Super Study God

Chapter 2046: Make a good connection?

The words of the realm of the world are quite meaningful. Su Hang looked at the demon monument carefully. I saw the inscription on the column, column by column, full of names. The first was Laobie, the second was Montenegro, all the way to Next, until I saw more than 120 people, I saw the names of Fu Xi and Nu Wa.

"The names on the stele are listed in chronological order, and when they reach the heavenly realm, they will appear on the stele. Unless they are detached or fall, the names on the stele will always exist..." Jiemo Xin said.

Su Hang looked at it, there were 3,500 or so after Fuxi Nuwa, not only surprised, but now there are nearly 4,000 masters of Heavenly Dao Realm in Xuanhuang Realm?

What an amazing number this is?

However, if you think about it carefully, most of the battles with yourself today have already reached the peak of Heavenly Dao Realm, and there must be many others that have not yet reached the peak of Heavenly Dao Realm. Very disparate, that is to say, it is only the high-level players in the Heavenly Realm that robbed the demon monument today. It is not surprising that there are so many strong players left.

There are so many strong people before the human race has been formed, and the cultivation system has not yet been formed. It seems that life in this era is really unique. Like Fuxi Nuwa, it is true that there are a lot of people who are born strong.

"Why don't you see my name?" Su Hang looked at it twice, and he didn't see his name on the Fengyao monument. He couldn't help but wonder. Isn't he a creature of this term?

Jie Moxin said, "Now that the human race has not yet appeared, and you belong to future generations, how can there be your name on this monument?"

"Is it?" Su Hang paused, and it seemed reasonable to say that Jie Moxin said that he was a descendant of the human race, and the human race did not come out. He should not exist at all. Moreover, this monument is called Feng Yao Bei, and How can you remember your own name?

"However, the good things I said are not just this!" At this time, the realm of the world said again.

Su Hang heard the words, hesitated a little, and took the bell that he narrowed down and put in his sleeve. "You said this?"

"Good!" Realm Demon Heart said, "Xuanhuang Zhong is the **** of repression in this realm, the rank is not under your sky axe, Feng Yaobei appears once every period, and then disappears into nowhere, no People can check it because this black bell shields the breath. This clock has all kinds of magical effects. Among the treasures of the defense department, it can definitely rank among the top three in the world..."

"It turned out to be a defensive treasure!" Su Hang looked at the Xuan Huang Bell in his hand. This thing seemed to be of some use to himself. As for this demon monument, it was almost hehe!

Jie Moxin said, "Feng Yao Bei is useless to you, but don't give it to others easily. The Xuan Huang Jie Bei already has a piece in your opponent's hand. If you let him get this second piece, after the two are united , Xuanhuang Realm will do its best, and all beings in the world will be at their disposal, including you!"

Su Hang heard the words and took a deep breath. That is to say, although Lin Xuan held the Xuanhuang Boundary Stele, the boundary stele was not complete, so he could not fully control the destiny of all beings in this circle.

So, is he afraid, afraid of being detached? Then, after his annihilation again and again, in addition to his cultivation, will he also search for this boundary monument? If so, why did he not appear before the Fengmon monument was born?

Su Hang didn't quite understand it, but one thing is for sure, this piece of demon seal in his hand is definitely very important for Lin Xuan.

After all, Xuanhuangjie is like a house, and this suite has two rooms, two keys Su Hang and Lin Xuan each took one, Lin Xuan definitely wants to get the key Su Hang, so as to become this The real owner of the suite.

If this is the case, since the stele has been born and is in the hands of Su Hang, Su Hang wants to come. Lin Xuan should be able to find himself if he can’t help it?

Now in the ancient Tertiary period, it seems that it has already multiplied almost. Thousands of heavenly powers can see the prosperity of this world. That is to say, it is not far from the third world extinction, only the human race is born. .

I don’t know how long I can stay in this world. I have to do something for the sentient beings in this world. I can’t just watch this creature, and then die, letting mermaids.

Perhaps, I can think of a way to force Lin Xuan to appear, and this time the demon monument appears, just an opportunity.

"What are you thinking about?" Reality seemed to feel strange, and the real world asked.

The corner of Su Hang’s mouth curved a little, “I’m thinking, I have to meet my old friend. Three days later, he should show up by the Huai Shui. If he doesn’t show up, I’ll put it on the monument The name will be crossed out, and the four thousand Heaven Dao Realm strongmen will hit the Avenue Realm together. That scene will be spectacular!"

"You are crazy, you!" Jie Moxin was silent for a moment. "If you really do that, I'm afraid that person didn't show up to find you. You were first found by Daozong Zong. , Heaven will never allow such a force to emerge."

Su Hang smiled, "I'm just talking, why should I be so nervous? However, if he refuses to show up, maybe I can really do it!"

"Fuck it!" Jie Mo took a sip and felt that he was in a thief ship, and he was almost powerless to vomit. It seems that he can't get off the ship now. Without following Suhang, he can't return to future generations, and can't return to his correct life track. Go up.

"Do you have anything to say?" Su Hang asked.

After a pause, the realm said, "Remind you something!"

"What's the matter?" Su Hang asked.

Jie Moxin said, "That non-returning Hu, extraordinary origin, if possible, be close to him!"

"Well, Hu Bugui? You said that old turtle?" Su Hang was stunned and looked at the topmost name on the stone tablet, "What's the origin of this guy!"

"Anyway, it's not simple!" Jie Moxin didn't answer Su Anyway, it's always good to have a good relationship! "

Su Hang couldn't help crying, "It's hilarious, why did I just beat him up, do you want me to get close to him now?"

"That's your business, it's none of my business!" Jie Mo said.

"Grass egg!" Su Hang scolded, but he was curious in his heart. What can that old turtle do?

"What are you thinking about?" Jie Moxin asked.

Hesitated for a moment, "You said this Fuxi brother and sister..."

"I have already told you, don't contaminate people of this age with cause and effect, otherwise, it is easy to fall into the endless cycle of reincarnation, the endless cycle, do you know what is the endless cycle?" Realm Mo heart smiles bitterly, " However, like you, if you don’t take the rules seriously, I can’t talk!”

"Why such a big reaction!" Su Hang shook his head.

"You die, don't take me with you!" Jie Moxin felt helpless. "What idea do you want to fight Xi Nuwa?"

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