Super Study God

Chapter 2048: Prototype revealed?

It was actually overcast! Su Hang's face was terribly dark, and it was a depressed one in his heart.

In the chaos, a black shadow crossed the space, trying to escape, Su Hang quickly waved his sleeves, solidified the space, and then a black hand grabbed the black shadow, grabbed his back, and removed it from the space. Pulled out of the crack.

"Forgiveness, forgiveness..."

When Su Hang threw the shadow on the ground, he saw that the shadow hurriedly knelt in front of Su Hang, humbled prostrately, and kept crying, begging for suicide from Su Hang!

"Forgive you?"

Su Hang blocked all the surrounding space so as not to let it escape again, and then it turned into a stream of water to clean up the black stains on his body.

Fortunately, it was not seen by other people, otherwise, it would be humiliating to death!

"Look up!" Su Hang shouted directly, looking at the guy in front of him angrily.

In a gray robe, his figure appeared a little thin, and his body was trembling. Obviously, he was very frightened. When he slowly raised his head, the first thing that came into his eyes was a pair of timid eyes.

Seeing Su Hang, he couldn't help frowning. Is Nima timid?

The eyes of the thief, the yellow eyebrows and the yellow beards make a look out of the law. This is just a big yellow fairy.

I thought I had caught timidity, but at this moment, I clearly thought I was thinking too much.

"What about timidity?" Su Hang snorted coldly.

Just after being able to affect his emotions and make him feel fear, Su Hang can be sure that he only calculated him, and it is absolutely timid. It is absolutely impossible for such a weasel to calculate him.

The weasel heard the words and was even more frightened and shivered. "Seniors spare their lives, seniors spare their lives..."

But seeing Su Hang’s face was wrong, and in fear of the weasel, he quickly shouted, "Master save me..."

"There is another master? Where?" Su Hang directly oppressed the past.

There was a smell, and Su Hang couldn't help covering his nose. Looking closely, the servant was paralyzed on the ground in front of him, and the water stains on his body were terrifying.

nausea! Su Hang was disgusted for a while, "Hurry up, where is your master, otherwise you will be killed!"

"I was here just now!" The weasel couldn't tremble, and looked around. "Just before you arrived, the little one was still listening to Master. Master told me a magical change, It turned me into a melon, and then you are here!

"So, it's you who bombed me?" Su Hanghei asked, a monster in the heavenly realm, who didn't yet understand the art of change. Who said it?

But this is after all ancient, and this monster seems to be a very good type of coaxing.

"No, no, no..." The Weasel quickly shook his head. "It's not me, it's not me, I couldn't help it, and I exploded somehow..."

All of a sudden, the weasel rolled into his urine and panicked, and it was really stinking.

Before being attacked by the odor of the toad monster, Suhang is now very disgusted with all the smelly things.

"Where is your master, sacred? But there are other caves?" Su Hang covered his nose and looked at the guy in front of him with disgust. He was very doubtful whether the weasel was deliberately left to disgust himself.

"Other cave houses?" The weasel shook his head, and quickly shook his head. "I don't know, I just met his old man for two days!"

What's your special! Su Hang really wanted to kick this foot, but he was afraid of getting his feet dirty. He turned around and shrouded his consciousness all over the world. After searching inside and out, he found no suspicious behavior.

Although he knew this was the result, Su Hang was still very disappointed. He left Yangdingtian now, and he couldn't stay in this place for a minute.

"What's the matter? Just leave?" Jie Moxin asked.

Su Hang was helpless, "I ran away, what else can I do? You return when he will go again?"

"Who is right?" Jie Mo said.

Su Hang listened, shook his head, and said, "I found him, he found me right now, with his cautious nature, since he ran away, there is no possibility of reappearing, alas..."

"Alas..." Jie Moxin also sighed, "Wait later, when will that have to wait? If you don't catch him, let him stay here, and want to catch him in the future. In that state, basically don’t even think about it!"

Su Hang frowned, and then stretched out, "As long as he is in this world, he will not worry about not finding him!"

"You are confident!" Jie Moxin sighed again.



Qifeng Valley.

When Su Hang came back, the door was tightly closed, and Su Hang frowned slightly, because he remembered that when he just went out, the door was false.

When Su Hang looked back at the house, the expression on his face became even more unnatural! The piece of demon stone he could leave in the room was gone.

"Haha!" Jie Moxin smiled, "See, this is the human heart, no, demon heart!"

Su Hang's brows were tight, obviously he was not in a good mood, or even depressed.

"People's hearts can't stand the test, but you have to test it. It's better now. The original form is revealed. It seems that the Fuxi family is not as noble as imagined. I'm afraid that your heart will be cold..." Moxin laughed a bit.

"Shut up!" Su Hang was very upset and yelled directly.

"嘁!" Jie Moxin chuckled, "What's the use of breathing with me? It's not that I stole your stele!"

"Brother Su Hang!"

At this moment, a voice came from outside, it was Fu Xi's voice, Su Hang listened in his ears, and he couldn't help but frown.

Just turned I saw that Fuxi had stepped in, Nu Wa was behind Fu Xi, with a different smile from Fu Xi's face, but Nu Wa looked like an aggrieved little Like a girl, her face is full of complaints and unhappiness.

"Brother Fuxi!" Su Hang pressed his heart unpleasantly, but did not reveal it. He wanted to see what this Fuxi wanted to play.

"Brother!" Nu Wa pulled La Fuxi's clothing corner, as if she had something to say, and she just stopped talking.

Fu Xi glanced at Nu Wa helplessly, and turned to Su Hangdao a little apologetically, "Brother Su Hang was only there. Waer saw Su Feng's Feng Yaobei. He was curious and wanted to borrow to see it, but Feng Feng The demon monument is the thing of Brother Su. How can it be taken privately without the permission of Brother Su?

With that, Fu Xi reached for a fish in his sleeve, took out something, and handed it to Suhang.

In this scene, Su Hang was a little bit stunned, and it took a long time to react, reaching for the fake stele.

"Brother... why are you always like this..." Nu Wa looked at Fu Xi, with a pretty face, all disappointed.

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