Super Study God

Chapter 2025: Create new species!

The girl's brow furrowed, looking up at the young man in white, full of precautions, "What do you want to do?"

The young man in white shrugged. "Don't be so nervous, I don't have any malice, especially for beautiful girls!"

Speaking of this, the young man in white paused, and his eyes fell on the pile of dirt in front of the girl. "Just now I saw you here evolving beings and entertaining yourself, but it seemed confused, so I came to give you some advice. ."

"Pointing? Are you pointing me?" The girl looked at the man in front of us strangely.

The young man in white smiled and said, "Yes, is it okay?"

The girl frowned, "What do you want to point me to?"

The young man in white said, "You are an innate god, born to be powerful, and control the power of creation. You are the king of the demon clan. But it is this natural power that has imprisoned you. Have you been trapped in the heavenly realm for too long? Have you ever thought about it? Detachment?"

"Removal?" The girl froze for a moment, apparently attracted by the young man's topic, "How to detach?"

The young man in white pointed at the pile of dirt in front of the girl, and said, "You like playing with mud so much, and use them to create things, but you only create things that are already in the world, but have you ever thought about creating some life that is not in this world? ?"

"No life? What do you mean?" The girl looked at the man in front of him strangely.

The young man in white smiled and turned to look out of the mountain. "Look at how many beings there are between the heavens and the earth, the monsters dominate the world, killing everywhere, eating each other, today is not you eat me, tomorrow is me eat you, you He is the master of the demon clan's creation, and he is born with kindness. He must not want to see your people killing each other?"


The girl heard the words and looked out of the mountain. I saw a pterosaur dive down in the sky that day, grabbed a triceratops, and took off into the sky and flew to the sky.

However, before waiting for the pterosaur to be far away, he saw a dread beast jumping out of thin air, with a **** mouth, and he bit the pterosaur against his waist and dragged it down from the air.


The terror beast had just landed, and he heard a roar beneath the ground, the ground trembling, and the ground within a few circles collapsed in an instant. A huge snake tail protruded from under the collapsed ground and directly entangled it. A giant beast dragged into the ground in an instant, leaving only blood gleaming.

The girl looked at this scene dumbly. Things like this happen every day. Before, she didn’t take it very seriously. After all, she sees such things every day. Such things don’t seem strange. The truth of this world.

However, after the young man's so-called instructions, the girl seemed to realize something.

She does have a kind heart, and also distressed these demon races, but what can be done? This is the way the world is, and it cannot be changed by itself.

Turned to look at the man, the girl said, "Brother said you are a bad person, I can't believe you!"

The young man smiled, "Believe it or not, it would be better to listen to me and say it again, I believe that there will be a measure in your heart!"

The girl hesitated!

Men's Road, "You play mud here every day to create these beasts. Besides killing time, what other use is there? Creation is creation, and creation of something unprecedented is even greater. What you can realize is this great creation, It’s absolutely nothing to break through the realm!"

"Moreover, if you can create a kind of creatures for the demon clan to eat, can you also solve the status quo of the clan killing each other? By then, even if the little devil has no climate, you can also have a mouthful of delicious meat, There are plenty of demon clan food, where can there be massacres?"

After that, the young man looked at the woman in front of him with a smile, he believed that the woman in front of him could understand what he meant.

The woman pondered for a long time and said, "What else shall I do?"

The corner of the young man’s mouth was curved, and he obviously knew that the woman was moved by his words.

"I just give you a direction. As for how you still do it, someone will naturally point you!" The young man smiled and turned away.

"Hey, why are you going? Who will come to point me?" the woman shouted.

Halfway through the words, this man was a little bit abominable.

The young man waved his hand without looking back, his figure disappeared from the mountain instantly.

The girl's words did not retain the young man. He stood there for a moment, still thinking about what the young man said just now.

Great fortune? Create a brand new creature? Is it really okay? A thought appeared in the girl's heart, and she looked out at the pile of dirt beside her.

After a moment of hesitation, the girl sat down again, reached out and grabbed a handful of dirt, and thought about it for a while. After a while, as if thinking of something, she squeezed it carefully according to her own appearance.

After a while, a female clay figure with a snake tail appeared in the girl's hands.

Putting the clay sculpture on the ground, the girl seemed to like it more and more, grabbed a few **** of mud, and quickly squeezed it up. After a while, a dozen or so clay sculptures appeared in front of her.

"Is it great?" The girl looked at the little clay sculptures that looked almost like herself, with a little excitement and expectation on her face, and opened her lips lightly at the moment, blowing a breath into the pile of clay sculptures.

In an instant, more than a dozen clay sculptures, as if injected into life, quickly moved up, the body grew up at a rapid speed, and the body made of mud soon grew into a flesh and blood!

"It's that simple?"

The girl was delighted and looked at these almost identical lives in front of her. Creation is too simple for herself. Could it help her to break through the avenue?

However, before the girl had time to rejoice, she discovered that something was wrong. These new lives, all of them were sullen, had no expression at all. Although there was life, there was no soul, but nothing. It’s just a Moreover, what surprised the young girl is that the bodies of those new creatures are rapidly aging, and their delicate skin quickly dries and wrinkles, and they die in a short time, turning into dry bones, and then renewed Into a pile of dirt.

"How could this be?" The girl was startled, a situation he had never encountered.

When she created those beasts before, she had never encountered such a situation. How could she create a new life without a soul? How can he die so fast?

What went wrong? The girl frowned, but obviously the same way?

Suddenly, the girl seemed to feel something, looked up sharply into the air, "Who?"

At this moment, she had a peeping feeling.


As soon as the girl's voice fell, there was a roar in the sky. Looking up, a huge vortex appeared in the distance, and a white man floated down from the vortex.

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