Super Study God

Chapter 1972: 1 kick kick to fly!

This is not the humble and good old Tang Xuanzhuang that I knew!

"Fuck, Tang Xuanzang, who said you are defecating?" The two were angry, and could not care about the others anymore. Ananda snorted directly at Tang Xuanzang.

Looking at that posture, there is a lot of urge to go up and fight with Tang Xuanzang.

"Amitabha, whoever promised, the poor monk said who!" Tang Xuanzhuang said.

"You..." Ananda was furious.

Tang Xuanzang turned to look at these two men and said, "Why are the two Venerables so angry? What's wrong with the stool? The Buddha said that color is empty, and emptyness is color, and the world has nothing to do with it. ?"

"You... Tang Xuanzang, do you know what you are talking about?" Kaye pointed to Tang Xuanzang angry.

Tang Xuanzhuang smiled, "The poor monk naturally knows what the poor monk is talking about. I am afraid that the two venerables do not know what the poor monk is talking about. The two Venerables are bearish, but they are helpless, but the poor monk is really not accustomed to the smell of filth, so please invite the two Venerables to get away!"

Everyone was stunned. Ananda Kaye's eyes widened, and they couldn't believe their ears.

"What did you say? You let us go? We are greeted by the orders of the Buddha, but you dare to let us go?" Ananda said.

Tang Xuanzhuang smiled faintly, "Do you want me to repeat it again?"

"Tang Xuanzang, you are wanton!" Kaye was furious, like a roar, and the expression on his face was like swallowing Tang Xuanzang's entire life.

Ananda hurriedly smiled back, "Well, today's shame, the deity will definitely tell the Buddha, Venerable Kaye, let's go!"

To put it bluntly, you remember it for me, and I will go back and tell you what you are doing. If you are virtuous, see if you, the fourth Buddha, can still do it?

Kaye also snorted, and immediately with Ananda, turned angrily to go.

"Slow down!"

At this time, Tang Xuanzhuang drank and stopped the two.

Ananda turned back, looked at Tang Xuanzang, sneered, "Huh, you know you are afraid?"

I thought Tang Xuanzang was frightened by the words they just wanted to sue in front of the Buddha. Both Ananda Kaye sneered in their hearts. Now they are afraid? late! Waiting for me to cry before the Buddha, the Buddhas of Lingshan help each other, and the Buddha shot, not to die you!

"Don't the two Venerables listen clearly? The poor monk is asking the two Venerables to get away!" Tang Xuanzang said lightly.

The two heard the words, and their face suddenly changed. A gaye pointed at Tang Xuanzang and said, "Tang Xuanzang, you are too presumptuous, don't think that you have broken through the realm of the Buddha, and you can do whatever you want. The Buddha is my Lord. Burning the lamp, two Buddhas Mita, what are you thinking of?"

The expression on Tang Xuanzang’s face remained the same, and he still smiled, “It seems that the two Venerables do not know how to roll, let’s just let the poor monk come to help the two!”

As soon as the words fell, Tang Xuanzhuang was a little empty, and shot two Qijians, directly hitting the laps of the two, the realm gap, where the two could bear, immediately kneeled down on one knee and fell to the ground.

"Xuan Zang, stop it!"

The voice of Venerable Guanyin came from the side.

"Tang Xuanzang, how dare you..."

As soon as Ananda raised her head, she saw a big foot approaching her face quickly. Before she finished a word, the big foot was already printed on her face. The huge force directly took Ananda out of the hall. , Just like a football, with a scream, disappeared into the air at a rapid speed.


Tang Xuanzhuang took a sigh of relief, and turned his gaze to Venerable Kaye. His eyes shrank suddenly, and Venerable Anan was kicked and flew. He couldn't believe his eyes. .

"Xuan Zang, you, are you crazy?" Kaye yelled in fear. "Aren't you afraid that the Buddha will sin?"

"Noisy!" Tang Xuanzhuang snorted coldly, with a hook on his foot, he changed Kaye who was kneeling on the ground, and kicked his big foot directly at Kaye's back door.

Under the violence, Kaye flew out like a cannonball in a very indecent posture, followed by a scream, and followed Ananda!

After a beautiful big foot, Xuanzang came and turned gorgeously, "Amitabha, sin and sin!"

At this moment, the monks of the whole Kung Tak Temple were shocked. Their teacher and ancestor actually kicked the two Venerables from Lingshan directly!

The whole hall was silent, the old monk's teeth fell to the ground, and Venerable Guanyin stood on the spot as if he had settled down.

I can’t believe it. What I saw is the truth. Is this the former kind and generous Tang Xuanzang?

Venerable Goddess of Mercy only took a long time to wake up and looked at Tang Xuanzang in front of him. He couldn't help but be anxious. "Xuanzang, am I not asking you to help?"

Xuan Zang smiled, "Although the poor monk is not good, his hands and feet can still be clearly separated!"


When Guanyin Venerable heard the words, he was almost speechless. The meaning of Xuan Zang's words, you let me stop, I didn't do it, I just moved my feet.

Very helpless, Goddess of Mercy said, "The two of them are the celebrities in front of the Buddha, and they have a huge network of relationships among the Lingshan Buddhas. Even I have to respect them by three points. Why did you offend them? Too hasty, It's too rash!"

Tang Xuanzhuang smiled, "Doesn't Venerable Guanyin feel a lot cleaner now? There is no smell of those filthy things in this temple, even the air smells a lot!"

Guanyin listened to Can't help but sigh, "Xuan Zang, you have changed, you in the past, will not be like this? Does the power really change a person?"

Xuan Zang shook his head, walked to the side and sat down, said faintly, "People will always change, how can there be nothing forever!"

Speaking of which, Xuan Zang raised his head and looked at Venerable Guanyin, "I don't know if in the eyes of Venerable Xuan Zang is better now, or Xuanzang in the past."

This question, but asked Guanyin to stop, and I don’t know how to answer it for a while. If Xuan Zang is good now, Xuan Zang can only do it, it is too radical, there is no restraint of the Buddha, but if he is Xuan Zang , Gentle, compassionate, but pedantic, and even a little weak, so that the Buddhas of Lingshan didn’t take him into his eyes, just before Xuan Zang’s outbreak was unexpected, but in her heart, she was very relieved. of.

So, to ask her to answer this question, she really didn't know how to answer it for a while, but Xuanzang's change really surprised her.

But the mistake has been made, the thing has been done, and it can no longer be recovered. Guanyin Venerable said, "Buddha ordered me to welcome you to Lingshan to receive the envelope. You still have to hurry and go to Lingshan first, lest you two His Holiness speaks too much in front of the Buddha, which will ruin your position!"

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