Super Study God

Chapter 1971: Arrogant!

Ananda said beside him, "Who has made the family break through the Buddha's realm now? After the Buddha is sealed, he will be the fourth Buddha of my Buddha's door. At that time, his status may be higher than that of you and me, so why bother you and me in?"

There is a bit of contempt and sourness in these words. They are all servants of the Buddha's ancestors. They have a very high position in the Buddhist gates. Now they are lightly treated by Tang Xuanzang. Where can they be comfortable in their hearts?

A typical person can't see anyone's good. A person who was lower in status than them before and met them with a smile on their face suddenly pressed them on their heads, and they naturally felt very responsive.

"Two Venerables!" At this time, the old monk waiting there was sweating and said quickly, "The Buddha's seal is a big deal. The teacher's ancestor is still bathing and cleaning his body. Please wait!"

This is also the only reason this old monk can think of procrastinating time. After all, in the Buddha gate, every time the Buddha orders ordination, it must be bathed and cleaned before he can show his dedication to show respect to the Buddha.

"Humph!" Kaye snorted lightly, without saying much. How can a little Buddhist cultivator who can't even reach the vajra realm be qualified to speak to himself?

"Two Venerables, please be restless, be patient!" Guanyin wants to be more calm and generous. She doesn't think that Tang Xuanzang is neglecting them. After all, her relationship with Tang Xuanzang is good.

Guanyin didn’t say okay, this said, Kaye flicked his lips and said with a hint of sarcasm, "I said Bodhisattva, isn't your relationship with merit and deeds good? He neglected me to wait, and he gave it back, why? Even you neglect your life together?"

Guanyin heard the words, but only smiled, "I wait for the Buddha's order to come to meet the merits of Buddha. If the two Venerables can't wait, they can leave first and leave Guanyin alone here!"

The two heard the words and suddenly stagnate. They couldn't find words to say that the Buddha's life has not been completed. How dare they leave alone Wouldn't it be good to go back?

In a word, they were speechless, and Guanyin continued, "Don't forget the two Venerables. After Lingshan is sealed, the Buddha of merit is the Buddha of merit. Among the Buddhas of Lingshan, the two respects The person is most likely to deal with things, why not think about having a good relationship with the future four Buddhas?"

I have to say that when the Buddha's first book was sealed, Tang Xuanzang was one step ahead, and his status was extraordinary. The two, Ananda and Kaye, had high self-esteem and superiority. They always looked down on Tang Xuanzang and the relationship with Tang Xuanzang was not good. Tang Xuanzang turned over once, but now is the best time for them to ease their relationship.


Kaye snorted, "What if he became the fourth Buddha? In terms of seniority, wouldn't we obediently call us Brother?"

"That's right!" Ananda said next to him, "I really don't know what dog Shi Yun he picked up, but he was the first to prove the position of the Buddha. It’s no match for a reincarnation guy!"

There was a lot of discomfort between the words, and there was no concealment at all. That Gaye was about to say something. There was a footstep outside the door. Looking up, a white monk walked in from outside the temple.

"Well you Tang Xuan Zang, it's such a big shelf!"

The person who came was Tang Xuanzang, who was too late, and had not yet waited for Tang Xuanzang to speak. Kaye shot the chair directly and scolded Tang Xuanzang.

Ananda snorted, "I am waiting for the Buddha's decree to welcome you to Lingshan to be banned. You are so negligent. After returning to Lingshan, I will definitely join you in a book. When the time comes, hum..."

It's completely unabashed, these two people just look down on Tang Xuanzang in their hearts.

Guanyin frowned beside him. The attitude of these two people had already made her unhappy. After all, they were the celebrities beside the Buddha. They should be respected and respected. All Buddhas should respect them by three points.

Guanyin was about to speak, but Tang Xuanzhuang didn’t change his face. He stretched his hand and fanned gently in front of his nose, facing the old whitebeard monk next to him. "Smelly smell, the reason, where did the wild dog pull two tusks?" Stools are in the temple, and people will not clean them up, and they will pollute my clean place!"

"Uh... ah?" The old monk froze for a moment, "big..."

Looking involuntarily, the two Venerable Ananda Kaye looked at it, and the word was not said anyway.

Ananda and Kaye were instantly stunned. The **** pulled by the wild dog? Where is there any stool? This guy was cursing himself in the sand.

"Xuan Zang, what are you talking about?" The two were angry, and they all stood up in an instant, staring at Tang Xuan Zang with anger.

The atmosphere in the temple instantly fell to the freezing point, and even Guanyin shuddered.

Xuan Zang seemed to see Ananda and Kaye at this moment, and suddenly his pretentious works suddenly came, "Oh, it turns out that these two Venerables are here, no wonder, no wonder!"

No wonder? Special code, really treat us as dog history? Ananda and Kaye looked at Xuan Zang in disbelief. Is this Xuan Zang? Was it the old good guy Tang Xuanzang? Why is it poisonous in one mouth!

The two people's faces became more ugly, and they were about to explode, and Guanyin was not well, and quickly stood up and played round the field. "Xuanzang, you and I are both monks. How can you speak out?"

The word stool is really inelegant, and Guanyin is a little difficult to accept. This would be said from Tang Xuanzang’s mouth. After counting the words from Tang Xuanzang, he turned to Ananda and Kaye. Did not say you!"

After that, he gave Xuan Zang a glance, so that Xuan Zang went down the steps and exposed the matter. After all, the other party was a celebrity beside Buddha.

Nima, isn't this talking nonsense with your eyes open? People with clear eyes know that Xuanzang is scolding them.

Ananda Kaye is also They came with a mission, and they got messed up with Xuan Zang. It is not easy to go back. Since Guanyin came out of the round field, the two looked at each other and were prepared to follow this first. After the steps came down, after returning to Lingshan, he told the Buddha that he could not be the fourth Buddha!

However, after waiting for a long time, Tang Xuanzhuang didn't mean to apologize, it was embarrassing.

"Hum, look at the Goddess of Mercy God, don't worry about you for the time being!" Jiaye snorted and shouted, "I'm not going to change into a Jinlan cascade, and wait for me to go to Lingshan to see my Buddha?"

It's totally a condescending tone. Perhaps these two have not completely transferred from Tang Xuanzang's identity change yet.

Tang Xuanzang didn't even take care of them, as if he hadn't listened to the words of Jiaye, and turned directly to Guanyin Tao, "Heavenly Venerable Guanyin's words are bad. Xuanzang is only stating a fact. Stool is stool, stink is stink, the monk does not swear!"

Guanyin was stupefied, as if she didn't know Tang Xuanzhuang, she didn't understand it, she had already given you the steps, why didn't you just ignore it? Is it true that after breaking through the realm of Buddha, the nature is exposed and expanded?

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