Super Study God

Chapter 2083: Dao Jie!

When the last handful of dirt was thrown out by Nu Wa, the three stood on the top of the mountain and looked down at the mountain. The black head was actually the head, but I didn't know how many people there were.

"Meet the Virgin, meet the two Fathers!"

When the words came, a man and a woman came out of the crowd, kneeling at the foot of the mountain on one knee.

When they looked at the three, it was the two who were first created by Nu Wa. This man and a woman had been engraved by Su Hang. For a short time, they were already in the realm of the Venerable, and they were not as ignorant as those who just made them.

This sudden kneeling made Nuwa a little ignorant. Obviously, she had never experienced such battles before. The dignified lady was actually at a time restrained, at a loss, not knowing how to speak, and had to ask for help. Looked at Su Hang.

Su Hang shook her head helplessly, Nu Wa made people, but she was caught by the ducks. If it weren't for her to intervene, it would be hard to tell if Nu Wa would make people.

Therefore, the human race is just an accidental product, and Nuwa is obviously at a loss for the accidental product born from her own hands.

Fu Xi beside him was also a face of stunnedness. Su Hang sighed. Although these brothers and sisters were born strong, there are really many places to grow up.

At the moment, Suhang turned to look down the mountain and said, "The new human race is struggling. Now the human race will be with you and I hope that the two of you can lead the human race and break through the world in this world."

"Sovereign Father's Order." The two bowed down quickly.

At this time, Su Hang waved his sleeves and used the rules to produce four treasures, two swords, one side printed, and one book.

"Swords are human swords, a pair of yin and yang. Now I will give you two companions, protect the clan, the clan clan of the clan, and the book is the clan of the clan. You need to take care of it. Don't lose it. The clan is in the book."

With that, the seal and the two swords flew into the hands of the two, and the two hurriedly thanked them.

At this time, Fu Xi said, "What can I do?"

The same holy Father, with his own blood on his body, Su Hang has done so much, how can he not do it at all? Fu Xi wanted to do something at the moment, but he couldn't get started.

Su Hang smiled, "This, you have to ask them to go."

Fu Xi heard the words and looked down the mountain. It was the first time he had experienced such a battle. He stared at himself with a pair of eager eyes, and he was really a little nervous.

"Is there anything else to wait for?" Fu Xi asked, pressing on his heart.

He has no magic weapon to give, only hope that their requests do not exceed their own ability, otherwise, it will be big.

The two put away the treasures given by Su Hang and knelt towards Fu Xi, "The disciples don't dare to ask any more, but the clan is weak. This wild land is full of fierce beasts. I can't keep it with my strength. I am afraid that it will become a monster beast. Please bless the Father and Mother."

"This is simple." Fu Xi hadn't spoken yet, and Nu Wa said, "I waited for the tribe to go to Qifeng Mountain, and temporarily settled under Qifeng Mountain, but Paul could wait for a thousand years to be stable."

"Thank you!" The two thanked quickly.

Finally, there was a chance to show up, and he was robbed again. Fu Xi stood next to him, his face twitched slightly, and he seemed to have no power.

"Besides that, what more can I ask for?" Fu Xi asked again. This time, no one of you can rob me.

The two under the mountain looked at each other, and the man said, "Go back to the Father's words, there is a demon qi between heaven and earth, and my physique is difficult to be compatible with the demon qi, let alone devour the qi to be self-sufficient, the clan is weak, one day The three meals can not be deserted, but the tribes are ignorant, afraid that they cannot find food for a while..."

Fu Xi heard the words and waved his big sleeves directly, not waiting for the man to finish, and then said, "This is simple, I will wait for him to solve it."

"Thank you Father!"

The two quickly thanked each other, but the next Su Hang glanced at Fu Xi with a little pity. This guy really dared to promise anything. I would like to see where you go to find so many of them. food.

So many people, among tens of millions, eat one bite at a time, that is millions of mouthfuls, how much is consumed in a day, can you manage it?

However, Fu Xi was unaware, and instead had a smile on his face, which seemed somewhat proud.


Suddenly, a dry day thunder exploded above Jiuxiao above the head, so shocked that the new human race under the mountain blew the pot, crowded together, and all the faces were full of panic.

Nu Wa looked up at the sky and seemed to feel something. She lowered her head to Su Hangdao. "My way will come. Brother Su will help me."

Su Hang nodded slightly and turned to Fu Xi Road, "You first take this human race under the mountain back to Fengshan to inhabit, and I will stay to help the Nuwa girl.

"Wait?" Fu Xi froze for a moment, his face obviously changed.

"Relax, if I'm here, nothing will happen." Su Hang said.

"Brother, let's go back first, not to let this new human race fall under the sky-tribulation." Nuwa said.

Fu Xi looked down the mountain, the expression on his face changed and changed. At this time, the sky was thundering, and large clouds gathered together, like the end of the world.

The crowd beneath the mountain, like the ants in the frying pan, are all behind. Although the two of them tried their best to stabilize the tribe, it was of no avail.

Helpless, the human race has just been born, it can't be ruined like this, anyway, they still called themselves the Father, Fu Xi gritted his teeth, arched his hand against Su Hang, "Brother Su Hang, please."

Su Hang nodded slightly.

"Waer, be careful."

Fu Xi said to Nu Wa, then waved his sleeves, turned the countless panic people into his sleeves, and turned around directly, and left.

Looking back from afar, it seemed that there was something terrible hidden in the rolling thunder, which made him feel a little creepy and shudder.

With Brother Su Hang present, Wa'er should be fine.


"Your brother cares a lot about you." Su Hang looked up at the horrible dark clouds above her head. Su Hang said lightly without changing his face.

Their brothers and sisters have been together since birth, and their feelings are naturally beyond imagination. Nu Wa smiled slightly, and did not say much. She looked up and looked at the thick black clouds in the sky, like thunder cobwebs, "This is Heavenly Tribulation in Dadao Realm

Su Hang is not sure, "Are you afraid?"

Nüwa heard the words and paused for a moment. She wasn’t the one who experienced such things as Heaven Tribulation, but she was naturally strong. Those days before, Heaven Tribulation was nothing to her.

Only this time, the invisible coercion coming from above her head made her feel something, fear! Deep fear!

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