Super Study God

Chapter 2075: Threatening letter!

And, even if it is blocked, what is the point? This Tertiary will eventually be destroyed. No matter whether it is ten years or a hundred years, or trillions of years, the result will be destroyed, and it will be reduced to the Quaternary. Even the Quaternary will not have a good ending.

Anyway, sooner or later will be destroyed, and what do you care about sooner or later? Su Hang let them detach, but instead gave them a fight, this is an opportunity, a ray of life!

Su Hang had no regrets to make this decision. Although the spirit of the realm also warned him, Su Hang did not have any regrets. Without a fight, everyone ended up dead and might as well die.

Su Hang was next to the town, and the demon were in order, and piled up one by one, they hugged in front of the stele, found their name from the stele, and then erased the name. There were thousands of monsters on the scene. Below, the tablet is nameless, and can only leave in despair.

In the realm of heaven, there is a sense of opportunity. The entire Tertiary existence will not give up this opportunity. It can almost be said that none has fallen.

I really don’t know if it’s all joy or sorrow. Anyway, Su Hang knows very well that this time, he offended Lin Xuan.

It wasn't until the second day that the monsters thanked Su Hang for their gratitude, and they all left. The monument on the Feng Monster has been smooth as a mirror, and there are no more monsters wandering around the entire Snow Dragon Mountain.

At this time, this demon monument seems to be of no use, unless Su Hang writes their names again, and unless a new Tiandao Realm is born, it will be an ordinary slate.

Su Hang took a deep breath and stood up as if relieved. Looking at the stone tablet, it was really clean and clean. These guys, for detachment, really did not hesitate at all.

Su Hang thought that there would be at least a few left.

"Huh, is there really one?" Su Hang glanced. In the middle of the stone monument, there was really a name that had not been removed.

Su Hang couldn't help but be a little surprised, who is so high in awareness, the other demon saints are all detached, but this one still has the name, and it really is a standout.

"Six thousand!"

When Su Hang looked at the name, he felt a little special. He didn't think that the existence was delayed and did not come, or did not receive the news and did not come. The only thing that can be said is that this one, named 3,000, is definitely active. Give up this opportunity.

There are still people who don't want to detach? Su Hang shook his head, this is a monster, but in the future, he would also like to see this guy named 3,000.

At the moment, Su Hang waved his sleeves and put away the Fengyao monument. Now he is on the top of Xuelong Mountain and looking down the mountain, he suddenly feels some emotion.

How good it is to be a mortal, why do you have to embark on this path of cultivation?

Di Zun is right. The existence of fate must have its meaning. Everyone wants to control fate. This is understandable, but if everyone controls fate in their own hands, is this time a mess? ? Isn't everyone the protagonist?

In this world, it is destined to have only one protagonist. To become a protagonist, it still depends on fate!

I believe everyone will think that they are the protagonist of this world. Unfortunately, that is often just an illusion.

Su Hang was also very determined before that he must be the protagonist of this world. Although he has experienced setbacks along the way, he has also experienced setbacks, but he has also lived safely anyway, with powerful enemies and the support of many nobles.

But now I want to come, protagonist? It's a bit ridiculous. In this world, no one dares to think that he is the protagonist. Destiny cares for you. You are the protagonist. If fate abandons you, then you will be nothing, not even a dragon suit.

Just like those demon saints, if you remove the name on the seal demon monument, can you really be detached? Even if Lin Xuan did not pack them up, Su Hang could write their names back on the tablet.

Therefore, after all, the fate of the weak is controlled by the strong, and the fate of the strong is controlled by the stronger. Su Hang feels that he is a bit enlightened. He understands why he wants to get rid of his destiny completely, only invincible. !

"Oh, invincible!" Su Hang smiled bitterly and shook his head gently. He had also fantasized about invincibility, but that was simply an impossible state. At least Su Hang could not pass the level of seven emotions and six desires!

Lin Xuan, perhaps he is struggling in this direction, and Su Hang can only wait and see. If he can overcome his destiny, perhaps he will be the new destiny of these heavens and the world!



"Next, where should I go?" Looking at the vast world, Su Hang felt lost in direction for a moment, and was a little overwhelmed!

"Find a way to find your last original sin. Let him stay in the Tertiary Period. It is always a scourge!" At this time, the realm of the heart said.

Su Hang heard that and took a deep breath. "It's okay, but this timid **** has a first-rate escape ability and a vast world. It's not easy to find him!"

Jie Moxin smiled. "It's not necessarily that you can write a letter. Write a letter to him, knowing his emotions, acting reasonably, maybe he will appear himself!"

Su Hang heard this and couldn't laugh, "He is so timid, do you think it will be useful? If I were him, I would just keep hiding!"

"Useful and useless, don't try how to do it?" Jie Mo said, "He is timid, you might as well be intimidated, as long as he is scared, he will definitely come to you!"

Su Hang heard Silently said, "Perhaps, you are really a way!"

The timidity is very timid, and it will run away when there is wind and grass. For Su Hang, it is a very difficult original sin.

However, Su Hang cannot allow him to stay in this Tertiary, otherwise, if he returns to later generations, it will be more difficult to catch him.

The method that Jie Moxin said is not so absurd. After all, imagine that if a timid timid person receives a threatening letter from Su Hang, he will definitely run on his feet. If Su Hang is properly operated, he is not without hope. .

"Then try him!" Su Hang immediately nodded, took out the letter box, and took some pen and paper, and wrote a threatening letter on the hilltop.

In this kind of thing, Suhang Air seems to be very good at it.

The content of the letter is probably, I know where you are, and I am by your side, always staring at you, the reason why I don’t do it to you, because I want to give you the opportunity to know, limit you to one day, tomorrow Before sunset, if you can take the initiative to surrender to Xuelong Mountain, then, I can save you a life like other original sins, otherwise, I will directly sentence you to death.

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