Super Study God

Chapter 2084: Nuwa original sin!

For the first time since the memoir, Nu Wa had such a feeling. In the sky, the black cloud formed a vortex. The cloud layer was thicker and thicker, as if a sword was hanging above the head, and it might fall at any time. As a result, his own life.

Did the threat of death feel like this?

Nu Wa's face was a little pale, her human race had been born, and her Tao was completed. This was the existence of the pinnacle of Heavenly Dao Realm, and the Feng Yaobei has also been delisted. Further, that is naturally detachment.

No one has told her that even if she breaks through the avenue, she will still be robbed by the sky, and looking like this, it seems that this robber is still terrifying and threatens her life.

Su Hang asked her if she was afraid, could she not be afraid? It's just that you can't say it even if you are afraid.

"Is this robbery just a thunder? How should I deal with it?" Nu Wa asked Su Hang, she knew nothing about Dao robbery, she didn't know what to do, she was so hurried to deal with robbery, she Very uneasy in my heart.

Su Hang looked up at the sky, he had not experienced Dajie Tribulation, but he still knew a little bit about Dajie Tribulation.

"Original sin will come in a while, you can deal with the original sin with peace of mind, the rest, don't care!" Su Hang said only.

"Original sin?" Nu Wa froze for a moment. Obviously, she had never heard of this strange word.


Just as Su Hang was about to say something, a thunderbolt came from the sky, and then several figures slowly fell from the black hole.

Leading is a woman with a snake tail in her body, dressed in a white dress and white dress, beautiful and beautiful, looks like a fairy.

When Nu Wa looked at her, the expression on her face froze. The man looked exactly the same as himself, and it seemed that there was no difference.

"This is..." Nu Wa opened her mouth slightly.

Su Hangdao, "That's the original sin, your robbery, overcame her, this robbery is over! You have to deal with it carefully!"

Dadao Realm will produce original sin. The so-called Dao Tribulation is the original sin robbery. The monk's biggest robbery is actually himself. Only when he overcomes the original sin can he be considered truly detached.

In the battle of original sins, Su Hang could not intervene and could not help, only relying on Nu Wa himself. At this time, Su Hang was concerned about the two people behind Nu Wa's original sin.

He had long predicted that Nu Wa would break through the avenue, and Xuanhuang Realm would definitely intervene, but what he did not expect was that these existences would come together with the original sin.

The two men, one tall and one short, one fat and one thin, should look a bit older. The tall old man, with long eyebrows and white beards, almost dragged both eyebrows to the ground, and the short fat old man It looks like a nest melon, no eyebrows and no hair, no hair at the top of the head, it looks quite weird.

Before waiting for Su Hang to speak, they saw that the two stepped forward and bowed to Nvwa, "Long Meimei has seen the Wong Emperor!"

Nu Wa froze for a moment, then her eyes fell on the two strange men. "Have you seen me?"

The two heard the words and felt a little embarrassed on their faces. We haven’t seen it before.

The old man with a long eyebrow said, "The Emperor Wa Was out of Xuanhuang today, gratifying and congratulatory. My two are the envoys of the Xuanhuang Realm Protection World.

Nu Wa heard her words and frowned, "You two are here to stop me from breaking the road?"

From the old man's words, how Nu Wa can't tell, both of them are bad comers!

The two nodded slightly, apparently acknowledging the intention, Su Hang listened next to them, and a pair of eyes narrowed slightly. An original sin, the strength was almost equal to that of Nu Wa. Nu Wa wanted to cope with her. With the odds of winning, now there are two tall, short, fat, and thin, how can it be beaten.

"I'm waiting for Xuanhuang Realm's protector, why mix with the original sin and take advantage of the danger?" Su Hang said.

At this time, the fat old man turned to Suhang without a name and looked at it. "The duty of the ambassadors is to supervise this world and prevent the detachment of all beings in this world. Detachment, I will **** his original sin back to Chuangjie Mountain and be detained in heavenly sin!"

In a word, it was said to be a great awe-inspiring, Su Hang heard in his ear, but he chuckled softly, "When is the good Xuanhuang Realm, when there are two guardian envoys? Nu Wa has been removed from the Feng Yao monument You can’t count on beings in this world. You two are afraid that you are in the wrong place, so please come back!"

Both of them heard their brows wrinkled gently.

Long eyebrow looked at Su Hang and said, "I know you, your name is Su Hang, an unruly Nether Monk!"

"It's really difficult for two people to know my name. Su Mou was flattered!" Su Hang said directly.

The two eyebrows of the long eyebrow shook slightly, "My two people are here by fate, I hope you don't stop it unreasonably, the emperor's robbery should be taken by herself, you should not intervene, if you intervene Among them, the consequences are at your own risk!"

There is a slight threat in the speech.

Su Hang heard the words and smiled softly, "Her robbery, of course, should be taken by herself, but it is not her robbery, or that someone wants to engage in things while she crosses the robbery, but I am not allowed No matter what do you two think?"

"What do you mean?" Anonymous asked.

Su Hangdao, "I believe that you two are smart people, and you must know what I am talking about, don't blame me for saying ugly things ahead. Today, Nu Wa can survive the robbery safely. If there is any difference in the middle, I can only take you two. Confessed to her brother."

Su Hang's words fell, and his long eyebrows and unnamed face suddenly darkened.

Arrogant! Too arrogant!

Is this threatening us? Obviously, clearly knowing that we are the special envoys from the upper realm and actually threatening This is too crazy.

At this time, his long eyebrows said with a black face, "I'm waiting for the order of the realm, I don't need you to point your fingers here and there, you are too wide."

Su Hang sneered. "Anyway, anyway, I have identified you two, and I will only trouble you both."


Anonymous snorted coldly next to her, "Wait until she can survive the original sin."

Su Hang smiled lightly, not speaking.

The two didn't seem to bother to take Suhang, and said with a long eyebrow, "This is your only chance, life and death, all in this battle."

This remark was obviously spoken to the original sin of Nüwa. Nüwa's original sin was a cold look. She had never spoken before. After listening to the long eyebrows, she nodded slightly, and drifted down directly from the air. In front of Nu Wa.

On the top of the mountain, two identical Nuwa looked at each other. Su Hang looked at the two women in front of him. If they were not of different temperaments, he could hardly tell.

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