Super Study God

Chapter 2068: The first detached!

After two seconds of silence, the old turtle broke his embarrassment. "I thought for a while, since you are all far away, you will not be disappointed. Let me look for you. The relationship is significant, and it is a rare opportunity for hundreds of millions of years. I missed this time, but I don’t know when it will be next time?"


The monsters are frozen, how can this old turtle change his attitude so much before and after? How can it be so easy to talk? It's like changing a turtle.

Bacheng just heard Hetu who said he wanted to rob him? The demon came back to each other and glanced at each other, and they all smiled with understanding, which was a real counsel.


At this time, a million light-years away, on the side of the Huai River, above a barren mountain, Su Hang was sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, meditating with his eyes closed.

Between throughput, the clouds are scattered and the surroundings are rash. Because here is located in the upper reaches of the Huai River, the altitude is high, so the vegetation is almost difficult to live, and even the animals are pitiful. There are only a few giant gigas in the sky. It seems that Su Hang was treated as a corpse. Prepare to watch the opportunity to come down and enjoy this big meal.

Three days ago, Su Hang promised to the demon. Although he took away the demon monument, he would give them the chance to detach. To say detachment, it is actually very simple, just give them the corresponding name on the monument Just drop it.

From then on, the repression rules of this circle no longer limit, and how many achievements can be achieved depends on their own efforts.

This time the demon monument was born, Su Hang must give a few detached places, but not all of them, so that all are detached, this Xuanhuang Realm is not messed up.

If all people have the ability to impact Dadao Realm, all people with the ability to impact Dadao Realm will achieve Dadao Realm, and dozens or hundreds of Dadao Realm masters will leave Xuanhuang Realm together. Such a force is definitely not allowed by Daozong Zong. , Is definitely not allowed to exist in heaven.

As for the specific number of places, Su Air has not thought about it, but it is definitely impossible to have too many. Moreover, Su Air does not think about who will give the quota.

Thinking about it, since Di Zun has said that to get along with fate, then let fate decide.

Those who are destined to get it, whoever finds themselves first will give the quota to whom.

This naturally included Fu Xi and Nu Wa brothers and sisters. He originally planned to open a back door for the two brothers and sisters, leaving two places for them, but then think about it, it would be unfair.

If they have the heart, let them find it by themselves. In this way, it is fair and just. Of course, if no one finds him after today, he will save.

Shiye is reckless and chatterless. The eagle dragon above his head has been circling for a long time, and he never dares to fall.

In the distance, you can only see the barren mountains and the loess. The Huai River rushes down, and then tens of light years up. It should be almost at the source of the Huai River.

Here, the altitude is high, the air is thin, the temperature is still cold, and there is still a lot of snow on the hill where Suhang sits. To say that this guy really finds a place.

The Huai River is long, winding millions of light-years. He said that by the side of the Huai River, he did not indicate the location to others. How can people find it? It's scarier than a needle in a haystack.

But think about it, how many people want to be detached, and how can they be so easy?

"The banks of Huai Shui are waiting for you, all beings in the world can come to look for opportunities, and the first five will be free!"

Su Hang opened his mouth and said slowly.

The sound was like a billowing territory, and it was directly sent out by the Su Hang with magical power, traversing the endless space, and sent to every corner of the entire continent at the same time.

The sound came from all directions, as if it exploded in my mind, making people unpredictable, and at this moment, the entire continent almost boiled.

The eagle dragons in the air were scared by the sudden sound and almost fell out of the air. They fluttered their wings and fled in fright.

Su Hang looked up and shook his head, but the opportunity was in front of him, but he didn't grasp it. Maybe this is fate?

Those few eagle dragons, I'm afraid they don't know how precious the missed opportunity is.

This is life, you have to believe!

Su Hang sighed in his heart, looking at the sky, as if he was expecting something faintly.

He shouldn’t be able to control it anymore? Feng Yaobei is in my hands, you don’t want to either, come and get it.

Sunrise, sun setting!

Suddenly it was the second half of the day, and none of them found it, so Suhang seemed a little impatient.

The buttocks are wet, and I haven't come yet, is it really that I chose this place too far? Or did these guys not dare to be interested and didn’t come?

At this time, the snow in front of him moved slightly. Su Hang looked down, and a **** shell pushed a small snow mass and was walking in the snow.

"Oh, in this icy and snowy place, how could there be Shi Shi Lang?" Su Hang flew his fingers and flew out the snow ball bomb that Shi Shi Lang pushed.

The **** shell Lang pushed and pushed, the snow ball suddenly disappeared, and suddenly stood silly.

Su Hang looked a little bit ridiculous. He was too bored to play with a **** shell.

"I didn't expect the first one to come, it was only Shi Shi Lang, which is really ironic!"

Su Hang smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile, "Although it is just a **** shell, but it is also a member of all living beings in the world. Since you can meet me in such a place, it is a fate..."

Su Hang was so bored, he simply pointed at the little **** shell in front of him, "Xuanhuang Realm Tertiary, the first detached person is you."

The **** shell Lang didn't know what Su Hang was saying, still wandering in situ, looking for its dung mass wrapped in snow.

With a wave of his hand, Feng Yaofeng flew out of Suhang's sleeves, and a pestle was next to Hey, it was a headache. "As soon as the Feng Yaobei was taken out, Su Hang discovered the problem. This Yaobei only recorded the living body that reached the heavenly realm. This **** shell is similar to Wei Chen. Where can I find its name?"

If the name cannot be found, how to remove its name?

This is a bit embarrassing, but the previous words have been exported and cannot be recovered, although no one heard nearby, but I feel embarrassed.

"It's your luck." Su Hang shook his head, stretched out a finger, and clicked on the **** shell.

It was just an instant, a great deal of light, and the **** shell Lang was instantly wrapped in a colorful light group.

If anyone is nearby, you will be horrified to find that there seems to be a strong life in the light group, growing rapidly and growing in the spirit of sparks.

"It's really a good luck **** shell. I haven't used it for a long time. I have stepped into the sky. You are afraid that it is the first **** shell in history." Withdrawing his finger, Su Hang looked at the light group in front of him and smiled. .

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