Super Study God

Chapter 2074: Everyone rejoices!

A pair of eyes fell on the old turtle, and the old turtle's scheming hair was frightened. I was afraid that he would be restless after today, but he didn't want to give up just because he waited for this opportunity more than 10 billion years ago.

At this time, Lin Xuan shook his head, but did not know what to do!

Su Hang can ignore other things.

With a stroke, the name of the old turtle Biehuhugui, who was ranked first on the Feng Yao monument, disappeared. At the same time, a thunder came from Jiu Xiao, and the old turtle suddenly felt a light heart, and suddenly felt a sense of relief.

The fourth detached person, Old Turtle, was happy. On this day, after finally waiting, he couldn't help but have the urge to cry.

But looking up, the group of old demon looked at him with a black face, and his face was not good. At this time, the wood has become a boat, the old turtle successfully detached, the demon are helpless, and they dare not talk to Su Hang theory, but they are obviously in the heart The old turtle remembered it.

Suddenly, the old turtle suffered in his heart. In the future, he may be sad. None of the old monsters in front of him is a fuel-efficient lamp.

But is there any way to wait for so many years, not just for this day? Even if he knew he was dead, he had no principle, he didn't want to be trapped in this world forever.

Now Xuanhuang Realm can't trap himself. With his accumulated skills of more than 10 billion years, it is not difficult to break through the Dadao Realm in a short time. As long as he breaks through the Dadao Realm, these guys in front of him are not all scum, which is completely inadequate. consider!

"Lao Hu, I was able to get rid of it today, and I will go to heaven again in the future, but I have to thank the great **** beside me!" At this time, Lin Xuan suddenly said!

The old turtle came back to God and listened to Lin Xuan's words, and looked at Suhang. His eyes were a little strange. We got the chance based on our ability. Why should we thank you?

Yeah, without you, that day I might be able to get the Feng Yao Bei above Zhongshan. You grabbed the Feng Yao Bei and wiped out my name today, so I thank you?

It's as if you robbed me of my stuff and then returned it to me. I still have to thank you Dade?

Lin Xuan didn't say it was okay. This said, the old turtle raised a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart. The old turtle didn't like to owe people cause and effect, let alone this inexplicable cause and effect.

"There is something else in my family, so don't go away. You still have a place. Don't give up!"

Lao Bie didn't say anything, just turned around and walked away, his figure turned into a streamer, and he walked away.

When the demon saw it, they were all scolded, but none of them chased. After all, the five detached people had detached four, and there was one left. If they had left, wouldn’t they have no chance at all?

Old turtle is also fine. If he chooses to leave at this time, no one will dare to chase him. He can use this time to find a safe place and retreat to break through the avenue.

After being scolded, the group demons gradually settled down, and they all set their eyes on Su Hang again, but had not yet decided where this last detached person belonged.

Su Hang is also distressed. Why did he say five at the time, but not four?

The demon all looked forward to Su Hang, their eyes lingering on the Feng Yao Bei beside Su Hang. They seemed to be eager to rush to grab Feng Feng Bei.

Su Hang looked back at Lin Xuan, but Lin Xuan seemed to be waiting for Su Hang's joke, sitting there still.

Su Hang thought for a while and said, "I have something to say first, first come first served, you just arrived, I can't distinguish who comes first, who comes later, let's just be your fifth! "

"Huh?" Lin Xuan frowned when he heard Su Hang's words. Obviously Su Hang's words made him feel a little unhappy. He seemed to have a premonition of what Su Hang wanted to do.

The demon are also stunned, tied for fifth? What do you mean?

"Today, we will all be happy, so as not to wait for the killing and blood-stained world!" Su Hang pointed to the Fengmon monument next to him. "The stone monument is here, wait for those who want to be detached, come up one by one, find Erase your own name..."


The monsters were all surprised when they heard the words, and then they were all ecstatic, and their eyes became fiery.

"Get in line one by one, no noise, no fights, whoever fights loudly, get out immediately!"

The monsters were about to pupate, and Su Hang shouted immediately. In an instant, the rioting demons immediately settled down again. Like the pupils lining up to eat fruit, a group of strange-shaped beasts quickly lined up a long dragon.

Su Hang smiled with satisfaction, and turned to Lin Xuan to look over, "I am very satisfied, are you satisfied?"

At this time Lin Xuan's face was a bit irony. Obviously, Su Hang's affair exceeded his expectations.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Lin Xuan asked lightly.

There are nearly four thousand names on the Fengyao monument. If all of them are erased, it means that if not suppressed, there are likely to be nearly four thousand avenue powerhouses born from the Xuanhuang Realm.

Heaven Realm will never allow such a force to emerge. As the Xuanhuang Realm Lord, Lin Xuan will definitely take responsibility. This is clearly that Su Hang is doing things for him.

Su Hang knew all this, but just smiled, "Look at this scene, there is no battle, it's all happy, how good? And, not what I'm doing, it's their own wishes, want to be detached, just remove yourself , It’s a blessing or a curse, and it’s up to them!"

"I'm afraid they can't afford it!" Lin Xuan snorted coldly, got up directly, and walked away!

"Why? Didn't you come to seal the demon monument? Is this going to go?" Su Hang asked.

"Humph!" There was only a cold Lin Xuan's figure was gone.

For a long time, Su Hang turned his face and looked at the old demon who lined up one by one to find his name on the tablet, and the expression on his face gradually became serious.

This did indeed disgust Lin Xuan, but Su Hang did not just disgust Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan is definitely not willing to see such a force born in Xuanhuang Realm. Since today, his original attitude of stocking people is afraid that it will change, and he will definitely find a way to solve this big hidden danger.

Otherwise, if thousands of Xuanhuang realm strongmen, even if they are only one percent above, then they are also dozens of Daohuang realm strongmen. As the Xuanhuang realm master, he cannot afford this responsibility, and this matter will definitely affect him in Daozong's status.

Therefore, today's detached people will soon find that they have made a big mistake. Xuanhuang Realm will certainly not allow their existence, so a huge challenge is placed in front of them.

However, the road was chosen by themselves, and the name was also erased by themselves. Su Hang has no responsibility, the only responsibility is not to stop them.

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