Ba Jie listened and froze for a while, only when he was outside the Gongde Temple, he once said bad things about the Buddha. If it was put before, Tang Xuanzang must have reprimanded him all, and then said a lot of avenues. After falling behind him, it seems that Tang Xuanzhuang had nothing to do.

"It seems that our Master is also a bit hypocritical!" Ba Jie pouted, "The so-called respect is nothing more than a link to strength. In the past, it was natural to respect the Buddha, but now he has reached the Buddha's realm. Put Buddha in your eyes!"

"You nerd, dare to say bad things about Master!" Goku immediately patted Ba Jie's head with his furry claws. "However, compared to this, I prefer this master, who is alive in life, is not In order to be at ease, ask for freedom? How are you going to be free when you are bound by those rules?"

Bajie rubbed his head and felt very reasonable.

Next to Su Hang, they heard the words of the two, but did not speak. They entered the Dragon Palace, and after a short rest, they called Wukong to their palace.

"Sovereign God, what do you call Wukong to do?" Wukong jumped into the chair next to him and looked around. In this palace, except Su Hang, there was only one person in his heart, and he was bound to be restrained and uneasy.

"No need to be nervous!" Su Hang smiled. "Just want to chat with you!"

Wukong looked at Su Hang strangely, but he was only a monkey. God should not be interested in a monkey.

"What does Venerable want to talk about?" Wukong Kuairen whispered and asked directly.

Su Hang smiled, "You and Bajie left Buddhism, Bajie's heart is still on the earth, how about you? Can you think about where to go?"

Sun Wukong looked at Su Hang unexpectedly. "When did the **** caring about my private affairs come?"

In Sun Wukong's view, the relationship between him and Su Hang was far less than that between Su Hang and Ba Jie. Su Hang called him specifically to ask this question, which really surprised him.

Sun Wukong would naturally not know what kind of connection he had with Su Hang.

" Just ask casually, you don't want to say, you can not answer." Su Hang smiled, but this smile contains something different.

Suddenly he had an idea. At this moment, Sun Wukong in his eyes seemed to think a bit of himself in the eyes of Heaven and other powerful people.

Sun Wukong paused, a pair of savvy eyes turned around, jumped off the chair, and sat down properly, "I like to be at ease, to be at ease with the occasion, I never thought about tomorrow, nor did I want to think about tomorrow, God Suddenly asking me this question, it is by no means casually asking. It is inevitable that there is something in God’s Word, and I want to arrange a place for Wukong?"

Su Hang was sweating and said, "I really asked casually, how can you think of so many?"

The monkey was very active, and it took tens of thousands of years for the Buddha to fail to subdue him, enough to see the independence of his personality. Su Hang did not have the heart to arrange for him.

"Do not think more." Su Hang shook his head. "It's just that you reminded me of an old friend. You are very similar. I mean, they look very similar, but he is more aggressive than you. The hero is a hero, and Changhong is full of gas. Cultivation is much higher than yours. It's a pity..."

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