Super Study God

Chapter 2082: The human race is born!

Nvwa lighted her car and sat down next to the mud pile. With her clean slender jade hand, she grabbed a handful of dirt and squeezed it carefully.

After a while, a clay model similar to the shape of Su Hang has been formed.

"Is this a human?" Fu Xi looked at this clay sculpture and expressed great surprise. He never had the concept of human beings. This person who first saw Nu Wa pinched it out, it turned out that the appearance was basically the same as that of Su Hang. Similar creatures are the new species they call.

Nu Wa looked back at Fu Xi, "Brother, is there anything wrong?"

Fu Xi heard the words and smiled, "I just think that my sister has created a human race. This human race has no sharp claws and no sharp teeth. How can it survive in this world? Should we change the shape of this human?"

Nu Wa paused and turned to Su Hang next to her to look at it. If she put it in the past, she must have listened to Fu Xi's opinion, but now it is different. She still wants to listen to Su Hang's opinion.

Su Hang listened and said, "Everything is born, there is a trade-off, and there is a willingness. Although humans do not have a strong physical body, you can give them other things, such as wisdom and courage."

Nu Wa heard the words and hesitated for a moment. She seemed to understand something, and then dismissed the idea of ​​changing the appearance of this human race. After all, isn't Su Hang in front of him like this? Not as powerful.

Now Nu Wa bit her finger, a drop of blood dripped onto the clay figure, and turned to look at Su Hang and Fu Xi.

The two understood, and each extended their hands, forcing a drop of blood onto the clay figure.

Nu Wa's blood gave wisdom, Fu Xi's blood gave courage, and Su Hang's blood gave magic power.

To be precise, what Su Hang has given is the instinct for the human race to become stronger.

At this time, Nu Wa exhaled in a single breath, and the man-made air blew through the clay figure. The clay figure quickly began to swell up, and within a moment it became the size of a normal person. The body made of mud quickly became the skin color of a normal person.

A brand-new soul was born in that clay figurine's body, and within a moment, the clay figurine turned into a red fruit flesh.

Under the gaze of the three people, the flesh moved, and then opened his eyes, a pair of clear eyes, looked at the world ignorantly.

"It's done."

Nu Wa was delighted in her heart, watching the brand new human being who had just been created by her, just like a bunch of scientists observing the little white mice in the test chamber.

The so-called creation is actually so simple?

Fu Xi next to him couldn't believe it, but Nu Wa vaguely felt that she was finally going to succeed this time.

Immediately afterwards, Nu Wa made the same way, and she pinched a woman according to her own appearance.

Soon, a beautiful woman who walked on two legs appeared in front of the three people, also ignorant, and looked at this world with some curiosity.

"Intelligence does not seem to be high." At this time, Fu Xi said.

Su Hang heard this and shook his head. "It's just that it hasn't tapped its potential..."

It is actually said that the human race wisdom is not high, and Su Hang is also a little drunk. These two people have just been nurtured by Nuwa. Just like the two newborn children, their knowledge of this world is still very limited. The high IQ, which is slowed down by the powerful body, is not comparable to other races.

Su Hang pointed at the sky and two blue lights fell into the minds of the two men. The man and the woman immediately fainted to the ground. The momentum of the body instantly changed and climbed up rapidly.

"The human race is a natural Taoist body. Among the heavens and the worlds, the most suitable form for cultivation is. Although the human race of the Xuanhuang Realm was born, it is in the heavens at the moment. Many strong people are in this form."

Su Hang said in his mouth that although he has not been to the Celestial Realm, the Celestial Masters he encountered are almost all of the human form, so the human race is not unique to the Xuanhuang Realm, only the Xuanhuang Realm's human race. Just created.

"Brother Su Hang, what are you talking about?" Fu Xi looked at Su Hang next to him. He just whispered quietly, but he couldn't hear it.

Su Hang shook his head without saying much, just saying, "Just like these two people, it's not a family."

Nüwa nodded her head, grabbed the soil quickly and squeezed it up, and a new life was born from her hands. It was indeed an exciting thing, but you can put a few of their blood A lot.

Su Hang smiled bitterly, "Nuwa girl, you guys want us a drop of blood, we can't afford to play."

Fu Xi listened beside him and nodded again and again.

Nu Wa looked at Su Hang, "What should I do then?"

Without the blood of three people as a guide, the people they made were unqualified products.

Su Hang didn't say much, only dropped two drops of blood on the remaining soil, and then said to Nüwa, "That's all, no more."

Nu Wa heard the words, her expression stiffened for a while, but she was a drop of blood before, but now, so much soil is only two drops of blood. Isn't it too much to cut corners?

"However, in this way, the biological and biological forces in the living soil will soon lose their spirituality. I am afraid that the people created in this way will not survive long, and they will turn into dead bones in decades, even if this race in the future The luck is prosperous, and I can live to be 100 years old, I am afraid that it is already sky-high." Nu Wa said.

Su Hang shook his head, "Several decades have been considered very long. You can't use your lifespan to compare with them. Your life is short, and only in this way can you force them to live harder and live in sorrow and death. Yu Anle, life is too long, there is no benefit."

Nu Wa heard the For a while, she turned to Fu Xi and looked at it. Fu Xi lost some blood too much. He didn't expect that he would have his own share and hurt himself so much. Vitality, of course, he chose to stand on the side of Su Hang at this time, otherwise, if he went on like this, he was afraid that he would bleed too much and die.

At the moment, Fu Xi also dripped two drops of blood in the mound, indicating that this was his last inventory.

Nu Wa was helpless for a while. After all, it was a handicraft that came out of her hand. Of course she hoped that every one was perfect. She pinched it out in front of her, but there were only a hundred or so. My brother is so stingy, he must have been infected by Brother Su.

Although she felt helpless, Nu Wa couldn't help it, and said at the moment, "That's the case, I still have to do everything I can to squeeze him."

Now I grabbed a handful of soil and sprinkled it down the mountain. The grains of sand got her chemistry, and instantly turned into men and women of different appearances, ranging from big to small, fat, thin, beautiful and ugly.

Throwing them out one by one, after a long time, the mountain was already dense and overcrowded, and the noise of the hustle and bustle was endless. It turned out that the terrifying beasts in the distance were frightened and fled around. So many strange-looking guys came out.

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