Super Study God

Chapter 2076: Give you something to eat!

Don't doubt my ability, since my letter can be delivered to you, it proves that I know where you are hiding.

Such a threatening letter was quickly written by Su Hang, and the tone was completely intimidating, without a little euphemism. Su Hang looked at it and was very satisfied. This is really Nima!

Imagine if the timid God received this letter, he would definitely be panic-stricken, right?

After the ink was dry, Su Hang put the letter in the envelope, wrote the name of Su Hang's original sin, and threw it into the mailbox.

"Perfect!" Jie Moxin praised, "It seems that you really have the potential to intimidate extortion. Haven't you done such a thing before?"

Su Hang smiled, "This should be a talent!"

At this time, the mailbox shook, and Su Air opened the mailbox, which was already empty. Obviously, the letter had been sent!

Su Hang must be in his heart, he was worried that the letter would not be sent. Since it was sent, it would definitely be sent to the hands of timid gods. In this way, the effect of intimidation would definitely be achieved.

"Now, let's wait. If he is willing to show up before sunset tomorrow, it will be embarrassing if he still doesn't show up!" Su Hang said.

Jie Moxin smiled, "Then continue to intimidate until he appears!"

Su Hang shook his head. He never dreamed that he would solve the trouble of timidity by writing a threatening letter!

Hope it works! Su Hang took a deep breath and sat down cross-legged on the hill, meditating.

Shino was silent, except for a young man with yellow hair at the bottom of the mountain, who stood upside down and climbed up the mountain with a huge dung ball in his legs!

It's really hard to change the nature, Shi Shi Lang can't change to eat Xiang, it is the detached Zhong Huangzi!

This guy is already in the realm of heaven, and actually pushes the dung ball. Is there any slightest consciousness!

On the top of the mountain, there was a smelly smell from the tip of the nose, waking up Su Hang from entering the center, opening his eyes, and he saw that Huang Zi pushed the dung to himself!

The dung mass was dipped in the snow on the mountain, and it grew bigger and bigger. There was already a person tall and white, but it was still difficult to cover its strong smell!

"Zhonghuangzi, what are you doing?" Su Hang's brow furrowed lightly, and it felt awkward.

Zhong Huangzi put his legs down and poked his head out from behind the dung ball, looking at Su Hang foolishly.

He got up and wiped his body with his hands. Zhong Huangzi said, "I see that you haven't eaten for a day. I must be hungry. I will give you something to eat!"


Su Hang almost didn't spit out an old blood, and looked at the neutron in front of him with a stunned face, but at this moment, Jie Moxin was happy.

Nima’s, Su Hang’s cold face, looked at the huge dung ball, and then looked at Zhong Huangzi. Obviously, Zhong Huangzi was not malicious, he just wanted to give Su Hang something to eat. , Completely out of good intentions.

The face twitched slightly, Su Hangdao, "I'm not hungry, eat it yourself!"

Zhong Huangzi said, apparently stunned, "Not hungry? I was so hungry without a meal, you were hungry all day, how could you not be hungry? You don’t have to be polite with me..."

I’m very polite, I’m obviously disgusted, OK? Su Hang was speechless and vomited in his heart, "I'm really not hungry, please take it away!"

Zhong Huangzi heard the words and pushed the dung mass towards Su Hang again. "Do you think there is less? There are many in my hole!"

"No, I just can't eat so much!" Su Hangdao said.

"Huh? Then eat less!" Zhong Huangzi said.

Su Hang heard his face, and his face twitched slightly. It seemed that he realized that he was wrong, opened his mouth, and waved his hand, "Well, put it here, I will eat it later, you go back!"

Seeing Su Hang's acceptance, Zhong Huangzi's face only showed a bit of joy, "Okay, then enjoy it slowly, and tomorrow morning, I will send you some more!"

Su Hang heard that he almost spit out an old blood, Nima's, will be delivered tomorrow, you are too enthusiastic, how much did I eat?

While trying to scold him, Zhong Huangzi turned back down the mountain, and it was obviously very happy to see that look.

"Hahaha, it's interesting, this **** shell, it's a bit interesting!" Jie Moxin laughed.

"Interesting fart!" Su Hang scolded with a smile.

At this time, the realm said, "He has sent you what he thinks is the best. If you don't taste it, wouldn't you waste the kindness of others? See how sincere he is, do you bear it? Take a bite anyway, and mean something. After all, if you look at it, it still tastes like ice cream!"

"Go!" Su Hang took a sip. "If you want to taste, I can give you some!"

Jie Moxin laughed.

Su Hang's face was covered with black lines, "I already knew that this product is of this virtue, I really shouldn't blame him, I really can't change the dog's taste, and I can count on him to do nothing, wasting my expression!"

"Isn't this good? Carefree. Being able to eat a little every day is already very satisfying. He is more at ease than many people!" Jiemo Xin said.

Su Hang paused, and didn't say much, just a shock, the big dung ball turned into ashes instantly.

At this time, Su Hang was able to take a deep breath!

"You said, can my scare letter scare me?" Su Hang asked!

"Of course!" Jie Moxin said, "As long as the letter is delivered to him, he will naturally take the stroke, but during this time, you better not let him feel the danger, it is best to sincerely want to give He had a chance, he could not feel the danger, and was intimidated by you again, if he was normal, most of them would choose to show up!"

Su Hang nodded These original sins, he hadn't thought about how to pack them up, he just collected them first, and finally how to deal with them, he had no clue, for this timid god, he did not What is hostile, at least not now, simply want to catch him, so as not to cause endless scourge!

After all, even if there is only one original sin left outside, it will have a very serious impact on the practice of Su Hang.


Staying at this time, the mailbox next to it suddenly vibrated, and a crisp reminder sounded.

A letter?

Su Hang's eyes lit up, and immediately reached out to pull the letterbox, and took out a letter from inside.

Spread out the stationery, with only a few words written on it, "Where are you?"

It’s just four words, but it’s written awkwardly. Obviously, when this guy writes these words, his hands must be shaking.

The corner of Su Hang's mouth curled up a little arc. Obviously, his intimidation was effective, and the effect should be pretty good.

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