Super Study God

Chapter 2067: The demon gathered!

"Good morning, old turtle!"

The Blue Lin monster shouted, so badly that the old turtle fell to the ground. When the old turtle looked, the river was full of old monsters, one after another, all in order, making him speechless for a while. .

"What are you doing here in Huai Shui?" Old Turtle asked calmly.

The Black Duck King fluttered his wings and said, "The three-day appointment has arrived. I can't wait to be early? Turtle, do you seem to be surprised to see us?"

The old turtle heard the words, and it was called a depression, "You, don't you say you're coming?"

"Hahaha..." A laugh, but the dragon demon came out of the crowd. "Old turtle, who did you get out of that way? Play with us, who hasn't lived for hundreds of millions of years?"

Special code!

The old turtle almost sighed out the old blood, "Dragon Demon, why are you here too? You were beaten so badly that day, don't you remember it?"

If someone else is okay, he can still accept, but this dragon demon, who was beaten like a tortoise and grandson that day, is now also coming to join in the fun?

The Dragon Demon is obviously very uncomfortable with this remark. Indeed, he was beaten bad that day, but it does not mean that he cannot come. And, you have mentioned this old matter again, did you deliberately expose my scar?

"Montenegro can come, why can't I come?" The Dragon Demon asked in reply, to say miserable, that day the Black Mountain was beaten more miserably than himself?

Old turtle turned his face and saw a **** snake, which was spitting on the large stone on the river bank not far away, and casually spit the letter.

"It's a bunch of cheap goods. Those who said that they wouldn't come to the appointment, but they all came one by one, without words and without credibility." Lao Bie snorted.

"Old turtle, you can't tell us." At this time, Montenegro spoke far away, "When it comes to being cheap, you can be cheaper than us. Having dealt with you for so many years, who can't think about it, who wants to know Everyone is fooling around, you can take advantage of yourself, no way."


The old turtle groaned angrily, and said, "It's really good. Since you are going to the appointment, you will run me here to do something? I don't welcome you to wait, just leave me."

"Why so rushing?" Cai Feng said, "Tao Lao, the existence did not agree with us three days ago. Huai Shui is so big, let's go where we want to go, think about it, everyone can only come to you , After all, Huai Shui is your site."

"You can't find a place, take care of my farts?" Lao turtle scolded angrily, "You don't know, I don't know either, it's useless to find me."

"Old turtle, you can say this badly." Mud blamed. "Your own strength is limited. Let's concentrate our strength together and work together. It will definitely be easier to find. This is called unification!"

"You know a fart," the old turtle scolded, and said, "It's still a great thing. I only know one monk has water to drink, three monks have no water to drink..."

"Uh? What is a monk?" Mud Monster asked.

"This..." The old turtle was stagnant and didn't explain it. He cursed directly. "You don't understand it. You play as a group of uncultivated native turtles. Anyway, I tell you that you are looking for him like this. Even if it is found, there will be no good results."


All the monsters heard it, and they were all stunned. They accused us of having no culture. The turtle should be the only one here.

"Hu Bugui, you know what, say it." Heishan stretched his neck beside him.

The eyes of the monsters all converged on the old turtle, obviously this old turtle just said something.

At this time, the old turtle said, "It's not a surprise that Er waits, who called Er and others have intellectual disabilities? Three days ago, the strong man said that the bank of Huai Shui, but did not specify the specific location, do you still Don’t understand what he means? He just wants us to find it. The Feng Yaobei is related to my surpassing the state of the world. Of course, it is obtained by the destiny. If you are a swarm of bees, he can check your names. Not successful?"


After listening to the old turtle's words, the demon looked at each other, and they immediately felt very reasonable.

"Old turtle, you really don't know where he is?" asked Montenegro.

The old turtle heard the words and said angrily, "I am like you, Huai Shui is so big, he is so strong, you can't find many demon, where can I find him?"

After a pause, "You might as well go to Qifeng Valley to find two brothers and sisters of Fuxi and Nuwa. They have a good relationship with that one. It seems not difficult to find their brother and sister."

Black Duck King said, "Before we come here, we have been to Qifeng Valley, and Fuxi Nuwa has long disappeared, otherwise we will not come here to find you."

"Oh? Really?"

Old turtle heard the words and frowned lightly. "It seems that the two brothers and sisters have been able to detach themselves. Alas, it is really a demon than a demon, an angry demon, and so on. Go back to each house, find your mom, if If you are not reconciled, look for it along the river, and if you are lucky, you will be hit by someone."

"What about you?" Mud Monster asked Old Turtle.

"Me?" The old turtle looked very interested. "Of course I went back to my underwater palace to sleep."

After speaking, the old turtle no longer had anything to say, turned to separate the water and re-entered Huai Shui.

The demon can't help but look at each other.

"What kind of trick is this old guy playing again?" The Black Duck King quacked, expressing doubt.

"Humph." The muddy monster snorted coldly, "Are you still asking? Would you like to blame us? Is this really a trial and error?"

Everyone felt the same way, knowing that this trick does not work, this old turtle actually uses this trick, it really makes people do not talk about it, this is completely insulting everyone's IQ.

At this time Montenegro Road, "Hu Bugui has a river map in his hand. This map was born innately. It records the trend of the water veins on the entire continent. Through that river map, Hu Bu Gui can clearly know what is happening around Huaishui. This old guy is very cunning..."

After Montenegro finished, the demon glanced at each other, and the Dragon Demon King said, "Then let us go in together, pound his palace, and grab his river figure."

Barbaric enough, rough enough.

After listening to the words of the Dragon Demon King, the monsters all have bright eyes. Obviously they agree with this view. The original world is like this, either you die or I die, the weak meat is strong, the strong is respected, you block my way, just You have to kill you.

The nature of the beasts is savage and selfish, and the demon gather here, are they afraid that he is a Huaihe old turtle.

However, at this time, with a loud bang, Huai Shui again waved, and a head stretched out from under the water.

It is the old turtle.

The demon looked at Old Turtle, and the atmosphere seemed a bit embarrassing. Just now they planned to **** the Old Turtle River Map. I wonder if they were heard by the Old Turtle.

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