Super Study God

Chapter 2098: Heaven's reply!

"Master, if you say something, you blame you. It's not good to hide. I just ran the **** bow city where the bird does not shit. When I saw the beauty, I couldn't walk. I actually stayed as a groom. I also serve. It's you..."

"No, I have to let the dogs pack up quickly. We have to run away!"


Seeing that the man hadn't spoken for a long time, the child couldn't help but panic, and kept talking!

"Are you upset?" The young man glanced up at the child.

The child shut his mouth immediately, the whole person was in place, as if he had been put on hold, the courtyard was quiet at once!

"Why are you doing so many plays?" Throwing a blind eye to the little boy, the young man threw the letter directly to the little boy, "Look for yourself!"

The child took the letter and quickly opened it. The panicked expression on his face quickly disappeared, but he was replaced by a seven-point stun and three-point surprise.

It took a long time for the boy to recover, and looked up at the young man, "Master, Brother Feng said that the Emperor Wa broke the road!"

The young man's face was uncomfortable, "Master, I am not illiterate!"

When the child heard the words, he laughed aloud, "What's the matter?"

"What's the matter?" said the young man, stretching himself slowly.

The boy was busy, "Huanghuang has already climbed the Chuangjie Mountain, and the old guys on the mountain can easily let him go? Master, don't you come forward, Brother Feng, can you stand it alone?"

Youth said, "Master, if I go back, I can stand it?"

"Of course!" Xiao Tong's voice was a little louder, "Master, if you slap down, Chuangjie Mountain can be flat, what else can't be flat? I know, Master, you must be afraid that your husband will be entangled with you. , Sir, can you be a little bit more angry? Let’s go back, don’t hide!"

The young man stared back at the little boy, "Is this my father's name to hide? This is to enjoy life, and the Emperor Wa's breaking the road. That's a matter of time. I can't control the master..."

"Master, I despise you!" the child said.

"What? Pig, do you say it again?" The young man heard this and burst into tears at once. What else did anyone dare to despise me?

Although the child was afraid, he also said, "Originally, both the dog and I knew the source of drinking water, and there was gratitude, unlike the old master, now the emperor is in trouble, but you are here to relax and hug the beauty. , Despise you, despise you, despise you..."

"I..." The young man listened, his face green and purple, "I apologize to the old man!"

"Humph!" Xiao Tong snorted, squinting his face away, "Unless you can help the Emperor Wa escape from trouble!"

"You..." The youth was so speechless that there was a gloomy expression on his face, "You are a little boy, more and more presumptuous, okay, I'm afraid of the old man, I am afraid of you. Your brother Feng sent it!"

The child was stunned for a while, "What can I do with a letter?"

The young tiger stared, "Do you doubt my ability?"

The little boy heard the words and laughed, "Of course not, sir, you are so brilliant, who can compare? The old guys in Chuangjie Mountain see the sir of your letter, and they still scare urine one by one!"

"Master, I'm a civilized person. Follow me, don't talk so vulgarly!" said the young man, but apparently it was very useful. He just turned a little in the air and changed a letter.

Xiao Tong smiled, and reached out to take the letter, "Then I will go to Chuangjie Mountain and send a letter to Brother Feng!"

Before the words were finished, the boy turned to leave, looking impatient.

"You don't need to go in person!" The youth stopped the little boy.

The child looked back at the young man unexpectedly, "Do you let the dog go, the dog has more things than me!"

The young man threw a blank eye at him, "Neither of you is allowed to go. In case the old man and my whereabouts are exposed, see how the old man will clean up you!"

The child's neck shrank, "So what?"

The youth said, "Where did you get the previous letter, you will leave this letter for me, and someone will come to pick it up!"

"Well?" The boy froze for a moment.

"Well, don't go fast!" The youth snorted coldly.

"Oh, yes!" The little boy responded and turned to go. He suddenly stopped and turned to the young man. "Master, you can be more relaxed, you are a lot of age, and you learn to be a little kid. girl!"

"Stinky kid, are you deliberately fighting?" The youth's eyes glared at once.

"Don't dare, don't dare!" The child quickly shook his head and fled away as if to escape!

"It's getting more and more lawless!" The young man shook his head helplessly as he watched the child leave, looked up at the sky, and took a deep breath. "Wait Huang is broken, should he be almost? Take advantage of this opportunity!"

"Xiang Gong!"

A Nongnon voice came from behind, bringing the young man back to reality from his thoughts. When the young man turned back, a woman in white Xue Xue was looking at him emotionally at the door, "What is Xiang Gong thinking?"



Xuanhuang Realm!


Su Hang woke up from entering the center, and his eyes fell on the mailbox next to it. The mailbox vibrated a little and made a clear sound. Obviously, there was a letter.

Su Hang immediately got up, opened the mailbox, and really took out a letter from it.

"The real person from Cangtian wrote back!" Su Hang looked at the envelope and only wrote the word "order", and there was also a blood-red seal with the word "Cangtian" on it.

Su Hang couldn't help but be happy, so that when he saw Yin Tianfeng next time, he would send him this letter, should he be enough to bluff him?

No one can find Cangtian, but only he can find it. This alone can at least make the old fellow Yin Tianfeng obey himself.

In the future, who would dare to make yourself directly write a letter and make a small report, Su Hang looked at the mailbox next to his eyes. Although this thing will only send and receive letters, but this function is used well. Big killer.

"Don't you open it and see?" At this time, Jie Moxin asked again.

Su Hang listened and said, "Don't confuse me. Although I have curiosity, I also have my temperament and I won't spy on others!"

"What if the content of the letter is related to you?" Jie Moxin asked again.

"Related to me? How could it be related to me?" Su Hang froze for a moment?

Jie Moxin said, "If you don't take a look, how do you know it has nothing to do with you? Think about it, it is not better to send him directly to Yin Tianfeng, why should you come here again?"

Su Hang heard this and paused. "Maybe he has any concerns?"

"Worries?" Jie Moxin listened and smiled, "What kind of worries can he have? He is heaven, and the world is his biggest. You tell me, what can he worry about?"

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