Super Study God

Chapter 2079: Protect you with life!

Among those original sins, the Bilian real person should be counseled. The most acquaintance, Su Hang can fully control, and the others are released. Su Hang is afraid of being out of control and messed up things for itself. Once fleeing, it will be hard to cheat him in the future, and even harder to find him.

"Did it drop?"

Bilian lived with Su Hang and was surprised for a while, but this good-sighted thief was good. Su Hang wouldn't find him if he was fine. It must be something to find him!

Su Hang said directly, "This timid god, you didn't let me give him a chance. I gave him the chance, but he refused to surrender, please persuade him, if you do this, don't blame me for not giving you Face-saving!"

"Huh?" Bilian heard the words and communicated with Su Hang's eyes. He immediately understood Su Hang's intentions and immediately turned to look into the void. "Brother Timid, are you here?"

"Yes, it's me..." The timid voice came from the void.

Su Hang was searching with his consciousness next to him, trying to find out where the timid **** was hiding, but to his disappointment, there was no trace at all.

Bilian really patted the round belly, and a smile appeared on his face, and said loudly, "Brother God, don't hide, come on, I know you are afraid, but don't be afraid, look at me, this is not alive Isn’t it good? Not only is there no danger, there are delicious and delicious food for us, the Madonna, and the girl every day, everyone is waiting for you to reunite, hurry up and come out, we have spent the boss’s energy, I asked you for this opportunity!"

"Really, really?" the timid God asked suspiciously.

"Really!" Bilian real hurriedly said, "Look at me, are there any missing arms and legs? Don't hide from Tibet, he won't treat us!"

"I, I can't believe you!" After holding back for a long time, the timid spit out a few words.

"Poof!" Bilian almost didn't spit out blood. Lao Tzu spent so much time talking, but you came to believe me.

In a word, Bilian was defeated. Bilian turned around and looked at Su Hang, and gave Su Hang a look. I can't do it anymore, let others go!

Su Hang felt helpless for a while and asked directly, "Speak, who can make you believe?"

"Virgin, unless the Virgin!" timid shin.

Su Hang frowned slightly, but was thinking in his mind, if let the Virgin come out, will things lose control?

In case the Virgin said something wrong, wouldn't it be a failure?

"Okay, then I will let the Virgin come to talk to you!" Su Hang said a bit, then waved his sleeves, and another figure appeared in front of Su Hang.

It is the Supreme Master of Virgin Mary!

Supreme Master Guru looked at Su Hang, and apparently she also knew that Su Hang came to her and must have something to ask for!

"The timid is coming, let him come out!" Before Su Hang spoke, Bilian lived next to him. This move was obviously licking Su Hang. After all, who made this guy shameless by nature? ?

The Holy Mother heard the words and glanced at Su Hang, he seemed hesitant.

Su Hangdao, "rest assured, as long as he is willing to surrender, I will not move you."

The Virgin took a deep look at Su Hang and hesitated for a moment before turning slowly.

"Our Lady, what he said is true?" At this time, the weak voice of the timid **** sounded again.

The Virgin Mary is undoubtedly a central leader for the original sin. Several original sins have listened to her to believe her, and her personality charm is more than a little bit stronger than that of Su Hang.

After the appearance of the Virgin, the timidity was obviously not so scared, at least the voice no longer trembles, nor does it speak anymore.

The Virgin took a deep breath. Is it true that what Su Hang said is true? She is not sure. After all, it is not impossible for Su Hang to do things that are counterproductive.

However, the sentence that Su Hang said just now has a deep meaning for her. Su Hang said that as long as the timid **** surrenders, he will definitely not move them. This seems to be for the timid god, but In fact, it is more like telling them.

The meaning in the inner meaning is nothing more than, if the timidity does not surrender, the Su Hang might have to move them.

This is undoubtedly a threat hidden in the words that others cannot hear, but her Madonna can hear it.

So, as long as she is rational enough, she naturally knows how to choose.

"God, come out, don't hide!" For a long time, the Virgin said to the void.

He didn't answer timid god's words, because he really couldn't make any guarantee for timid god.

At this time, timid, "Can I trust him?"

Our Lady said, "I promise you, if he is against you, I will protect you with my life!"

The Virgin is really the Virgin. This Virgin really made Suhang feel admired. This scene is really touching!

"Come out, timid, we will all live to protect you!" At this time, Bilian real man also said.

In the same sentence, from the mouth of Bilian real person, it completely changed the taste, and he always felt shameless.

After being silent for a long time, Suhang looked forward to watching all around. Finally, the void in front of him fluctuated slightly, and a small figure, just like drilling out of the water wave, came out of the void.

At first glance, Su Hang was a child!

Timid, he looked left and right as soon as he appeared, with fear on his face all the time, and seeing the Virgin, just like the child seeing his mother, ran over quickly, hiding behind the Virgin, and daring to look at Su Hang .

At this moment, Su Hang was relieved, and he was afraid that he wouldn't show up. Since it appeared, it wouldn't be possible to run away. The twelve original sins, today's calculations were successful, but Su Hang's heart was lost. event.

Take a closer look at this child. The eyebrows are beautiful. The eyebrows are somewhat similar to the Soviet Airways. However, they are obviously much better than the Soviet Airways. They look like they are in their twenties, and they look very delicate. Fear, a pair of fear dodge eyes, really do not understand what he is afraid of!

That kind of fear seems to be contagious. After a long distance, Suhang felt that his heart beat a bit faster, as if danger would come at any time.

The Madonna patted the child's head lightly as a sign of comfort, and looked up at Su Hang, "I hope you can talk!"

Su Hang looked at the child. The child looked up at Su Hang. As soon as he touched Su Hang's eyes, he quickly dodged away and lowered his head. He dared not stare at Su Hang.

Su Hang was not in a hurry to reply, at least he should confirm the identity of the child in front of him, with the timid personality of timidity, if you just find a substitute to flirt with yourself, if you are so credulous, wouldn’t you let He fled again?

If you lose a long time, and find a fake avatar, this is absolutely unacceptable for Su Hang.

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