Super Study God

Chapter 2097: Heaven, Kamiyumi Castle!

Su Hang was hesitant and did not speak for a long time.

"What the **** do you think?" Jie Moxin asked.

Su Hangdao, "Now the human race has just been born, if Fu Xi and Nu Wa leave, the human race will be helpless and unable to escape the end of the extinction. At this time I will go again, I am afraid..."

Pause, Su Hangdao, "If their siblings decide to leave, at least they have to wait for me to find a new backer for the human race!"

"Then if you can't find it?" Jie Moxin's tone was already somewhat depressed.

"Can't find it?" Su Hang paused for a long time without speaking.

Jie Moxin was a little angry, "If you can't find a new leader, is that right? Are you ready to stay in this Tertiary?"

Su Hang smiled bitterly, "That's not bad, if I have been there, I will definitely not let the human race experience so many hardships, and I can witness the rise of the human race with my own eyes. By the way, before Lin Xuan's demise, he will fight with him. However, if you enter the Quaternary again, the Quaternary Warfare is not good, then enter the Fifth Age, anyway, you and I will wait patiently, and will always return to the future, but you have not waited for hundreds of millions of years!"

"I'm going!" Jie Moxin has a feeling of wanting to swear, "Fate will not allow you to do this!"

Su Hang heard the words and nodded slightly, "Yeah, destiny, let destiny arrange everything. If he is willing to give me these hundreds of millions of years, I dare to guarantee that when we return to later generations, I can let the heavens All realms, endless powers are obediently subject to my feet!"

When he said this, Su Hang was a little fanciful. After hundreds of millions of years, if he let himself pass by day to day, he didn’t know how much he could practice, let alone his With the aid of the theology system, he can reach the present state in just a few years. If it is hundreds of millions of years, it is hard to imagine.

But, can fate let him take advantage of this? Obviously, it is unlikely that he will be sent off forcibly someday.

"This human race is really a burden!" Jie Mo said uncomfortably.

"I am also a human race. Pay attention when you speak!" Su Hang is even more upset. "Although the current human race is not very good, you can't deny that the human race is the master of the future world."

"It's reasonable to say what you said!" Jie Moxin said indifferently, "You still have to seize the time to improve your strength, otherwise, at that time, the World Assembly will not have to play!"

"World Assembly!" Su Hang took a deep breath, this is a heavy stone pressed in his heart.

Jie Moxin said, "I have a feeling that this time the World Assembly is far more lively than in previous sessions."

Su Hang was silent.

"I already knew that I shouldn't have come to this world at first. It's as good as it is now. It's even worse than the dogs of the bereavement. I didn't expect so much to be able to be born in this world. The water in this world is too muddy! "Jie Moxin complained there again.

Su Hang shook his head, "If the water is muddy, there will be a clear day, and I think that day should not be too far!"

"Come on!" Realm Demon Heart said, "Waiting for you to kill the Quartet at the Universal Realm Conference, inherit the heavenly mantle, and become the patriarch of the Dadao Avenue, change the weather of this world, and beat those dozens fiercely. s face!"

"Huh!" Su Hang chuckled, "Just just hitting your face? If you don't step on them, you will be ravaged fiercely, it's hard to let out my hatred!"

Jie Moxin didn't speak, but Su Hang could feel him laughing.

But Su Hang was not telling a joke. One day, he would definitely do that, and he was already holding back too much.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. This further strengthens Su Hang’s determination to become the sovereign of the avenue. Even if there is no heavenly inheritance, he will work for it, because he wants to change the world, and he needs to change, not only A Xuanhuang Realm.



skyline! God Bow City!

There are also secular and mortal in the heavenly realm, not all of them are so powerful. The city of Divine Bow is a secular city. The place is remote, even the city’s master Liu Wanqian, but it is only a baby. It can be said that this is vast. The boundless, master-like heaven, is not even a chicken.

There is an old mansion in the west of the city. The host’s surname is Chen. It is said that it is called Chen Jinyuan. This old man is an individual-faced person. He is twenty or thirty years old and looks handsome. Marry it!

This Liu Ying'er, but the first beauty of Shen Gong City, was called a water spirit, and that was a beautiful one. I didn't know how many nobles were rushing, but he was married by this sudden emergence of Chen Jinyuan.

The two were just married shortly afterwards. It was the time when you and I were together.

I don’t know how many admirers Liu Ying'er admire, but I wish I could unload this guy with the surname Chen, but I heard that this surnamed Chen has some skills, but they were chased back by Liu Ying'er. Not popular?

Moreover, the city owner is particularly satisfied with this son-in-law, so that those who are interested have no chance at all.

In the past two days, there were still lanterns in the Red Bow City, red makeup everywhere, the city owner married a girl, but said that he would celebrate for half a month.

"Master, lord!"

A voice broke the tranquility of the morning, and also awakened the dreamer. The room was messy and the white strips on the bed were flat.

The man looked down at the sleeping woman in his arms, kissed him indulgently, then got up carefully, dressed himself, and walked out of the room.

Outside the door, a chubby boy is standing!

"Zu'er, so early in the morning, what's the call?" the man said a little unpleasantly.

" Just now the dog received a letter on the door, it seems that Brother Feng sent it!"

With that said, the little boy stepped forward and handed a letter to the young man.

"Tianfeng?" The young man was surprised, reached for the letter, and looked up at the boy. "Did you kid peep?"

When the child heard the words, his face twitched a little, "Master's letter, how dare you piggy peek!"

"Oh, this kind of thing, you and the dog don't have to do less. If it's not the old man, I'm good, I have already picked up the two of you!" The young man gave the child a white eye, and the scared child shivered.

The letter was opened at will, and the letter paper was spread out years ago, but the child also stretched his neck, and seemed to be trying hard to see what was written on the letter.

"Master, wouldn't it be the lady. They knew we were here? Or else, Brother Feng's letter would not be sent directly to our door!"

"How is it? Brother Feng gave us a letter to let us escape quickly? Madam, have they found it?"

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