Super Study God

Chapter 1967: Well water does not violate river water?


Sun Wukong gave Su Hang a strange look, "Looks like me? Buddha said, since the beginning of the world, there have been four monkeys, six-eared macaque monkeys, gibbons monkeys, Chijiri monkeys, and one is me, and I look like these three. Is it possible that the deity said one of them?"

"No!" Sun Wukong shook his head before waiting for Su Hang to answer. "These three monkeys are not as good as me. Six ears were beaten to death by me, and the remaining two. The macaque king also entered the reincarnation. Yuan Hong was The Daomen beheaded, and the gods were enshrined in the heavenly court. They were the four waste star kings. Speaking of them, the best one was me. How could this be better than me? And, with their seniority, who can count God respect your old friend?"

Monkeys are always curious. If they have doubts, they have to break the casserole and ask.

Su Hangdao, "I mean, a long time ago."

Sun Wukong was even more curious, "The **** said a long time ago, how long ago? That old friend who looks like me, I don't know who it is?"

In Sun Wukong's impression, Buddha said that starting from this world, there are only four of them, that is to say, they are the ancestors of the monkey family. How can there be monkeys older than their qualifications? They look very similar, and what is their relationship?

Su Hang is very helpless, really should not ask this question, never thought this monkey would be so difficult.

"You don't know it, and you will know it later." When it comes to the previous life, Suhang is not going to tell him. After all, this is Sun Wukong's own cause and effect. At the moment, Suhang hit a haha. Then, he opened the topic and said, "I heard from you that your master has become different from before. Can you tell me more about it?"

Sun Wukong froze for a moment, and looked at Su Hang with a glance again. "Why did God ask this?"

Su Hang heard his words and rolled his eyes directly, "Can you answer the question well?"

Why should I ask a question every time I ask a question? This curiosity is also a little bit heavier.

Sun Wukong was a little embarrassed. He scratched his head and laughed, saying, "Master has indeed changed a lot. When I saw him this time, I just felt that his whole person was unpredictable. I really couldn't think of breaking through the Buddha's realm. Such a big change..."

"What do you mean by the changes?" Su Hang asked.

"I don't say too much." Sun Wukong scratched his head. "Anyway, it's a feeling. It seems like a different person. If you insist on saying something different, it should be the way he preached. He said yesterday. The way of law is very advanced, and many of them deviate from the Dharma, and even go to the flexibility of a lot of Dharma, and add a lot of killing breath. I heard my blood surging, as if I have recovered the tumultuous Heaven Palace and the gods and gods. The feeling of being enemies is so wonderful..."

"Last night I heard Master’s teachings of Daoism all night, and the income I gained was even more than the sum of thousands of years in the past. I like this Master more now, which suits my appetite..."

Sun Wukong was talking and talking, and he also talked about his own feelings, with a very excited expression on his face, speaking of the classics passed down by Tang Xuanzang, and the words were drooling.

Su Hang was listening beside him, but it seemed as if he was thoughtful, and he had not interrupted Sun Wukong, waiting for him to finish.

I didn't know how long it took before Sun Wukong discovered that he seemed to be a little sick. The Su Hang beside him seemed to be in a daze, not listening to him at all.

"Uh? Divine Venerable?" Sun Wukong also dared, jumped directly in front of Su Hang, stretched his paw and shook in front of Su Hang.

"It seems that Xuanzang is really a bit of a problem." At this time, Su Hang was communicating with Jiemoxin.

When I heard Sun Wukong talk about Tang Xuanzang's changes, Su Hang felt something vaguely in his heart. When he came to this level, he was very keen on capturing causality.

The reason why he asked Sun Wukong to talk alone was for this purpose, to understand some specific situations and deepen his judgment.

Jie Moxin listened and said, "After breaking through the heavenly realm, it is not impossible to change the temperament because of the epiphany. However, no matter how it changes, the Daoxin cannot change, and the ideology and concepts it follows will not change, not at all. Maybe the day before was still the practice of Buddhism, and the day after should be the practice of Taoism. The Dao Xin has nothing to do with the realm. Listening to this monkey, that Xuanzang is indeed a bit weird..."

"He said these Taoisms are also extremely advanced. It is not that Xuanzang, who first entered the heavenly realm, can understand it, and can talk about it in such a way. The doctrine of this content seems very similar to that person." Su Hangdao.

The realm of the world feels the same way, "I have had contact with that person. The monkey just said that it really resembles that person's mouth."

After obtaining the affirmation of the world's magical heart, Su Hang took a deep breath. "It seems that it is not accidental that the breath appeared in the golden cicada star field. Tang Xuanzang and the person are afraid to be connected."

"Hiding my eyes, this Tang Xuanzhuang is not a waiter." Jie Moxin paused and said.

Su Hang pondered for a while and said, "I'm a little worried now, how deeply Tang Xuanzang is involved with him."

"Ha ha!"

Jie Moxin smiled at this moment, "No matter how deep the involvement is, it's just a puppet. With my understanding of that person, I'm afraid that Tang Xuan Zang has already taken away, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to look down on you. There are flaws."


Su Hang heard that, his eyebrows were tightened tightly, and the real spirit of the real world was indeed reasonable. Recall that when I saw Tang Xuanzang before, Tang Xuanzhuang was not dripping at all. That only shows that Tang Xuanzhuang is probably not Tang Xuanzang anymore.

"How is it? Do you want to check it out again?" Jie Moxin asked.

Su Hang hesitated for a What do you think? "

Jie Mo's heart paused and said, "Although he was hit hard by you, but with the power of you and me, you may be able to hurt him again, but it is impossible to destroy him..."

"Yeah, but he..." Su Hang also sighed, as if he was feeling weak.

Jie Moxin said, "This existence is extraordinary, unless you devour the heavenly treasure, otherwise, it is almost impossible to kill him..."

"You mean, let him be free?" Su Hang asked.

Jie Moxin said, "You must not underestimate him and preach to the monkey head with his wisdom. How can you not think that the monkey head will tell you, or how will you notice the clue, he will not Do this for no reason..."

Su Hang thought for a while and said, "He deliberately sold a flaw to me. He wanted to tell me that well water does not violate river water?"

"I'm afraid that's what it means." Jie Moxin said, some words, it was torn from the face.

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