Super Study God

Chapter 2047: Is timid here?

"What idea can I fight them?" Su Hangdao, "I just want to..."

"Don't even think about it, take a break as soon as possible, and quickly find a way to leave this realm!" Realm Moment said.

Su Hangdao, "Can you listen to me finish talking, I just want to test whether this Fuxi is really not greedy."

"Test? What did you test him for?" Jiemo puzzled.

Su Hangdao said, "Feng Yaobei was born. Both his and Nuwa's names are on it. Three days later, I always wanted to give the demon saint a statement. I had to find one or two to come out and give them a chance to detach... "

"So, you want to try Fu Xi's character and see if he is worth your time?" Jie Moxin asked.

Su Hang nodded slightly, apparently tacitly approving the realm.

"How to try?" Jie Moxin asked again.

Su Hang put away the Feng Yaobei, pointed at one hand, a stone stele appeared in the room, the appearance was almost the same as that of the Feng Yaobei just now, and there was no difference at all.

Immediately, Su Hang opened the boundary of the room, walked out of the house, and left Qifeng Valley.



Out of the valley, Su Hang went straight to the east.

"Hey, what abacus are you playing?" Jie Moxin felt a little confused about Su Hang.

Su Hangdao, "When I came back, I felt that there was a faint breath in this East, a little familiar, and wanted to check it out!"

"Aura?" Realm of Heart is a little stunned, "Could it be that you are in this tertiary age, and there are acquaintances who can't?"

"Human beings haven't been born yet, how come acquaintances say?" Su Hang shook his head. "But the breath is indeed strange, and it feels a little weird. It seems to be quite similar to the breath of my original sins..."

Jie Moxin listened to this and paused for a moment, all wanting to laugh, "Wouldn't you tell me, the original sin under you, run this tertiary age? Is it possible?"

"Why is it impossible?" Su Hang asked back, "Don't forget, how did you and I come to this Tertiary, you and I can come, why can't he come?"

Suddenly, Su Sudao said, "Besides, his name is timid and timid, but nothing is safer than escaping to this Tertiary!"

Jie Moxin hesitated for a long time, "You are reasonable!"

I feel that no matter what I say, I can't say that Su Hang's servant is too ridiculous.

Su Hang heard that the corners of his mouth are curved, and what he does naturally has rules. For this original sin of timidity, Su Hang really has a bit of a hunch, he may really be hiding in the Xuanhuang of the Tertiary In the world, it can be said that nothing is safer than hiding here.

Rapidly shifting, stepping out in one step, it is already hundreds of light years away. As far as I can see, there is a columnar high mountain in front of me.

I caught a little demon and asked, it turned out that the mountain's name was Yangdingtian. It was really a very evil name, and Su Hang couldn't bear to look directly at the mountain in front of him.

The mountain is like a giant pillar, with a small bottom and a large top. There is a huge stone on the top of the mountain. It is called the top stone by the nearby monsters. The stone is bigger than the top of the mountain. It looks dangerous from a distance. .

When Su Hang looked at the mountain, he always wanted to pour urine at the foot of the mountain, and then engraved Qitian Dasheng on the mountain.

"Yingdingtian?" Su Hang looked up, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he took off directly to the top of the mountain to go to Dingtianshi!

"Pretend to show up!" Su Hang is now on the top of the sky, looking around. There is really a feeling that he will be the top of the mountain and look at the small mountains.

For a while, there was no movement, only the sound of the mountain wind blowing the clouds, the wind was a bit chilly!

"What? You want me to pull you out?" Su Hang frowned slightly, as if talking to the air.

When the words fell, Su Hang suddenly felt a little numb in his heart, and inexplicably felt a thrill, his scalp almost exploded, and his hair was straight.

Danger? Two words appeared in my mind, and I haven't felt this kind of feeling of hair in my heart for a long time. Even before facing the siege of the hundreds of heavenly realm peaks, Suhang had never felt this way.

There is an expert lurking nearby? You can make yourself feel like this, only because you have a lot of strength beyond yourself and you are hostile to yourself.

Su Hang almost wanted to turn around and fled, but soon he seemed to think of something. He quickly pressed the throb in his heart, and there was a smile on his face, "Is it really you, not showing up yet?"

The voice fell, and the surroundings were empty, but the danger and even fear in Su Hang's heart became more and more as if the master in the dark was approaching himself, ready to shoot at any time to smash himself into scum.

Eyes swept over the top sky stone, and Su Hang’s eyes rested on a few large stones in front of him, "To hide, also find a hidden place to hide, so huddle, do you want me to die? On such a high mountain, How can it grow watermelon?"

It turned out that there was a watermelon vine growing on the stone, and several watermelons were formed on the vine. It was like a string of firecrackers. It was so conspicuous that it was difficult for Su Hang to notice it.

"Are you here to be funny?" Su Hang waved his sleeves directly, and the watermelon vine and the bunch of watermelons flew to Su Hang.

"Let me see, that one is you!" Su Hang's mouth curved a little, and there were about seven or eight watermelons on the vine. They were all green and green, obviously not yet ripe.

"This, no, this, neither, yo, this..." Su Hang's The pick-up, with a perfect look, turned his eyes, but saw one of the watermelons trembling. , Water comes out of the watermelon skin!

Making watermelon can do this, and it is really superb. Su Hang’s face has a bit of evil smile, and a devil claw directly grabbed the trembling watermelon, "Hey, see you still go Where to run!"


The watermelon was shaking more and more powerful, Su Hang's hand had just touched the watermelon skin, and the watermelon exploded.

That power was more terrifying than the atomic explosion, and a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose above the top of the sky.


The sense of danger has always been there. Su Hang believes that it is timid. This sense of danger and fear must be affected by its ability. Therefore, despite the danger, Su Hang did not pay much attention to it.

This time, the reaction was late. Although the sudden explosion failed to hurt the powerful body of Su Hang, but after the explosion, Su Hang carried half of the vines, and the whole body was already dark, as if he had just returned from Africa. The same.

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