Super Study God

Chapter 2078: Timid appeared!

It's already heaven and earth, and I still want to learn this kind of skill. Su Hang has a little bit of laughter and laughter, but he is very relieved in his heart.

Slightly nodded, Su Hang was about to speak, but at this time, Huang Zi spoke again, "I heard that there is a huge family of scared beasts hundreds of miles away. If I can learn to fly, I can go easily. Bring back the dung **** they accumulated!"

"Poof!" Su Hang listened to this and almost spit out an old blood, staring dumbfounded at the goods in front of him, "Dare you also push the dung ball?"

Zhong Huangzi didn't even feel the suspense of Su Hang. He said, "Although I have changed my appearance now, my strength is much greater than before, but I have also eaten more than before. The savings I saved before are simply not enough. If I can When I got the dung ball of the Horde, I don’t have to worry about the food. I remember when I was a child, I had a relative from a distant house, came from the Horde, and brought me some specialties from there. The taste is still memorable to this day. I always thought that it would be the most wonderful to be able to live in a terrible beast land and have a delicious taste that can not be eaten!"

Su Hang heard that the black line on his forehead was heavy, and there was such an urge to hurt this guy.

Jiang Shan's nature is difficult to change, even if he changed his appearance and improved his realm, in essence, he is still a **** shell!

Ridiculous, ridiculous! Su Hang shook his head again and again, waved his hand weakly at him, "Go, go, go and die!"

"Huh?" Zhong Huangzi looked at Su Hang unexpectedly and saw Su Hang looking sad, and asked quickly, "Is there something that makes you unhappy?"

Su Hang shook his head and said, "Your ambition is too great to shock me, you continue to push your dung ball, not only the dung ball of the dread beast, the dung ball all over the world will is yours!"

"Really?" Zhong Zizi was very pleased, a little too unbelievable.

Su Hang smiled helplessly, "The technique of flying can't be simpler, you can just realize it by yourself. I have an unused storage bag here. I'll give it to you as a farewell ceremony. Right, it's me. It’s a part of it, since now we haven’t seen you, you don’t know me, I don’t know you, and don’t see you again in the future!"

"Uh, ah?" Zhong Huang froze for a moment, reaching for the storage bag thrown over by Su Hang and looking up at Su Hang. "Why don't you see you again?"

Su Hang almost fainted and waved his hand, "I'm afraid of you, go and go, and push away your dung!"

"Afraid of me? What am I afraid of?" Zhong Huangzi looked puzzled.

"Are you going? I'm going to do it if I don't go!" Su Hangdao said.

Zhong Huangzi said that his face twitched slightly. He was obviously afraid of Su Hang. When Su Hang was angry, he dared not say more.

"You're really strange, did I provoke you?"

"I kindly give you something to eat, but I can't please it!"

"Forget it, I am passionate. If you want to eat, I won't give it to you!"

Zhong Huangzi whispered softly and fell down again, pushing the dung with his legs, and headed down the mountain.

However, going down the hill was a slope, and the dung ball was round again, kicked by Zhong Huangzi, and suddenly rolled down the hill.

"Oh my goodness!"

Zhong Huangzi yelled, his face changed greatly, and quickly chased the dung mass down the mountain, chasing all the way!


Su Hang hammered his own head, how can such a wonderful flower be encountered everywhere?

"Don't you think he is cute?" At this time, Jie Mo said.

"Cute ass!" Su Hang rolled his eyes. Can this be considered cute? They are so cute that they want to vomit!

"Excuse me..."

At this moment, a voice came from the side, the tone was weak, a little flinching.

Su Hang's heart tightened suddenly, inexplicably felt a wave of fear, his heart jumped, and shuddered.

That kind of feeling, just like encountering the realm before, was afraid, inexplicably feeling afraid.


Su Hang's heart immediately emerged with such a thought. Looking up, there was no one around, and the sound made him unable to find a direction.

If there is no danger coming, then it is mostly timid, and the influence of the timid God's talent field will also make everyone who is close to him feel fear.

"Excuse me..." The voice paused. "Is that what you said in the letter, is it true?"

"Is the timidity coming?" Su Hang asked immediately, and by the way he dismissed the consciousness and searched all the areas within ten light years, but unfortunately, no trace was found.

This guy, the ability to hide is really quite strong. He only hears the sound, but does not see the person, but at this time Su Hang's heart is ecstatic.

This guy really came, then, it's not far from catching him!

"It's me!" The voice was very small, and his fear was audible, "Is it true that you said in the letter before? Are you really going to kill me?"

The degree of caution of this cargo was so simple that it was so outrageous. At this time, Su Hang's heart was also tense. Can he succeed in flicking him out? Just look at this one.

"Of course!" Su Hang said, "I just want to give you a chance, if I can catch it, just look at yourself, don't hide it, come out, since I can deliver the letter to you, I'm sure Know where you are hiding!"

"You, don't scare me!" The voice trembled obviously, obviously Su Hang's words made him feel more and more frightened.

The corner of Su Hang's mouth slightly curved, "Okay, I won't scare you, come out!"

"Me, how can I believe you, how can you believe you won't kill me?" The weak voice of the timid **** came again.

Su Hang was helpless for a while, and this cargo was always unable to let go of the guard, but to think about it from another angle, if he is himself, I am afraid that he will be so all, it is a matter of life.

"How can I make you believe?" Su Hang asked.

"I, I don't know!" cowardly shin.

Su Hang was speechless for a while and thought, "I will not only kill you, I will not kill several other original sins..."

"Yes, is it? He, how are they doing now?" Cowardly asked.

"Eat well, drink well, live well, no longer need to hide from Tibet like you!" Su Hang said directly.

There was silence in the air for a moment, and the timid and said, "Me, how can I believe you?"

"Then, I'll find someone to talk to you?" Su Hang said, this timid, really terrible, he has never felt so laborious.

"Okay..." The cowardly agreed weakly.

Su Hang was helpless, hesitated, and waved his big sleeves to pull Bilian out.

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