Super Study God

Chapter 2024: Play mud girl!

"Time-distortion?" The real spirit of the world was stunned for a moment. Because he didn't have a physical body, he didn't have the intuitive feeling of Su Hang.

Su Hang nodded. He had a deep understanding of the power of space and time. Here, he could clearly feel that there was a force distorting space and time.

Not only the Divine Consciousness, even if you can only feel it with your naked eyes, the surrounding picture is distorted, as if you are looking at something through the surging steam, but there is no reference object above the sea, this feeling is not very obvious .

But the islands that are not far away are indeed stretched and squashed. This is the manifestation of time and space instability.

"It seems that there are big goods in this place!" Jie Mo said with a heart.

Su Hang took it for granted, and continued to approach the strongest direction of the field. The closer to the center, the more obvious the feeling of space-time being distorted, and even a sense of confusion.

If someone else comes here, I'm afraid I've turned around, vomiting, and lost my direction.


Perhaps it was a sense of intrusion. When Suhang approached the center of this area, it suddenly felt a change in the surrounding field.

There was a thunderous thunder in the sky, and the whole sea area was shaking. Suhang looked up, it was almost a few breathing time, just now the sunny sky, the clouds were instantly overcast, and a large black cloud will cover the sky It was covered so tightly that it seemed to enter the night from day to night in an instant.

Thunder and thunder, convolution of gusty wind, and the still calm sea just now, a huge wave suddenly.

This Nima feels like stepping on a mine.

To be sure, because of his own intrusion, the field in this area has changed. Su Hang can clearly feel that with the appearance of the different phases of heaven and earth, the distortion of the surrounding time and space has become more intense.

To the naked eye, some ships suddenly appeared and disappeared quickly from the black sea under pressure. That should be the ships that have come to this sea area. The time and space here have not only been twisted, but have become chaotic!


A thunder fell, tearing the space, and then the sea surface exploded, and a huge wave of waves raged, the wind raged, and soon a terrible water tornado formed between the sky and the sea.

The water tornado connects the heavens and the earth, and the entire sea area seems to have experienced a super tsunami of level 18, the terror is like the end of the world.

"Motion is not small!" Jie Moxin said.

Su Hang nodded slightly, although the surrounding movement was not small, but it was still very difficult for him to be affected by this force.

"I don't know what will be hidden under this sea area?" Su Hang looked quietly. "Is the heart of the world? What is the heart of the world?"

Diving into the sea, the Divine Consciousness only saw the continuous water tornado, forming a huge vortex beneath the sea surface. The vortex went deep into the sea floor, just like a sea channel, and I didn't know where it was going.

The field here is already very powerful, and the distortion of time and space has affected Su Hang’s consciousness, and it is impossible to find out.

At the moment, Su Hang did not hesitate, directly broke into the center of the water tornado and went down.

Anyway, the master of art is brave. When he reaches the level of Suhang, does he think that there is anything in Xuan Huangyu that can threaten him, let alone this tiny earth?

The middle of the water tornado is hollow, just like a huge pipe. It has been leading to the bottom of the sea, and the divine consciousness dives down, only to see the darkness. The distortion of time and space makes Suhang unable to sense its end.

At this time, Su Hang understood some of the legends of this sea area on the earth. So many ships and planes were inexplicably missing. Presumably, they encountered the same situation as he is now.

In the face of the powerful forces of heaven and earth, unless it is a powerful monk, who can beat it?

At this moment, Su Hang suddenly had the illusion of entering the space-time tunnel, but he had entered the space-time tunnel many times. Naturally, he was very clear about that feeling. The middle of the water tornado was full of powerful space-time power. The feeling of being twisted and torn here is really familiar.

"Hey, I said, it won't cross time and space?" Su Hang suddenly asked.

"Who knows!" Jie Moxin replied, "You should be better at this than me? If you are afraid, you can still look back now!"

"Afraid of an egg!" Su Hang took a sip, fearlessly, and accelerated his speed, following the water tornado channel and rushing all the way down.



The sky is gray and endless, the earth is endless, and the grass is full of Qiren tall.

A group of pterosaurs flew through the sky, and then came a roar of beasts. I saw a bunch of long necks stretched out between the distant forests, but a group of long-necked dragons were watching the sky circling defensively. The group of predators.

In the far distance, on a hill, the whole hill is not covered with grass, but there is only a crooked neck tree on the top of the hill.

The tree doesn't know how long it has lived, it has dried up, and a leaf hangs on the upper branch, and it sways in the wind as if it might fall at any time.

Under the tree, a young girl wearing a white veil sits on the ground, with a pile of thin mud in front of her. The girl is serious and muddy.

Under the veil, a long snake tail looks very strange. The body of the snake tail shows the extraordinary of this woman. Obviously she is not a character.

The soft soil, in the hands of the girl, quickly turned into works of art and formed into the form of beasts. At the end, the girl looked at the masterpieces in front of her with satisfaction and gently blew the beasts made of mud. A breath.

Suddenly Those clay sculptures were like being injected into life, their bodies suddenly grew into flesh and blood, some flew into the air, and some roared toward the mountain.

The earth was shaking, the beasts roared, and the momentum was not a general shock.

Seeing these clay sculptures, which had been given life by themselves, turned into beasts with flesh and blood, the girl smiled very happy.

At this time, a young man in white came out from behind the dead tree and stood beside the girl.

The girl also sensed the visitor, turned around and looked back. Her eyes fell on the man's body, her face was instantly filled with alertness, "Is it you? What are you doing here?"

The corner of the mouth of the young man in white is curved, "Do you know me?"

The girl said, "Of course I know you. You felt sorry for my elder brother and killed my people. The elder brother said, "You are the biggest villain in the world!"

"Hahaha..." The young man in white heard this, but he laughed, "I can't think of your brother's evaluation of me so high, but he was wrong. I'm not the world's first villain, and I am also the first in the world!"

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