Super Study God

Chapter 2069: Zhong Huangzi!

The momentum in the light group climbed from scratch and quickly climbed. The black clouds gathered in the sky several times. Apparently there was a catastrophe, but they were all waved away by the Soviet Air.

In the state of the highest peak of Tian Dao Realm in the Soviet Union, it has already been possible to create a master of Tian Dao Realm at will, but it is only costly. Su Air basically has not used this function.

Today, this **** shell can be regarded as catching up. It can only be said that fate has given this **** shell Lang a great chance.

If someone asks in the future, this **** shell will only say that I was pushing the dung ball on the mountain that day, and suddenly it took a step!

The time passed by one minute and one second, the sun was slanting westward, and the light group gradually dispersed.

A young man with dull hair and a gleaming body appeared in front of Su Hang, his eyes spinning round and round, looking around with fear.

Su Hang waved his hand, and a set of cloth was put on the young man's body. The clothes were very fit, but the young man's body was also pleasing to the eye, except that this young man had a timid and frivolous temperament that could not be concealed.

The young man looked down at his hands and feet, his fear was even worse.


Suddenly screamed in horror, he almost didn't startle Su Hang, but the voice just came out, and the young man quickly reached out and covered his mouth.

The eyes were full of horror, as if I couldn't believe how I became like this, how could I make such a sound.

"Ahhhh..." Seeing Suhang in front of him, the youth opened his mouth quickly, and what seemed to panic seemed to want to say something, but what came out of his mouth was just the sound of ahhhh.

"Alas!" Su Hang shook his head, reaching for it a little bit, and then a white light fell into the youth's mind.

The young man was suddenly set in place as if he had been acupunctured. After a while, there seemed to be a flash of light in his eyes.

They all already exist in the heavenly realm, but they can't even say anything. You said it was ridiculous. You have to let Su Hang good people do it and teach him to speak.

"Me, what's wrong with me?" After a while, the young man regained his movements and touched his face. The first sentence was to face Su Hangdao.

"Shocked, shut me up!" Su Hang gave him a blank look. "It took so much energy to create such a thing?"

The young man looked up at Su Hang, froze for a moment, and suddenly ran over, excitedly, "It's you, you changed me like this, and quickly changed me back, you, where did you throw my dung ball?" ?"

He was about to reach out and grab Suhang’s neck. Suhang had a chill. This thing was quite tiger-like. Not only the tiger, but also the tiger. What time is it, and he still cares about his Feces.

A strong impact force flew the young man, and fell with a thud on the ground, splashing a large area of ​​frozen ground.

"Sin obstacles, give you the chance you don't want, then the deity will hit you back to the prototype!" Su Hang said with a black face.

The young man was immediately frightened and immediately fell to his knees in front of Su Hang with a thud, "Give life, give life, grandpa give life!"

It looks like the panic and panic font is vividly displayed!

Su Hang smiled and shook his head bitterly, this little thing, too little stuff, too special.

But this is the end of the matter, you can't return it!

Suddenly boring, Su Hang directly took Feng Yaobei, ready to scratch the name of Shi Shi Lang.

Looking at the monument, Su Hang was surprised that there was no name of Shi Shilang on the monument. Isn't it already heavenly, how could it not be? Isn't it insulted by yourself?

"What's your name?" Su Hang asked, turning to Shi Shi Lang who was trembling on the ground.

Shi Shi Lang raised his head and looked at Su Hang with anxiety, "Name, name?"

There is a black line on Suhang's forehead, just a **** shell, how could there be a name? No wonder the name on the tablet is gone!

What's special, I still have a one-stop service, and I have to give you a name?

Hesitating for a moment, Su Hangdao said, "Well, from now on, you will be called Zhong Huangzi. The first detached person in the Tertiary Period is you Zhong Huangzi!"

Su Hang's words just fell, the flash of light on the Feng Yao monument flashed, and a few small characters appeared at the end of the inscription.

Zhong Huangzi, ranked 3,892!

Just after the name appeared, Su Hang reached out and wiped the name from the inscription.


At the same time, there seemed to be a sense above Jiuxiao. A thunder thundered the space and suddenly exploded, causing Shiye to tremble.

Zhong Huangzi looked up at the sky, his face looked more frightened, there was an urge to cry in my heart, and I came out to push a dung ball. How did it look like this?

After the thunder, everything was calm, and the shit-shell man in front of him, I am afraid I don't know yet how great chance he encountered.

Su Hang stared at him and said, "How much can be done in the future, it depends on yourself, go!"

Zhong Huangzi heard the words and looked up at Su Hang for a while.

Although the name erased him, it did not mean that Zhong Huangzi would be able to get rid of, but this world had no restrictions on this **** shell. With the opportunity to advance to the next level, if he had insufficient talents, or he did not want to practice, It will only stay locked in the heavenly realm for a lifetime.

"Why don't you go yet? Are you waiting for me to return your dung ball?" Su Hang's speechlessness for a while and a daze in Huang Zhongzi's formidable eyes, he couldn't help but sounded the brothers of the Xiang family in the future What is a virtue.

"Ah, oh!"

Zhong Huangzi woke up to God and turned away like an amnesty before leaving.

There wasn’t even a single thank you. It was a bit speechless. Maybe he didn’t think he had any benefit, maybe he was still worried about Suhang stealing his dung ball!

"You're doing something like this, right?" Just then A voice came from Suhang.

Su Hang turned and looked, his brow furrowed lightly, his expression seemed a little unnatural.

A young man in white, I do not know when, has come to the top of the mountain, standing not far from him, at this time is looking at Su Hang with a light expression.

"You might be here!" For a long time, Suhang looked back, the expression on his face was also faint.

Zhong Huangzi stood at the same place, looked at this and then looked at him, his face stunned.

The comer came closer, "If I don't come, if you are so messy, why is this world messy?"

Su Hang smiled and pointed to the Feng Yaobei beside him, "Here for this thing?"

The man's eyes fell on the Feng Yao monument, and after a brief pause, he looked at Su Hang again, "If you know, why do you ask again?"

"Hehe!" Su Hang shook his head. "It seems that Di Zun is really right. Since this thing has no chance with you, why should you be so persistent?"

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